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Urethral plug

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Main PageSexualityChastityChastity device → Urethral plug
Penis plug - dilator - Prince’s Wand[wp]

A urethral plug is strictly a special dilator[wp], which is used in medicine to enlarge the urethra. There are many alternative names such as penis plug or Prince's wand[wp]. A urethral plug can be used as a substitute for a penis cage for keeping a man's chastity so also for urethral stimulation[wp].

How to Choose a Penis Plug

Standard Penis Plug - 8mm
Many men enjoy urethral stimulation and the feeling of a penis plug being inserted in the penis. It's a unique sensation and it completely enhances sexual experience.

Urethral stimulation is a very sensual experience for many men. It gives a man a great opportunity to be stimulated both from the outside AND the inside of his penis. This is a great way to experience something new and to enhance sexual pleasure.

At the same time, many men claim they had to try penis plugs several times until they got used to the sensation these plugs bring. This type of stimulation needs to be done with care, so it's important to use quality penis plugs that can provide a perfect fit.

Finding a Good Penis Plug

Choosing a good penis plug for yourself depends on several factors, first and foremost, your preferences and your body. It's vital that a plug you choose is made by professionals and using high-quality, body safe materials. It is the only way you can make sure a sex toy can safely be inserted into your body.

Apart from that, however, there are many different types of penis plugs to choose from, so it's sometimes difficult to pick the right one, especially if you are a beginner looking for that perfect first plug that will introduce you to wonders of this sexual stimulation.

If you're looking for your first penis plug, it's best to stick to the so-called "beginner" models or "starter" plugs. These plugs are specially made for men who wish to try penis plugs for the first time.

If you've never used a penis plug before, you need to go slowly and choose a small model you will be able to insert without pain. This is why it's important to choose a basic, simple penis plug without any fancy additions such as textured exterior or a sharp tip. Unique and more extreme styles are reserved for more experienced men. Once you get used to the sensation a penis plug can bring and once you get your urethral opening fully relaxed and a bit stretched, you can move to larger and more extreme types of penis plugs.

Another thing to keep in mind is that penis plugs are sometimes difficult to keep in place. This is why you should choose a penis plug with a slightly enlarged end or ring so it can't slip inside the penis.

The Right Size

Perhaps the most important thing to consider when choosing a penis plug for yourself is the size. It goes both for the length and circumference of the penis plug. Finding a perfect fit is important, because that's the only way to have a comfortable and arousing experience.

Penis plugs come in many different sizes and shapes, so it's possible to choose the one that will suit your needs. The size will mainly depends on two factors: your penis size and your experience with penis plugs. Generally speaking, more experienced men can insert larger plugs. They know how to relax easily and their hole is stretched to accommodate this type of toys.

When it comes to penis size, a smaller penis requires a shorter plug, but that's not all. The first thing to think about is the circumference of the plug. It should accommodate your penis opening and the urethral canal.

Therefore, the first measure you need to take into account is the length of your penis. This is the maximum size a penis plug can be. However, beginners are advised to use shorted plugs, 3-4 inches long at the most.

When it comes to the width (circumference), it's highly individual. Keep in mind that an average man's urethral canal is very narrow (0.1-0.2 inches), and while it can be stretched successfully (which is part of urethral stimulation), it's important that it's not stretched too much. Most of the beginner plugs are very thin - around 0.3 inches, so it's a good size for someone who's not used to this type of stimulation.

A good fit is important so it might take some time to find that perfect penis plug for your needs. When in doubt, start with the smallest and thinnest plugs you can find and work your way from there. It's better to have a plug that's a bit too small than too large. You can find many high-quality but affordable plugs these days so take some time to try different models and sizes until you find a perfect one for yourself.

– Melina Jackson[1]


  1. Melina Jackson: How to Choose a Penis Plug, The Chain Gang on February 2, 2014

See also

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