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Ruth Brown

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Ruth Brown - Place of Paradise (Jan. 2016)
"To be on stage, this isn't something anyone would ever expect me to do." - Ruth

Ruth Brown (* 1992) lives in London and was participant in BBC - The Voice season 2012.

In January 2016 she released her first single Place of Paradise.

Quote: «She may seem shy but don't let that fool you: beneath her quiet exterior lies a gigantic voice. 20-year-old Ruth Brown blew the coaches away and won a prestigious spot on Sir Tom's team.
She said she was nervous but Ruth has already sung for the most powerful man in Britain - the Prime Minister, not Tom Jones - so she's no stranger to the stage. But she says she wants someone to help her become an ARTIST.
Brought up with music-loving parents, she's got music in her bones. Her ideal way to relax is to write songs - we prefer a hot chocolate but that's why she's an artist and we're not! Who knows, she could soon be singing her own songs for a living...» - BBC - The Voice (Profile)[1]
Quote: «Ruth Brown from London with a gigantic voice that doesn't even need a microphone for the world to hear!
In 2012 Ruth Brown was on the first series of The Voice UK, in which Ruth blew coaches away and won a prestigious spot on Sir Tom's team, which continued throughout the show. However since her departure from The Voice Semi-Finals, she has twitted that she has had no contact from Sir Tom since the show, although Ruth is still young, has a great vocal ability which can still improve. Every time Ruth Brown sings she is singing from inside, her passion comes across with every note then her ability really does make sure it delivers telling a story to the audience.» - Music Crowns[2]
Quote: «Im worried that as other artists launch a career from the Voice she will become side-lined and lost. Which would be a great tragedy as she has great potential.» - Quote on 10-06-2012
Quote: «Put simply, Ruth Brown is the girl who killed Five Star. The Voice was supposed to mark Deniece Pearson's[wp] tentative first step back into the limelight after decades of obscurity, but Ruth made sure this didn't happen. As Deniece moonwalked and shoulder-popped and cha'moned her way through No One[wp] during Saturday's battle, Ruth just stood there and punched a colossal hole in the song. She left Deniece in tatters. Expect her to do the same to the rest of the competition.» - The Guardian[3]
Ruth Ruth at her Blind Audition performs When love takes over[wp]
Ruth Brown in Battle with Deniece Pearson[wp] - No One[wp]
Ruth Brown performs Get Here[wp]
Ruth Brown performs Next To Me[wp]
Ruth Brown with Leanne Mit­chell[wp] performing Shake It Out[wp]
Ruth Brown performs The Voice Within[wp] in the semi-final


  1. BBC - The Voice: Ruth Brown (Profile)
  2. Ruth Brown, Music Crowns on 7 May 2013
  3. The Voice: who to keep in - and who to vote off, The Guardian on 27 April 2012

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