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For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.
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Jemima Repo
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Jemima Repo | |
@jrepo |
Jemima Repo is a British political scientist. She is lecturer in the Politics of Gender at Newcastle University.
- Research interests
- Feminist political theory, biopolitics, theories of gender, race and class, contemporary social and political theory, violence, popular culture
- Qualifications
- PhD in Political Science (Politics) University of Helsinki, 2012
- MSc in Political Science (World Politics) University of Helsinki, 2006
- BA in Political Science (World Politics) University of Helsinki, 2006
- Previous positions
- Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki
- Research Fellow, Birkbeck, University of London
- Visiting Lecturer, University of Groningen
- Visiting Reseach Fellow, Waseda University
- Memberships
- Editorial board member of Democratic Theory
- Editorial board member of the Finnish ISA journal Kosmopolis
- American Political Science Association
- American Sociological Association
- European International Studies Association
- International Studies Association
- Finnish Women's Studies Association
- Finnish International Studies Association
- Finnish Peace Research Association
- Finnish Political Science Association[1]
- Publications
- Repo J. Thanatopolitics or biopolitics? Diagnosing the racial and sexual politics of the European far-right [Bodies in politics]. Contemporary Political Theory 2016, 15(1), 110-118.
- Repo J. Gender Equality as Bioeconomic Governmentality in a Neoliberal EU. In: Prozorov,S; Rentea,S, ed. Ashgate Research Companion to Biopolitics. Farnham: Ashgate, 2016. In Press.
- Repo J. The Biopolitics of Gender. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.
- Repo J. Gender Equality as Biopolitical Governmentality in a Neoliberal European Union. Social Politics 2014, Epub ahead of print.
- Repo J, Yrjölä R. 'We’re All Princesses Now': Sex, Class and Neoliberal Governmentality in the Rise of Middle-Class Monarchy. European Journal of Cultural Studies 2015, 18(6), 741-760.
- Repo J. Herculine Barbin and the Omission of Biopolitics from Judith Butler’s Gender Genealogy. Feminist Theory 2014, 15(1), 73-88.
- Repo J. Reproduction. In: Gibbons,MT; Coole,D; Ellis,E; Ferguson,K, ed. The Encyclopedia of Political Thought. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014, pp.3222-3226.
- Repo J. The Biopolitical Birth of Gender: Social Control, Hermaphroditism, and the New Sexual Apparatus. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political 2013, 38(3), 228-244.
- Repo J. The Life Function: The Biopolitics of Sexuality and Race Revisited. Theory & Event 2013, 16(3).
- Repo J. The Governance of Fertility Through Gender Equality in the EU and Japan. Asia Europe Journal 2012, 10(2-3), 199-214.
- Repo J. "Gender" biopolitiikkana. Naistutkimus-Kvinnoforskning 2012, 3, 51-55.
- Kantola J, Norocel C, Repo J. Gendering violence in the school shootings in Finland. European Journal of Women’s Studies 2011, 18(2), 183-197.
- Repo J, Yrjölä R. The Gender Politics of Celebrity Humanitarianism in Africa. International Feminist Journal of Politics 2011, 13(1), 44-62.
- Repo J. Sexuality, Race and the Biopolitics of Difference. In: Kajanus,A;Meinke,M, ed. Perspectives on Difference: Makings and Workings of Power. Helsinki: Renvall Institute Publications 30, Unigrafia, 2012.
- Repo J. A Feminist Reading of Gender and National Memory at the Yasukuni Shrine. Japan Forum 2008, 20(2), 219-243.
- Repo J. Sukupuoli, toiseus ja väkivaltaisuuden rajat: Diskursseja naisterroristeistä ja naissotilaista Irakin sodassa. Naistutkimus-Kvinnoforskning 2007, 4, 4-15.[2]
- ↑ Newcastle University: Dr Jemima Repo - Lecturer in the Politics of Gender - Profile
- ↑ Newcastle University: Dr Jemima Repo - Lecturer in the Politics of Gender - Publications