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Jemima Repo

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Jemima Repo
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Twitter @jrepo

Jemima Repo is a British political scientist. She is lecturer in the Politics of Gender at Newcastle University.

Research interests
Feminist political theory, biopolitics, theories of gender, race and class, contemporary social and political theory, violence, popular culture
PhD in Political Science (Politics) University of Helsinki, 2012
MSc in Political Science (World Politics) University of Helsinki, 2006
BA in Political Science (World Politics) University of Helsinki, 2006
Previous positions
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki
Research Fellow, Birkbeck, University of London
Visiting Lecturer, University of Groningen
Visiting Reseach Fellow, Waseda University
Editorial board member of Democratic Theory
Editorial board member of the Finnish ISA journal Kosmopolis
American Political Science Association
American Sociological Association
European International Studies Association
International Studies Association
Finnish Women's Studies Association
Finnish International Studies Association
Finnish Peace Research Association
Finnish Political Science Association[1]
  • Repo J. Thanatopolitics or biopolitics? Diagnosing the racial and sexual politics of the European far-right [Bodies in politics]. Contemporary Political Theory 2016, 15(1), 110-118.
  • Repo J. Gender Equality as Bioeconomic Governmentality in a Neoliberal EU. In: Prozorov,S; Rentea,S, ed. Ashgate Research Companion to Biopolitics. Farnham: Ashgate, 2016. In Press.
  • Repo J. The Biopolitics of Gender. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.
  • Repo J. Gender Equality as Biopolitical Governmentality in a Neoliberal European Union. Social Politics 2014, Epub ahead of print.
  • Repo J, Yrjölä R. 'We’re All Princesses Now': Sex, Class and Neoliberal Governmentality in the Rise of Middle-Class Monarchy. European Journal of Cultural Studies 2015, 18(6), 741-760.
  • Repo J. Herculine Barbin and the Omission of Biopolitics from Judith Butler’s Gender Genealogy. Feminist Theory 2014, 15(1), 73-88.
  • Repo J. Reproduction. In: Gibbons,MT; Coole,D; Ellis,E; Ferguson,K, ed. The Encyclopedia of Political Thought. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014, pp.3222-3226.
  • Repo J. The Biopolitical Birth of Gender: Social Control, Hermaphroditism, and the New Sexual Apparatus. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political 2013, 38(3), 228-244.
  • Repo J. The Life Function: The Biopolitics of Sexuality and Race Revisited. Theory & Event 2013, 16(3).
  • Repo J. The Governance of Fertility Through Gender Equality in the EU and Japan. Asia Europe Journal 2012, 10(2-3), 199-214.
  • Repo J. "Gender" biopolitiikkana. Naistutkimus-Kvinnoforskning 2012, 3, 51-55.
  • Kantola J, Norocel C, Repo J. Gendering violence in the school shootings in Finland. European Journal of Women’s Studies 2011, 18(2), 183-197.
  • Repo J, Yrjölä R. The Gender Politics of Celebrity Humanitarianism in Africa. International Feminist Journal of Politics 2011, 13(1), 44-62.
  • Repo J. Sexuality, Race and the Biopolitics of Difference. In: Kajanus,A;Meinke,M, ed. Perspectives on Difference: Makings and Workings of Power. Helsinki: Renvall Institute Publications 30, Unigrafia, 2012.
  • Repo J. A Feminist Reading of Gender and National Memory at the Yasukuni Shrine. Japan Forum 2008, 20(2), 219-243.
  • Repo J. Sukupuoli, toiseus ja väkivaltaisuuden rajat: Diskursseja naisterroristeistä ja naissotilaista Irakin sodassa. Naistutkimus-Kvinnoforskning 2007, 4, 4-15.[2]
