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Male suicide

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Male suicide refers to the gendered nature of suicide. In 2016, men committed suicide more than women in 175 out of 183 countries. In Europe, men kill themselves 3.7 times more than women, in North America they do so 3.3 times more. The region with the largest gender discrepancy is Eastern Europe where the gender suicide ratio is nearly 6 men to 1 woman.[1] Suicide is the leading cause of death for men under 50.[2]


In August 2016, the Washington Post published an article titled, "Men die by suicide at alarming rates. This hashtag tells men 'it's okay to talk' about their emotions", telling men to share their emotions and implying that men would rather commit suicide than open up about their feelings because of toxic masculinity.[3] This is a common feminist deflection that shows an alarmingly poor understanding of the issue of male suicide.

Men commit suicide primarily because of their fall or destitution within the male status system, the social system induced by male disposability that makes the attribution of human worth to a man conditional.

Misandrist criticism

Despite the overwhelming amount of data that supports the fact that suicide is a gendered issue, misandrists often object that women commit more suicide attempts and that the only reason why men kill themselves more is because of their inherently violent nature that makes them pick more violent and therefore more efficient suicide methods. Both these statements are false and contribute to the silencing of male issues.

  • A 2017 study showed that when breaking down apparent suicide attempts by seriousness on the Feuerlein scale the gendered nature of the issue could be made sense of. A very large number of suicide attempts are in fact, "self-harm gestures", or, "parasuicidal gestures", that are counted as, "suicide attempts", by health and police authorities even though they technically aren't, "serious suicide attempts", on the Feuerlein scale. This is particularly true of female self-harm and parasuicidal gestures.[4] The seriousness of men's suicidal gestures and suicide attempts is a function of their disposability in society at large.
  • In England and Wales where 75% of suicide victims are male, the first suicide method for men is hanging and suffocation (57%) as it is the case for women (35%). Violent methods like jumping before a moving object, jumping from a high place and firearm use only make up respectively 4.3%, 3.3% and 2.2% of male suicides.[5]


  1. "Suicide rates Data by country". World Health Organization. 2016. Retrieved 23 September 2018.
  2. "Suicide Leading Cause of Death in Men aged 20 – 49 in England & Wales". 18 February 2014.
  3. "Men die by suicide at alarming rates. This hashtag tells men 'it's okay to talk' about their emotions". The Washington Post. 31 August 2016.
  4. "A cross-national study on gender differences in suicide intent". BMC Psychiatry. 29 June 2017.
  5. "Deaths registered in England and Wales", table 5.19: deaths: underlying cause, sex and age-group. Office for National Statistics. 2011.

See also

This article based on an article Male Suicide (10 July 2020) from the free Encyklopedia PromaleWiki. The PromaleWiki article is published under an unknown license. In PromaleWiki is a List of Authors available those who worked on the text before being incorporated in WikiMANNia.