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Hot Crazy Matrix

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The Hot Crazy Matrix -
Hunting for Unicorns
Main PageMGTOW → Hot Crazy Matrix
The Universal Matrix -
How Men rate Women
The Universal Matrix -
How Women Rate Men

The Hot Crazy Matrix is explained in the video linked below. The guy in the video draws out a graphical depiction with a women's level of crazy on the vertical axis and her level of hotness on the horizontal access and discusses what group lies in different parts of the chart.


You should not be wasting your time with girls who fall between 5-7 on the hotness axis. Anything less is just bad for business and won't help you in the long run. Don't settle, even with one night stands.

If you waste time with low quality girls, you will end up needy and overwhelmed if you ever attract a quality, hot girl. It will screw up your frame and make you do things you normally wouldn't do.

The hotness level you are seeking also needs to be realistic in comparison to what you physically look like. You need to always be maximizing your appearance and physique, and can;t expect to attract smoke-shows if you are not up to par yourself.

Hotness can obviously be determined immediately upon meeting a new girl. To me, the face is by far the most important. When it comes to the face, I won't budge on any of the below:

  • Nice skin
  • Natural (pretty without a lot of makeup)
  • Nice eyebrows
  • Nice lips
  • Nice teeth
  • Nice hair

A nice body should go without saying, but this is more arbitrary as people prefer different body types, heights, etc.


All girls start with a default level of 4 for craziness according to the video. I would say I agree. If you are playing ball in the 7.5-10 hotness range, you must realize that it's inevitable that the girl's in this group will be bat shit crazy. As you can see, the "wife zone" is a girl who is 8-10 hot and only 5-7 crazy. That in and of itself seems like a dream right?

It can take weeks, often months, to determine the true nature of a girl. Women are naturally deceptive and elusive with their true persona, so it does take a long time to figure out what you have. More often than not, you have some level of crazy. You need to determine what level of crazy you can put up with long-term if you are considering a relationship.



A unicorn is any girl between 8-10 hot and "only" 4-5 crazy. Anything between 8-10 hot and under 4 crazy is a potential tranny and you need to be careful. Once you realize that men and women have massive fundamental differences in their ways of thinking; you will have a better understanding on how to deal with their personalities. There are definitely many crazy, broken girls out there with horrible views on how society should work. But I have not given up hope that you can find an extremely attractive girl who is not completely nuts. I could like with a 5-6 crazy, but I will not stop in looking for that unicorn.[1]


  1. The Hot Crazy Matrix - Hunting for Unicorns, Shameless Pride on December 7, 2014

See also

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