Information icon.svg MediaWiki[wp] is hostile to Men, see T323956.
Information icon.svg For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.

Germany has been a party to the war since 1124 days by supplying weapons of war.

German Foreign Minster Annalena Baerbock: "We are fighting a war against Russia" (January 25, 2023)


From WikiMANNia
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Main PageInternet → WikiMANNia
Description Internet encyclopedia
Slogan Sharing knowledge free of feminist indoctrination
Available language(s) 4
Launched August 1, 2011
Current status active
Number of Articles 1,147 (Effective: Mar 25, 2025)
More info
Software MediaWiki
Content license CC BY-SA 2.0
Registration yes
Commercial no
Owner Joel Castro

WikiMANNia (MRA Wiki) is a knowledge base regarding favoritism towards women and discrimination against men in politics, law and society.

Imagine a world in which every man can share knowledge free of feminist indoctrination. That's our commitment. — WikiMANNia Vision Statement.

The goal of WikiMANNia is to be a comprehensive library of men's issues, antifeminism, men's movement and criticism of feminism. It is dedicated to helping everyone who defends himself against these injustices by providing arguments and facts.

WikiMANNia is the antithesis of the feminist victim culture and hate ideology.

History of German WikiMANNia

After an outspoken self-declared profeminist and radical leftist user of the German Wikipedia had caused the deletion of the article "Masculism"[1], around the end of 2008 there were some discussions in the German forum WGvdL. The User Rainer made the proposal to create a wiki of our own. In collaboration with the User Mars, the site WikiMANNia was launched on January 18th 2009; the first article was masculism. German author Arne Hoffmann favorably mentioned the new wiki half a year later in his blog.[2] Two years later, 400 articles had been created in the German WikiMANNia.[3] In May the number went up to 450, in June to 500, in July to 550, in August to 650, in September to 700, in October to 750, in November to 800, in December to 850 articles.[4] 2012 the count increased to 900 in January, 950 in February, 1000 in March, 1050 in April, 1150 in August, 1200 in October, 1250 in November and 1300 in December.[5] 2013 the count increased to 1350 in February, 1400 in April, 1450 in July, 1500 in August, 1600 in September, 1650 in October and 1725 in November 2013.[6] 2014 the count increased to 1775 in January, to 1800 in January 2014, to 4000 in July 2017 and to 5000 items in January 2019. The current inventory in August 2019 is 5285 items (in German).

On July 15, 2015 WikiMANNia reached 400 items in English.

On December 3, 2016 WikiMANNia reached 600 items in English.

On April 5, 2017 WikiMANNia reached 700 items in English.

On January 21, 2018 WikiMANNia reached 800 items in English.

On September 8, 2018 WikiMANNia reached 900 items in English.

On July 21, 2019 WikiMANNia reached 560 items in English.

History of English WikiMANNia

Since 1st of August 2011, the English language version of WikiMANNia is open.

Quote: «[WikiMANNia] is really self explanatory. A site setup in German and English with the opportunity, for anyone willing, to add their facts and figures to record the destruction, death and pain feminism has inflicted on society and we can safely state without any fear of contradiction that it affects both sexes at the same time. Feminism is an equal opportunity supplier of pain and suffering to all with bias.» - September 22, 2011[7]
Quote: «WikiMANNia is an independent wiki[wp] where masculists, antifeminists and men's rights activists can gather information without being censored or banned. [...] The goals of WikiMANNia are: to give anyone quick access to the most important issues regarding discrimination against men and favoritism towards women in politics, laws and society, and to offer an overview of antifeminism and the men's rights movement. It is dedicated to everyone who has to defend himself against feminist injustice, providing them with information for discussions on the web and elsewhere.» - September 14, 2011[8]

The current inventory on 25 of March 2025 is 1,147 items (in English).

Guidelines and objectives of the project

WikiMANNia aims to counteract the feminist bias, which spreads a mythical view of a world in which only female victims and male perpetrators are acknowledged, while favoritism towards women and discrimination against men are swept under the rug.

WikiMANNia wants to document the policies which destroy the family.

WikiMANNia sees Wikipedia's "neutral point of view" as illusory in an open project with anonymous authors. An objective account is only possible for soundly established knowledge, which is not possible for controversial and emotionally charged issues such as feminism or men's rights. There could only ever be a misleading veneer of neutrality. A good example of this pseudo-neutrality is the article on the men's rights movement[wp] in the German Wikipedia.

Through the institutionalization of feminism (aka state feminism), feminist positions are over-represented in society. WikiMANNia sets itself in a decidedly anti-feminist position to act as a counter-weight against the feminist orthodoxy. Gender studies, Women's studies, Queer's studies are presented here as pseudo-scientific posturing that brings no gain in knowledge, but only ideological propaganda.

WikiMANNia aims to set itself apart from the often exaggerated claims made on various blogs, by focussing on facts and rational arguments. However, while most articles are written in an objective language, a few terms are beyond serious presentation, so the occasional humorous or satirical article can also be found here.


  1. German Wikipedia: Deletion of "Maskulismus", 4th January 2009
  2. Genderama: WikiMANNia mausert sich, 27th Juli 2009
  3. WGvdL-Forum (Archiv 2)WikiMANNia hat eine runde Zahl zu feiern! on 19th January 2011
  4. WGvdL-Forum (Archiv 2): WikiMANNia: 440 articles on 24th March 2011, WikiMANNia: 450 articles on 7th May 2011, WikiMANNia: 500 articles on 11th June 2011, WikiMANNia: 550 articles on 11th July 2011, WikiMANNia: 600 articles on 1st August 2011, WikiMANNia: 650 articles on 16th August 2011, WikiMANNia: 700 articles on 6th September 2011, WikiMANNia: 750 articles on 15th October 2011, WikiMANNia: 800 articles on 7th November 2011, WikiMANNia: 850 articles on 4th December 2011
  5. WGvdL-Forum (Archiv 2): WikiMANNia: 900 articles on 3rd January 2012, WikiMANNia: 950 articles on 7th February 2012, WikiMANNia: 1000 articles on 8th March 2012, WikiMANNia: 1050 articles on 16th April 2012, WikiMANNia: 1100 articles on 21th August 2012, WikiMANNia: 1150 articles on 31th August 2012, WikiMANNia: 1200 articles on 2nd October 2012, WGvdL-ForumWikiMANNia: 1250 articles on 15th November 2012, WikiMANNia: 1300 articles on 27th December 2012
  6. WGvdL-ForumWikiMANNia: 1350 articles on 1st March 2013, WikiMANNia: 1400 articles on 10th April 2013, WikiMANNia: 1450 articles on 12th July 2013, WikiMANNia: 1500 articles on 13th August 2013, WikiMANNia: 1550 articles on 4th September 2013, WikiMANNia: 1600 articles on 28th September 2013, WikiMANNia: 1650 articles on 4th November 2013, WikiMANNia: 1725 articles on 29th November 2013
  7. WikiMANNia: Kicking Feminism to the Curb, WMASAW on September 22, 2011
  8. New Masculism / MRA Wiki, The Spearhead on September 14, 2011

See also

External links

Fighting For Men's Rights on January 15, 2015