Information icon.svg MediaWiki[wp] is hostile to Men, see T323956.
Information icon.svg For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.

Germany has been a party to the war since 1127 days by supplying weapons of war.

German Foreign Minster Annalena Baerbock: "We are fighting a war against Russia" (January 25, 2023)

WikiMANNia:Main Page/New events

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  • 13rd January 2013 - On a national demonstration of La Manif Pour Tous in Paris gathering between 340,000 (figure police) and 800,000 (figure organizers).


  • 13rd November 2011 - Demonstration in Madrid on the "Plaza del Sol" for joint custody[1]
  • 1st August 2011 - WikiMANNia in English started!
