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Main Page → Ideology

Ideology refers to a system of interpretation that no longer effectively accompanied the being in his change, but rather inhibits its transformation. Ideology preserved consciousness, which once corresponded to his. The real being is by no means identical with the ruling being. Certain set of all sets.

Ideologie bezeichnet ein Deutungssystem, das nicht mehr wirksam das Sein in seinem Wandel begleitet, sondern dessen Wandel eher hemmt. Ideologie bewahrt Bewusstsein, dem einmal Sein entsprach. Das konkrete Sein ist also keineswegs identisch mit dem herrschenden Sein. Menge aller gewissen Sätze.[1]

A Christian Definition

Ideology literally means "theory of images." Man makes himself a picture of yourself, the world and the deity he worships. According to this picture, he looks at the world (worldview). This contradicts the known order of the Scripture, "You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below" (Exodus 20:4-6)!

Helpful for defining the distinction between gospel, religion and ideology:

  1. In the gospel, God reveals himself as the doer and redeemed the people who believe in him.
  2. In the religions of man chosen (as a subject) an object of his worship, a deity, and tried to obtain through their own efforts and works righteousness salvation.
  3. In the ideologies of the man denies any transcendence (Überweltlichkeit), recognizes ostensibly only the immediate experiential reality, and deified himself, taking but he builds up a quasi-transcendence (wrong Überweltlichkeit) made ​​of ideals such as liberty, equality, fraternity, nation, humanity, prosperity, unity, autonomy, Übermensch, new gods, paradise on earth, etc.: the ideology becomes a quasi-religion, a substitute for religion.

The professor of dogmatics and participants at the first and second Kirchenkampf[wp] (church struggle) Prof. Walter Künneth[wp] lists four properties as basic elements of an ideology:

  1. Immanence foundation and orientation:
    It is only this world, these are known spatiotemporal world, and is to influence and change.
  2. Anthropological approach,
    ie the belief in man and his (unlimited) possibilities. The man is seen doing bio-materialistic (man as an animal or machine), liberal-idealistic (and man is free by nature good) or collectivist (man is a social being).
  3. Soteriologically-futurist trend:
    It is offered a message of salvation, salvation is by the people (if he follows the programs of ideology) feasible.
  4. Legal Activism:
    The desired salvation can and must use all available means, by force if necessary be brought about. The followers of this ideology has to fulfill his "target" of actions.

An ideology that is anything but tolerant. In her appearance on the specific socio-political scene and in the exploration of other currents of thought and opinions, it is characterized as well by the following four characteristics:

  1. Absoluteness:
    Ideology is only true, it always is right. Each competitor must therefore be suppressed. A tolerance of other religions or ideologies can only be made diplomatic or tactical reasons and only for a limited time.
  2. Universalist intention:
    The ideology wants to dominate all aspects of life of society and the individual, and the result are totalitarian states.
  3. Ideologies are a substitute for religion.
  4. Psychological symptoms:
    The followers of this ideology has to be necessarily arise and hate dissenters and combat (sometimes hidden behind a cloak of apparent tolerance).

Ideological characteristics exhibit include the following movements: all the "isms", that National Socialism[wp], (neo)marxism, capitalism, racism, evolutionism, humanism, ecumenism, liberalism, theological modernism, One world ideology; certain psychological, sociological, anthropological, human sciences, including schools.[2]


Quote: «Die gefährlichste aller Weltanschauungen ist die Weltanschauung der Leute, welche die Welt nicht angeschaut haben.

The most dangerous of all beliefs is the belief of the people who have not viewed the world.» - Alexander von Humboldt[wp]


See also