Information icon.svg MediaWiki[wp] is hostile to Men, see T323956.
Information icon.svg For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.

Germany has been a party to the war since 1124 days by supplying weapons of war.

German Foreign Minster Annalena Baerbock: "We are fighting a war against Russia" (January 25, 2023)


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Main PageInternetWiki → Wipipedia
Description Internet encyclopedia
Available language(s) english
Launched March, 2005
Current status active
Number of Articles 1,680 (Effective: Dec 31, 2021)
59 of them taken over
More info
Software MediaWiki 1.19.23
Content license GNU
Registration yes
Commercial no
Owner London Fetish Scene[wipi]

Wipipedia is an online encyclopaedia of all things fetish and SM, run by the London Fetish Scene[wipi] and it is being continually expanded and improved by the community.

The name derives from a portmanteau of "whip" and "Wikipedia" (Wikipedia is the mainstream wiki encyclopedia). Pedants might suggest the name should be the LFS Wiki encyclopedia but the founders are into BDSM and like whips[wipi], so it was called the Wipipedia!


Wipipedia is a web-based free-content about the fetish and BDSM lifestyle. It is "maintained by the fetish community for the fetish community," and is a wiki, written collaboratively by volunteers: anyone can create and edit articles about any area that they feel they have knowledge about or a valid contribution to make, although editors must be logged in and have a registered e-mail address (anonymous edits are not allowed). It helps to provide an education to those new to the lifestyle, or simply wanting to know more about it, and applies equally to men and women of all sexualities.

Topics include those on art and literature, equipment, law, safety, alternative lifestyle and 'how to' guides.

The site was begun in March 2005 by the creators of the London Fetish Scene[wipi] website. Although hosted in England and written in British English (not American), it strives to cover topics around the world.

The name derives from a portmanteau of "whip"[wipi] and "Wikipedia".

The Wipipedia is published under the GNU Free Documentation License also mirrored by the (non-wiki) Informed Consent website, where it has been called the 'Encyclopervia', and is currently called their 'Dictionary'.

The Wipipedia has over 1400 articles; it also includes advice, stories, and descriptions of real-life experiences by Wipipedians. The Wipipedia attracts about 10,000 page views per day. It attracts visitors from around the globe, and is quoted or referenced by other web sites.

Where reference is made to more general topics in Wipipedia, it often links to topics in the English Wikipedia or specialist wikis. For readers interested in finding out about the fetish/BDSM lifestyle, Wipipedia is a good source of information, willingly linking elsewhere when needed.[1]


Wipipedia does point out that some of the practices described are dangerous. Doing BDSM with strangers that you only know from the Internet is obviously potentially dangerous. It is also potentially dangerous to get yourself tied up and have sexual things done to you with a prostitute that you don't know and with a pimp in the background. People with unusual sexual needs have always involved themseves with prostitutes since well before the Internet began. Users of Wipipedia and of WikiIndex are urged to be extremely cautious unless they have trusted partners.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 WikiIndex: Wipipedia, Revision as of 24 February 2012

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