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Elin Theresa Krantz

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Elin Theresa Krantz
Elin Theresa Krantz.jpg
Lived 1983-September 26, 2010
Elin Theresa Krantz

Elin Theresa Krantz (1983-2010) was a blonde-haired, blue eyed Swedish woman, who was killed by a 23 year old Ethiopian male, Ephrem Tadele Yohannes.

Elin Krantz supported colored immigration to Sweden.

Ephrem Tadele Yohannes

On September 26, 2010 Ephrem Tadele Yohannes raped her, killed her, and then threw her body among rocks. Ephrem is a negro born in Ethiopia. He lived in the United States for a time and commited numerous crimes. Then he married an Ethiopian woman and immigrated to Sweden. After the murder in June 2011, he was sentenced to a mere 16 years jail and then after that he will simply be deported from Sweden.

Location of the corpse

English translation
It is not a cheap showmanship on my part, if I show here the pictures of the murdered. Rather, it is the horror of this creature, so inhumanly battered before its death. The horror of the question: who is responsible for this horror?
German Original
Es ist von meiner Seite keine billige Effekthascherei, wenn ich hier die Bilder der Ermordeten zeige. Vielmehr ist es das Entsetzen über diese vor ihrem Tod so unmenschlich geschundene Kreatur. Das Entsetzen über die Frage: WER verantwortet dieses Grauen? [1]


Quote: «This is not a political film, although it does touch upon some sensitive issues regarding Sweden's Immigration policies, it would be impossible not to mention these things being it was something Elin felt passionate about but also the effects her death had on Immigration debates in Sweden.

Elin Krantz has virtually become an urban legend and a torch lite for political arguments on Swedens open border policy.

This is a documentary exploring her death but also what brought her to reaching such infamy on the web, whether that is hatred because of her relationships or because of her politics. I had no political agenda in making this film, I just thought it was a story that needed to be told.

There are rapes and murders everyday, what makes this interesting is the life of it's own this case taken. She was a normal happy woman with a set of passions no different from anyone else, it is sad that she has now become a political tool for beliefs she was against.

Information was compiled solely off of the internet , which is a pandora’s box when it comes to truths and mistruths. So please watch with this knowledge.

The tragic death of 27 year old model Elin Krantz that has become more urban legend then fact, where alt right use her as a political pawn going against everything she believed in but I am just attempting to tell the story of her death and skip the politics.

In Scandinavia, multiculturalism is a big issue and something Elin Krantz was passionate about. Elin lived and breathed a belief that Sweden should have an open border policy and let everyone know it. Many of her lovers had been black or newly arrived to Sweden and this is where is passions lied. She was passionate about foreign foods and Hop Hop as much as she loved her dog.

On September 26, 2010, 27 year old was on her way home after a night out with friends in the Valand nightclub in downtown Gothenburg in western Sweden. It was 4am already and after her friend had gotten off, Elin found herself alone in the tram with a few more stops to go before reaching her destination.

But Elin was not alone, her and her friend had been followed as they left the club that night, a 23 year old man who had immigrated to Sweden as a refugee from Ethiopia, via Virginia in the USA, where he had been in trouble more than once with the law and in jail, forcing him to leave the country. The man later identified as Ephrem Tadele Yohannes noticed the beautiful young Swedish blonde and seeing that she was alone in the tram late at night, decided to do what the vast majority of don't don’t arbitrarily look for women to sexually violate at night.

Ephrem Tadele Yohannes followed Elin Krantz out of the tram, abducted her, pulled her into the wooden area and raped her there in the most violent way possible. Elin Krantz was hit and kicked by Ephrem Tadele Yohannes with so much force, her brain suffered from permanent damage resulting in a lack of oxygen, her head, neck, arms and legs were covered with contusions and hemorrhaging and her membranes around the vaginal opening were burst open.

Thanks to the video recorded by the CCTV camera inside the tram, the police used clear leads and arrested Ephrem Tadele Yohannes shortly after the crime, charging him with murder and aggravated rape.

Yohannes when arrested and for his first 3 months in Jail said nothing just denied being part of it, but it was when they confronted him with the fact they found his seman inside of Elin he came up with the story that he was out walking and heard a woman screaming from the forest so he ran to help and saw pretty young Elin being raped by two white men that he chased away. Elin who was badly hurt he tried to carry her but as he did the men came back to chase him away, so he left her and ran. He told the police he was more a failed hero than the villain.

The Courts failed to believe Yohannes the married man with 2 young kids and they sentenced him to the comedic 16 years where he hill be out on the streets while he is still in his thirties.» - Vimeo[2]


  1. Elin Theresa Krantz - das Mordopfer - Ruhe in Frieden, Freies Europa / Free Europe on August 1, 2011
  2. Vimeo-logo.png Killing Elin Krantz (Diciembre 14, 2017) (Time: 8:34 min.)

Film clips

  • Vimeo-logo.png Killing Elin Krantz (2017-12-14) (Time: 8:34 min.)
  • Youtube-link-icon.svg Tre brottsoffer - jan milld (April 28, 2011) (Size: 15:00 min.) ("Mordet på Elin Krantz, våldtäkten på Jenny Lemon, misshandeln av Fredrick Federley - svensk mångkultur av idag." - "The murder of Elin Krantz, the rape of Jenny Lemon, the murder of Fredrick Federley - Swedish multiculturalism of today.")
  • Youtube-link-icon.svg Elin Krantz mördades. Vila i Frid. Elin i Efterlyst 6/10 R.I.P. - whathitthefan (October 9, 2010) (Size: 9:32 min.) ("Elin Krantz mördades. Vila i Frid. - Gå med i Facebookgruppen till minne av Elin." - "Elin Krantz was murdered. Rest in peace. Join the Facebook group in memory of Elin.")
  • Youtube-link-icon.svg Elin Krantz begravning i Falköping 15/10 - whathitthefan (October 18, 2010) (Size: 2:26 min.) ("Elin Krantz begravning i Falköping 15/10. - Facebookgruppen som anser att sorg inte är nog, de vill göra mer än bara sörja." - "Funeral in Falköping on 15 October. - The Facebook group, which believes that sadness is not enough, wants more than just mourning.")

See also

External links

Michaela Eklund is the golden rider in the Swedish multicultural paradise. A Swedish government-sponsored music video that promotes multiculturalism and promotes African culture:

This article based on an article Elin Krantz from Rightpedia, 22 December 2015.