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MediaWiki[wp] is hostile to Men, see T323956. |
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For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.
Germany has been a party to the war since 1092 days by supplying weapons of war. German Foreign Minster Annalena Baerbock: "We are fighting a war against Russia" (January 25, 2023) |
Homophobia (from Greek ὁμός homós[1]: the same, igual; φόβος phóbos: fear, phobia) is used for describing a social, against lesbians and gay men looking aversion or hostility. Homophobia is caught in the social sciences together with phenomena such as rassism, xenophobia or sexism within the term of "group-related misanthropy".
The term homophobia is usually used as a reproach and a presumption of hostility towards the homosexuality. Radical lesbian feminists, genderists, and gay organizations attempts to explain all human means as homophobic that questioned the dogma of the naturalness of homosexuality. The accusations of homophobia is often used as a killer argument to prevent a critical discourse. In this thinking not the homosexual is sick, but the Genderismuskritiker (the who is critizising the gender ideology). Therefore, dissenters are defamed as "eternal yesterday's", "intolerant" and "sexist". Homophobia is defined logical as "irrational, because nothing needs to be justified objectively by fear of gay people and their ways of life" [2] definiert.
Reinterpretation of the pathological
Phobia refers in psychology to a pathological fear and is described there as a phobic disorder[wp]. With forming the term homophobia is made clear that no more a sexual deviation can be described as morbid, but the one who does not want to understandsexual disorder as "normal" is classified as ill.
Homosexuality was recorded in 1968 as a neurotic disorder in the ICD[wp]. Upon entry into force of the published 1992 ICD-10 then the diagnosis was homosexuality removed and instead the ego-dystonic sexual orientation[wp] introduced.[3] But a group of psychiatrists as Charles Socarides[wp] and psychologists such as Gerard J. M. van den Aardweg[wp] held to its view, to understand homosexuality as a neurotic disorder.[4] Most of them are summarized in the professional association NARTH[wp].
It is clear that the definition of pathology is to be reinterpreted ideological. Not the sexual orientation (for example homo- or heterosexuality) should be seen as a fault, but the desire to want to change the respective orientation.
The ideological thrust is reflected in the politics of the day. Thus, the lay pastoral care organization Wüstenstrom[wp] announced the workshop Therapeutic Work at ichdystoner sexual orientation to be held in 2007 at the congress Religiosity in Psychiatry & Psychotherapy[wp] in Graz. After some time, there was initiated by homosexual activists protest.[5] Wüstenstrom then canceled its participation. Also in Germany there were similar protests on the occasion of a Church Congress[wp] (Kirchentag) in Bremen. So the youth festival "Christival" were terminated the contracts of rooms on the initiative of the gay and lesbian associations, because they had planned a seminar with the theme "Ways out of homosexuality" and held lectures about "taboo: boys as victims of sexual abuse".[6]
Policy implications
It is not just a matter of reinterpreting sexual disorders to "normal". Indeed, the policy ensures to pass homosexual practices on to the children in schools.[7] It is not only homosexuality portrayed as normal, but also other sexual disorders such as bisexuality and transsexuality. It should be recalled that on the background of ideological revaluation, that is anything but uncontroversial in science, the gay world view is presented to the children as irrefutable fact, they have to accept it, if it they want not to be labeled as homophobic, if they want not to be considered as sick and abnormal.
Meanwhile initiatives are reaching the whole of society to anchor homosexual sexual practices as "normal" and normal sexual practices as "phobia" in the public consciousness.[8][9][10][11][12]
Criticism of the term
The term "homophobia" is used ideological and propaganda to blur the distinction between emotional aversion and objective criticism. In addition, it is improper and in a verbal and numerical sense logically false. Really the term want to express a "fear of sodomites or sodomy[wp]" (and psychiatrized the accused to such fear at the same time). This is improper because the accused sodomy not irrational fear, but refuse emotionally as well as naturally-quite rational. It would take a form with phobos ("fear"), therefore, with a mis- to choose (as in "misogyn", "misanthrope").
Furthermore, for the word-building the prefix homo- is used. However, this refers to the sodomite, while homo simply means "the same", i.e. homophobic "fearing the same", but what is not meant. Rather, the word creator obviously had the slang word "homo" (in English speaking countries gay is normal used) as a short form of "homosexual" in mind. With a modern slang word you can not make sense Greek words, however.
The term "homophobia" is thus an accident in several ways and deceives a learned expression just before. In addition, it is used for different situations, namely homophobia and gay criticism. Thus, two different things are lumped together. Anyone who criticizes certain behaviors of homosexuals or in the work of homo lobby against homosexuals is far from hostile. But that is the deeper meaning of this fighting word: Criticism is to be denounced as hate speech, dissenters marginalised as a extreme right or fundamentalist and asked to be muzzled. The use of the term "homophobia" is deeply untrustworthy.
Quote: «Tatsächlich scheint Homosexualität heute immer öfter als politische Waffe eingesetzt - oder besser: missbraucht - zu werden. Das Prinzip ist ganz einfach wer das pinkfarbene Opfer-Etikett trägt, ist weitgehend unantastbar, weil Kritiker mit der Homophobie-Keule abgewehrt werden können. Das Prinzip wird übrigens auch "Pinkwashing" genannt - analog zu Greenwashing (Umwelt-Keule) und Bluewashing (Menschenrechts-Keule). In fact, seems homosexuality today more often used as a political weapon - or rather abused - to be. The principle is very simple who is the pink victim bears label is largely untouchable because critics can be warded off with the homophobia club. The principle is incidentally also called "pink washing" - similar to greenwashing (environmental club) and bluewashing (human rights lobe).»[13]
Quote: «Die Debatte um die Homosexualität ist in der Tat ein "Krieg" um sozio-ethisch-moralische Deutungskonzepte, ein Krieg, der weit über die Fragen der Wissenschaft und des Rechts hinausreicht, auch wenn "Wissenschaft" und "Recht" in der Regel als wichtigste Waffen eingesetzt werden. Die Munition für die Waffen ist die Persuasion (Beeinflussung). [Die Homo-Lobby nutzt mit] Rhetorik, Psychologie, Sozialpsychologie und Medien alles Elemente des modernen Marketing, um Homosexualität so zu positionieren, dass Inhalt und Form der öffentlichen Diskussion in die gewünschten Bahnen gelenkt werden. The debate about homosexuality is in fact a "war" to socio-ethical-moral interpretation of concepts, a war far beyond the issues of science and the law extends, even if "science" and "right" in general as main weapons are used. Ammunition for the weapons persuasion (influence). The gay lobby uses with rhetoric, psychology, social psychology and media all elements of modern marketing to position homosexuality so that the content and form of public discussion will be directed into the desired paths.» - Paul E. Rondeau[14]
- ↑ "homo" - Greek "equal", short for homosexuals
- ↑ Antidiskriminierungsstelle der Stadt Wien über Homophobie
- ↑ Frauke Koher, Katharina Pühl: Gewalt und Geschlecht: Konstruktionen, Positionen, Praxen, Vs Verlag, ISBN 3-8100-3626-9, p. 72
- ↑ Kaiser, S. 163, 237f; Judd Marmor; The APA decision December 1973
- ↑ Valeria Hinck: Offener Brief an den Kongress über Religiosität in Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie in Graz, zwischenreum.net, 2007
- ↑ Eiken Bruhn: Schlachthof kontra Christival, TAZ on 11 March 2008
- ↑ Schweiz: Geplante Aufklärung mit "Sex-Koffer" in Kindergärten und Schulen löst Proteste aus, 24 May 2011
- ↑ Schützen gegen Homophobie
- ↑ Fußballfans gegen Homophobie, Pöbeleien gegen Toleranzprojekt: Homophobie in der Fankurve, TAZ on 12 December 2012
- ↑ Schule gegen Homophobie
- ↑ Europa-Parlament: EU-Abgeordnete gegen Homophobie, News am 16. Mai 2012
- ↑ Kirche gegen Homophobie, Evangelische Kirche gegen Homophobie, Berliner Zeitung on 23 April 2011
- ↑ Fx on 13 June 2013 at 8:51 h
- ↑ Paul E. Rondeau: Wie Homosexualität in den USA vermarktet wird, Bulletin DIJG, 2/2004, Nr. 8, S. 3-28
See also
External links
- Das Wörterbuch des neuen Menschen: Homophobie
- Bischof über Homophobie in lutherischer Kirche: "Es ist ein letztes Aufbäumen", TAZ on 14 January 2011 (Interview mit Horst Gorski)