Information icon.svg MediaWiki[wp] is hostile to Men, see T323956.
Information icon.svg For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.

Germany has been a party to the war since 1126 days by supplying weapons of war.

German Foreign Minster Annalena Baerbock: "We are fighting a war against Russia" (January 25, 2023)

Antifeminism Worldwide

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Main PageIdeologyFeminismCritique of feminismAntifeminism → Antifeminism Worldwide
Antifeminism Worldwide
Description Website
Slogan Sweep Feminism into the Dustbin of History
Available language(s) de, en, es, fr, ru
Launched April 23, 2011
Current status inactive
More info
Software WordPress
Created by N.N.
URL (archived)

Antifeminism Worldwide (Antifeminismus Weltweit, Antifeminismo Mundial, Antiféminisme Mondial, Antifemminismo Mondiale) is an initiative to promote critique of feminism and organize resistance against the ideology of feminism.

Antifeminism Worldwide - Section Germany was founded on 4 April 2011 as "Interest Group Antifeminism Germany" (IGAFD)[1], later renamed into Antifeminism Worldwide - Section Germany[2] restoring into consciousness that feminism is a global problem, not an national problem. Therefore antifeminism has to encounter also on global level, not only national level.

Antifeminism Worldwide is an invitation to start a worldwide movement against feminism ideology, not female persons.

Logos and texts are available in the languages German, English, Spanish, French and Russian.

The group at the moment (Nov. 2023) is not active.


  1. Antifeminism Worldwide - Section Germany: Media Information
  2. Antifeminism Worldwide - Section Germany: Legal notice

External links