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La Manif Pour Tous

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La Manif Pour Tous
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Available language(s) French
Launched 2012?
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Twitter @LaManifPourTous

La Manif Pour Tous (Englisch: Demo for all") is an Action Movement, organizing resistance in France against "Marriage for all" (= concubinage for all). They have brought up to a million people took to the streets to protest against family destruction and against enforced conformity in the sense of genderism.

The movement advocates the protection and defense of marriage and family as the foundations of the state and society. Foundations that are attacked frontally by the "gay marriage" law

Die Bewegung tritt für den Schutz und die Verteidigung von Ehe und Familie als Grundfesten von Staat und Gesellschaft ein. Grundfesten, die durch das "Homo-Ehen"-Gesetz frontal angegriffen werden.[1]

In late spring the socialist parliamentary majority decided the legalization of "gay marriage", despite massive resistance of a broad civil rights movement. Since then mayor of France are under pressure. If a gay couple wants to get married, they need to make a fundamental decision. In order to break any resistance, the government of President Hollande issued with the same corresponding penalties. Should a mayor refuse to trust a gay couple who threaten him not only the impeachment and a fine of 75,000 euros, but also five years in prison.

Im späten Frühjahr beschloß die sozialistische Parlamentsmehrheit die Legalisierung der "Homo-Ehe" trotz massiven Widerstandes einer breiten Bürgerrechtsbewegung. Seither stehen Frankreichs Bürgermeister unter Druck. Wenn ein Homo-Paar sich trauen lassen will, müssen sie eine Grundsatzentscheidung treffen. Um jeden Widerstand zu brechen, erließ die Regierung von Staatspräsident Hollande gleich entsprechende Strafmaßnahmen mit. Sollte ein Bürgermeister sich weigern, ein Homo-Paar zu trauen, drohen ihm nicht nur die Amtsenthebung und ein Strafgeld von 75.000 Euro, sondern auch fünf Jahre Gefängnis.

Thousands of French mayors have come together in resistance to the introduction of the new law in the deck pour l'Enfance Mayors (Mayors for childhood). Against some mayor who refused to trust a "gay marriage" already criminal complaint was filed. So against Jean-Michel Colo., since 1983, mayor of the French community Arcangues

Tausende französischer Bürgermeister haben sich im Widerstand gegen die Einführung des neuen Gesetzes in der Plattform Maires pour l’Enfance (Bürgermeister für die Kindheit) zusammengeschlossen. Gegen einige Bürgermeister, die sich weigerten eine "Homo-Ehe" zu trauen, wurde bereits Strafanzeige erstattet. So gegen Jean-Michel Colo, seit 1983 Bürgermeister der französischen Gemeinde Arcangues.[2]

In Croatia, the population has a two-thirds majority for the drawing up of marriage being a union of a man and a woman in the Constitution pronounced. homo-associations and the political Left abuse their own people as "homophobic". The left-wing government wants regardless of the popular will a law extending the rights for "homosexual couples" work out. Croatia's socialist Prime Minister Zoran Milanović berated the referendum as an "expression of homophobia" and announced Zwangsbeglückungsmaßnahmen against his own people.

In Kroatien hat sich die Bevölkerung mit einer Zwei-Drittel-Mehrheit für die Festschreibung der Ehe als Verbindung von einem Mann und einer Frau in der Verfassung ausgesprochen. Homo-Verbände und die politische Linke beschimpfen das eigene Volk als "homophob". Die Linksregierung will ungeachtet des Volkswillens ein Gesetz zur Ausweitung der Rechte für "homosexuelle Paare" ausarbeiten. Kroatiens sozialistischer Ministerpräsident Zoran Milanović beschimpfte den Volksentscheid als "Ausdruck der Homophobie" und kündigte Zwangsbeglückungsmaßnahmen gegen sein eigenes Volk an.[3]
The French must stand up...

"Mariage pour tous" ("Marriage for all") is same-sex "mariage" (concubinage) imposed to all!

The "Mariage pour tous" bill wreaks havoc on the Civil Code, replacing the words "husband" and "wife", "father" and "mother" by unisex, undifferentiated terminology (notable "parents"). This bill intends to erase sexual differentiation and complementarity from the law and jeopardize the foundation of human identity: sexual difference and the resulting structure of parentage. It paves the way for a new, "social" parentage unrelated to human reality. It creates a framework for a new anthropological order founded not on sex but on gender, that is, sexual preference.

"Mariage pour tous" is the end of genealogy for all!

With plenary adoption for two men or two women, children will be considered, by law, born of two parents of the same sex, thus willingly deprived of a father or a mother. They will be deprived of half their origins. This is profoundly discriminatory and unjust for children.

"Mariage pour tous" will inevitably lead to assisted reproductive technologies for all!

The number of adoptable children of France is smaller than the number of couples waiting to adopt; hence, same-sex couples will adopt children created by PMA (procréation "médicalement" assistée - medically assisted procreation) for women, and by GPA (gestation pour autrui - surrogacy) for men. Some hundred députés (representatives) have sponsored amendments calling for these developments, and the Prime Minister has announced they would be featured in a "complementary law on the family".

M/W civil marriage and F/M/C parentage mean equality and justice for all!

The universal man/woman norm and natural parentage in the family enhance social and intergenerational cohesion. Despite this, we do not brush aside the specific issues concerning homosexual persons. Some legal measures already adress these issues; these measures can be bettered without shattering M/W civil marriage and real parentage.

Because we bear a historic responsibility...

...for preserving our civil statuses, our society, and our humanity, let us stand up with determination, with no homophobia: the people and civil society will be in the streets again, with their mayors, their elected officials, their moral leaders, to demand General Assemblied on marriage, parentage and children's rights, and to demand that this bill be withdrawn.

Every one of us is born of a man and a woman, every one of us is affected!

The people of France must stand up for its children, its future ... and humankind, made up of man and woman.

– La Manif Pour Tous: Our Message


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