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Information icon.svg For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.

Germany has been a party to the war since 1089 days by supplying weapons of war.

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The Incel Wiki

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The Incel Wiki
Incel Wiki Logo.png
Description Internet encyclopedia
Slogan A wiki about involuntary celibacy
Available language(s) English (German, Italian, Spanish, Turkish)
Launched July 16th, 2018
Current status offline
Number of Articles 1,571 (Effective: Mar 25, 2022)
29 of them taken over
More info
Software MediaWiki
Content license individual per author
Registration optional
Commercial no
Owner various owners
Created by various authors

The Incel Wiki aimed to be a repository of information regarding the manosphere at large, particularly incels. Incel, is an academic sociological term[ext] that is short for and means, 'involuntary celibacy', a life circumstance.

Involuntary celibates are defined on Incel Wiki as being those who are unable to have legal, consensual sexual intercourse with anyone they are attracted to.[1]

As of October 2020, multiple incel wikis are on webarchive.[2][3]

The site split into two wikis over fights about whether the wiki should be pill-biased or not. The original authors moved to

The drama is largely settled, but there will exist two wikis: being more humorous and lighthearted, and being more evopsych[wp] oriented.

Wiki history

The wiki was created during daily heated arguments the Incel Wiki admins had with Wikipedia admins about the Wikipedia Incel Article in early 2018.[4]

The wiki was Master and William's idea, and was written almost entirely by William, who also admins/owns the wiki, and Thebreeze, the resident poet and awesome writer.[5] emerged from the Great Wiki War of April 2020 as a continuation of, a now defunct predecessor site to[4]

This site focuses on incels and the manosphere in general from a lighthearted and memey POV, while reskinned to discourage editing and isn't adding much new content.[4]

The IncelWiki was taken offline on 7 January 2023. The operator announced:

Quote: «I took incel wiki offline because keeping it up was causing me too much trouble and stress.

Too much of the stuff on it isn't helpful to people and I don't want to compete with the other incel people as they want a "race to the bottom"[wp] - William on 7 January 2023

WikiMANNia comment
The WikiMANNia editorial team observed that the operator of the IncelWiki made an effort to present the incel topic appropriately and at the same time to counteract a fatalistic-negative view of the world. He consistently rejected all pill jargon and distanced himself from all pill theories. And now he has capitulated.

We interpret the term "race to the bottom" he used to mean that there is apparently a downward race among incels in the form of a self-defeating ideology, also called "black pill", which is not suitable for developing a positive perspective on life for those suffering from inceldom. The operator obviously does not want to compete with these auto-destructive people.

On the other hand, he came to the self-recognition that much of what was in his wiki was not helpful for people either. He obviously lacks the strength and the means to change this.

The WikiMANNia editorial team very much regrets that this attempt to set a positive counterpoint here has failed. In any case, the attempt was honourable. Incels seeking advice and help have thus lost another refuge and even more space is lost to auto-destructive men and man-hating feminists.

The WikiMANNia editorial team is concerned about this development.


  2.[webarchive] (archived on August 27, 2019)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Incel Wiki:About (
  5. Incel Wiki:About (

External links

This article based partially on an article Incel Wiki (April 24, 2019) from the free Encyklopedia The Incel Wiki. The The Incel Wiki article is published under an unknown license. In The Incel Wiki is a List of Authors available those who worked on the text before being incorporated in WikiMANNia.