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Information icon.svg For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.

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German Foreign Minster Annalena Baerbock: "We are fighting a war against Russia" (January 25, 2023)

Andreas Manok

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Andreas Manok.png
Born 1959
Occupation attorney

Andreas Manok (* 1959) is a German lawyer.

After studying law at the Universities in Mannheim and Tübingen and the legal clerkship in Konstanz and Istanbul (Turkey), Andreas Manok filed the second legal state examination in 1990. Since then, he has worked as a lawyer. This was followed by further training in labor law specialist and medical law. From 2009 to 2011 he completed a Master's program Medical Law at the Dresden International University. Following this, he completed his PhD at the chair of Prof. Dr. Bernd-Rüdiger Kern at the University of Leipzig. Andreas Manok is a partner in a mid-sized law firm in Ravensburg. He advises and represents mainly doctors and other providers in the health sector in all relevant legal matters.[1]

In 2015, he published the book The medically not indicated circumcision of the male child - Legal situation before and after the adoption of § 1631d Civil Code with special consideration of fundamental rights, Writings on health law [SGR], vol. 34, 2015. 217 pp. in Duncker & Humblot.


Die medizinisch nicht indizierte Beschneidung des maennlichen Kindes (2015)
  • Body Integrity Identity Disorder[wp]. Die Zulässigkeit von Amputationen gesunder Gliedmaßen aus rechtlicher Sicht., Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2012, ISBN 3-86583-662-3
  • Die medizinisch nicht indizierte Beschneidung des männlichen Kindes. Rechtslage vor und nach Inkrafttreten des § 1631d BGB unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Grundrechte., Duncker & Humblot, 2015 (Schriften zum Gesundheitsrecht [SGR], Band 34), ISBN 3-428-14584-4


  1. Duncker & Humblot: Andreas Manok

External links

  • Rechtsanwälte Volz, Angelstorf, Manok, Lehmann & Partner mbB: Andreas Manok (Biography, fields of activity, memberships)

This article based on an article Andreas Manok (13 May 2015) from the free Encyklopedia IntactiWiki. The IntactiWiki article is published under GNU-License for free Documentation. In IntactiWiki is a List of Authors available those who worked on the text before being incorporated in WikiMANNia.