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Georg Schepper

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Georg Schepper.jpg
Born April 5, 1969
Occupation attorney

Georg Schepper (* 1969) is a German attorney, humanist and intactivist.

Schepper grew up in Landau at the Isar and, after high school and completing a banking apprenticeship, studied law in Regensburg and Utrecht (Netherlands). In the late 1990s he withdrew from the Catholic Church. Since 2001 he has practiced in Bielefeld.

Being affected from circumcision himself, Georg Schepper showed solidarity with men who had undergone a circumcision without their own consent and do suffer from it, when the circumcision debate[iw] incurred in Germany in 2012 as a result of the Cologne circumcision court judgment. He belongs to the co-signatories of the Open Letter on Circumcision[ext] in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. In October 2012, he published a comprehensive analysis on the subject, where he already raised many issues such as § 1631d BGB which were discussed later by other lawyers, too.

Schepper is a member of the HVD (Humanistischer Verband Deutschlands[wp]) (English: Humanist Association of Germany), the patrons of the Giordano Bruno Foundation[wp] and member of the BAK Secular Greens.

It is still important to him that the circumcision debate will not be misused by right-wing groups. He joins his colleague Holger Fehmel[iw] who is also against racist and anti-Semitic tendencies in the debate. But he also advertises vehemently against dumb and intellectually dishonest attempts to defamate unpopular circumcision critics and possibly also religious critics by pushing them in the right corner, instead of facing factual disputes.

Against this background and with this concern, he represented the Greens politician Ulf Dunkel 2012-2014 as his attorney in his Party Exclusion Procedure. At the end, Dunkel acknowledged that his statements had served anti-Semitic steretypes. He credibly regretted these statements and again strongly distanced himself from anti-Semitism and xenophobia. This way, Schepper scored the non-exclusion of Dunkel on a comparison.

External links

This article based on an article Georg Schepper (13 May 2015) from the free Encyklopedia IntactiWiki. The IntactiWiki article is published under GNU-License for free Documentation. In IntactiWiki is a List of Authors available those who worked on the text before being incorporated in WikiMANNia.