Information icon.svg MediaWiki[wp] is hostile to Men, see T323956.
Information icon.svg For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.

Germany has been a party to the war since 1126 days by supplying weapons of war.

German Foreign Minster Annalena Baerbock: "We are fighting a war against Russia" (January 25, 2023)


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Main PageManFatherFatherhoodPaternity fraud → KuckucksvaterBlog
Main PageInternetBlog → KuckucksvaterBlog
The Milkman's Child
Description Weblog
Slogan The blog with the milkman's factor
Das Blog mit dem Kuckucksfaktor
Available language(s) German/English
Launched 21 February 2011
Current status active
More info
Software WordPress
Owner Max Kuckucksvater
Twitter @Kuckucksvater

KuckucksvaterBlog / The Milkman's Child is a blog of Max Kuckucksvater / Maximilian Schneider, who brings to public the life stories of von cuckoo children, cuckoo fathers, cuckoo mothers and paying fathers.

Quote: «Der Kuckucksfaktor ist ein trauriges Thema. Die Auseinandersetzung damit findet zumeist erst nach vielen Selbstauseinandersetzungen statt. Es ist nicht leicht, mit dieser Vielzahl von Gefühlen, Fragen und Konsequenzen umzugehen und außer diesem Blog gibt es derzeit noch keinen Anlaufpunkt für uns Betroffene.

The milkman's factor is a sad topic. The argument that usually takes place after several self conflicts. It is not easy to deal with this variety of feelings, issues and consequences, and besides this blog, there is currently no focal point for affected persons.» - Max Kuckucksvater[1]

Quote: «In the beginning of 2011 I found out that I am not the biological father of my beloved child. Shocked as I was I started looking around for help in the real world and here on the internet. But there wasn't any help to be found. Instead I started a blog myself, so that from now on others out there in my situation were not alone anymore. It started in German for Germany, Austria and Switzerland and soon became a port for the betrayed children too, which have to find out who they are and how to act with their mothers, the social fathers and maybe even now with their biological fathers. So here I am now for English speaking people like you, too. Get in contact, ask me what ever you care about or just tell me your own story.» - About Maximilian Schneider
"Momma, when can I give Daddy his Father's Day card?" - "Thurs­day, when he delivers the milk."[2]
Dad? Parental testing[wp]!


See also

External Links

Rabbit as cuckoo child, cock as apparent father
The law will protect you? Muahaha! - Children have a right about there identity!