Information icon.svg MediaWiki[wp] is hostile to Men, see T323956.
Information icon.svg For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.

Germany has been a party to the war since 1126 days by supplying weapons of war.

German Foreign Minster Annalena Baerbock: "We are fighting a war against Russia" (January 25, 2023)

The Spearhead

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The Spearhead
Description Weblog
Available language(s) English
Launched September 2009-March 2015
Current status closed
More info
Owner W.F. Price
Twitter @spearheadmag

The Spearhead was an MRM weblog started by W.F. Price in September 2009.

Quote: «The Spearhead - Getting to the Heart of the Matter

Over the last few years, it has become increasingly obvious that American men - particularly those of the post-boomer generations - have fallen into a cultural gap. Our voice is barely a whisper in the traditional media, we are consistently portrayed as worthless buffoons and advertisers ignore us.

But underneath the gossip shows on TV, the newspaper articles written by elderly columnists and the parade of empty-headed starlets there is a rising murmur of dissent - a growing dissatisfaction with the shabby state of affairs. There is a palpable feeling that our legitimate grievances have been ignored even as more and more indignities are heaped on our heads.

Some of us have finally started to find our voice, and a number of blogs dedicated to men's issues have appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, creating something of a movement. But "movement" might be the wrong term, because in our contrived and artificial society the meaning of that word has come to be associated with dilettante radicals with bullhorns and giant puppets making appeals on behalf of sea turtles or some other exotic cause. What sets our movement apart is that many men, because of the real injustices so many of us have faced first-hand, have come to a common awareness that there are serious political, legal and cultural problems that plague men in our society.

Rather than engaging in status displays of conspicuous righteousness, we are raising our voices in defense of ourselves, our families and our fellow men, which is a far more ennobling thing to do than raiding weasel farms or getting involved in intertribal disputes halfway around the world.

This magazine is an expression of our growing voice, and combines the talents of some of the Anglosphere's best bloggers on men's issues. We don't all have exactly the same opinions or the same solutions, but we’re all dedicated to tackling the same injustices and building a better society based on honesty and a realistic assessment of human nature. And, finally, we're also dedicated to providing top-notch content that will inform, educate and entertain readers.

Enjoy our magazine!»[1]


  1. The Spearhead: About[webarchive]

External links

  • Website:[webarchive]
    • When the Equalist Fantasy Falters, MRAs and Feminists Will Join Forces[webarchive], February 8, 2015, By W.F. Price
    • Buzzfeed article on Paul Elam[webarchive], February 6, 2015, By W.F. Price
    • Why MRA has been and will continue to be a failure[webarchive], January 30, 2015, By W.F. Price (Men's rights movement)
    • Antifeminism Might Become Illegal in the Nordic Countries[webarchive], March 29, 2013, By Henry Laasanen (Antifeminism)
    • Campus Hate Hoaxes: False Accusations as Political Aggression[webarchive], March 5, 2013, By W.F. Price
    • A Gay Reader Weighs in on Relationship Between Feminism and Gay Rights[webarchive], March 2, 2013, By W.F. Price
    • Comment of the Week: How Feminism Destroys Economic Equality[webarchive], February 27, 2013, By W.F. Price
    • The Manosphere[webarchive], September 3, 2012, By Professor Mentu (Manosphere)
    • Taking the Men's Rights Movement Forward[webarchive], February 26, 2012, By Ethical Justice
    • The child support catastrophe[webarchive], August 24, 2011, By Dalrock (Child support)
    • NAWALT Is True, So What's The Problem?[webarchive], May 12, 2011, By W.F. Price (NAWALT-Syndrome)
    • The Future After the Death of Feminism[webarchive], February 25, 2011, By Delusion Damage
    • Why We Need A Men's Movement[webarchive], January 22, 2011, By Gorbachev
    • Hybrid Feminism[webarchive], January 8, 2011
    • Spearhead Exclusive: International Men's Movement Bursts Onto Europe's Political Scene[webarchive], November 5, 2010, By Max Stirner
    • Feminist False Consciousness[webarchive], June 7, 2010
    • The Garbage Generation: A Spearhead Book Review[webarchive], November 11, 2009 (Daniel Amneus)
    • The Feminist's Guide To Debate Tactics[webarchive], October 24, 2009