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Donbas for us

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Main PageCultureArtMusicSong → Donbas for us
Donbas for us
Mikhail Sergeevich Khokhlov
Vladimir Leonidovich Skobtsov
Margarita Sergeyevna Lisovina
Natalia Alexandrovna Kachura
First performance
September 9, 2020

The song "Donbas for Us" (Russian: Донбасс за нами; also: Donbass is behind us) became popular as the unofficial "National Anthem of Donbas"[1] in the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, as well as in Russia. The song was premiered on September 9, 2020. The author of the lyrics is Vladimir Skobtsov, the composer of the music is Mikhail Khokhlov. The performers are Natalia Kachura and Margarita Lisovina.

Screenshot of the official video clip[2]


The song was first performed in Donetsk on September 9, 2020 by Donetsk poet Vladimir Skobtsov and composer Mikhail Khokhlov. The song was performed by vocalists of the Donetsk Musical and Drama Theater[wp] (MDT) Natalia Kachura and Margarita Lisovina.

Initially, the song "Donbas for us" was dedicated by the Skobtsovs to the 77th anniversary of the liberation of Donbas from the Nazi invaders, but after the first broadcast performed by the vocalists of the Donetsk Musical and Drama Theater, according to Russian media, it "blew up the Internet", gained millions of views and gained great popularity.

On May 11, 2021, the official video for the song "Donbas for us" was presented on the MDT YouTube channel, receiving 5 million views.

In September 2021, a flash mob video "Donbas for us" was filmed on the contact line in the Lugansk People's Republic for the 78th anniversary of the liberation of Donbas from Nazi troops, with about 1,000 people taking part in the filming of the video. The song was performed by the lead singer of the Novorossiya ensemble Roman Razum, and in October by the Military Ensemble of the People's Militia of the LPR. The song "Donbas for us" was performed in the format of a military march.

At the concert-rally in Luzhniki on March 18, 2022, in honor of the eighth anniversary of the annexation of Crimea, the song "Donbas for us" was performed together with Natalia Kachura by the Russian singer Victoria Daineko.


  • Gratitude from the government of the Donetsk People's Republic to authors and performers (December 13, 2020);
  • Laureate of the National Literary Prize "Golden Pen of Rus'" (2020, not to be confused with "Golden Pen of Russia");
  • Special Prize of the International Festival-Competition of National Patriotic Song "Red Carnation" (2021).
  • Grand Prix of the Moscow Open Competition-Festival "Lights of the Kremlin Moscow" in the nomination "Military-Patriotic Song" (2021).


Russian Transliteration English translation
Проснулся Зверь в кромешной темноте
И Богу была названа цена
Прогнулись все - и братья во Христе
Прогнулось всё, но не моя страна
Был урожайным високосный год
И кровью смерть была пьяным-пьяна
От туч свинцовых гнулся небосвод
Прогнулось всё, но не моя страна
В полнеба пламя
В полнеба смог
Москва за нами
И с нами Бог!
В полнеба пламя
В полнеба смог
Россия с нами
И с нами Бог!
Здесь памяти не предали отцов
Здесь не отдали дедовской земли
Какой ценою - не отыщешь слов
Здесь за Отчизну жизнь не берегли
И снова сила русская в руках
И жизнь, и смерть за Родину красна
Стоит и держит небосвод в веках
Моя непокорённая страна
В полнеба пламя
В полнеба смог
Донбасс за нами
И с нами Бог!
В полнеба пламя
В полнеба смог
Россия с нами
И с нами Бог!
Пусть суждено погибнуть на кресте
Но на колени не поставить нас
В кровавом полюшке один за всех
Стоит и держит небосвод Донбасс
В полнеба пламя
В полнеба смог
Донбасс за нами
И с нами Бог!
В полнеба пламя
В полнеба смог
Россия с нами
И с нами Бог!
В полнеба пламя
В полнеба смог
Москва за нами
И с нами Бог!
В полнеба пламя
В полнеба смог
Россия с нами
И с нами Бог!
Prosnulsya Zver' v kromeshnoy temnote
I Bogu byla nazvana tsena
Prognulis' vse - i brat'ya vo Khriste
Prognulos' vsyo, no ne moya strana
Byl urozhaynym visokosnyy god
I krov'yu smert' byla pyanym-p'yana
Ot tuch svintsovyykh gnulsya nebosvod
Prognulos' vsyo, no ne moya strana
V polneba plamya
V polneba smog
Moskva za nami
I s nami Bog!
V polneba plamya
V polneba smog
Rossiya s nami
I s nami Bog!
Zdes' pamyati ne predali otsov
Zdes' ne oddali dedovskoy zemli
Kakoy tsenoyu - ne otyshchesh' slov
Zdes' za Otchiznu zhizn' ne beregli
I snova sila russkaya v rukakh
I zhizn', i smert' za Rodinu krasna
Stoit i derzhit nebosvod v vekakh
Moya nepokoryonnaya strana
V polneba plamya
V polneba smog
Donbass za nami
I s nami Bog!
V polneba plamya
V polneba smog
Rossiya s nami
I s nami Bog!
Pust' suzhdeno pogibnut' na kreste
No na kolena ne postavit' nas
V krovavom polyushke odin za vsekh
Stoit i derzhit nebosvod Donbass
V polneba plamya
V polneba smog
Donbass za nami
I s nami Bog!
V polneba plamya
V polneba smog
Rossiya s nami
I s nami Bog!
V polneba plamya
V polneba smog
Moskva za nami
I s nami Bog!
V polneba plamya
V polneba smog
Rossiya s nami
I s nami Bog!
The Beast woke up in pitch darkness
And the price was named to God
Everyone bowed - brothers in Christ
Everything bowed, but not my country
A leap year was fruitful
And death was drunk with blood
The sky bent from lead clouds
Everything bowed, but not my country
In the sky flames
In the sky smoke
Moscow behind us
And God with us!
In the sky flames
In the sky smoke
Russia with us
And God with us!
Here they did not betray the memory of fathers
Here they did not give away ancestral land
At what cost - you won't find the words
Here they did not spare their lives for the Motherland
And again Russian strength in hands
Life and death are red for the Motherland
Stands and holds the sky in the ages
My unconquered country
In the sky flames
In the sky smoke
Donbass behind us
And God with us!
In the sky flames
In the sky smoke
Russia with us
And God with us!
Let it be destined to perish on the cross
But not to put us on our knees
In the bloody battlefield one for all
Stands and holds the sky Donbass
In the sky flames
In the sky smoke
Donbass behind us
And God with us!
In the sky flames
In the sky smoke
Russia with us
And God with us!
In the sky flames
In the sky smoke
Moscow behind us
And God with us!
In the sky flames
In the sky smoke
Russia with us
And God with us!


  1. На композицию »Донбасс за нами» сняли клип. Как это было?[archived June 21, 2021], Первый республиканский on March 21, 2022
  2. Народный гимн, или в чем феномен песни «Донбасс за нами», Дан (Dan News) on August 7, 2024
    Excerpt: Изначально авторы задумывали композицию к годовщине освобождения Донбасса от немецко-фашистских войск, но после релиза многие услышали в ней манифест о событиях наших дней.
    English: Initially, the authors intended the composition for the anniversary of the liberation of Donbass from Nazi troops, but after the release many people heard in it a manifesto about the events of our days.

External links

SourceДонбасс_за_намиДонбасс_за_нами&oldid=2253085, February 18, 2025Донбасс_за_нами, deleted: February 17, 2025
https://руни.рф/Донбасс_за_намиДонбасс_за_нами_(песня), May 20, 2023