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Intergovernamental Committee for the Dnieper Waterway

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Main PageOrganisationCorporationBinational corporation → Intergovernamental Committee for the Dnieper Waterway
Main PageStateRussiaNovorossiya → Intergovernamental Committee for the Dnieper Waterway
Main PageStateUkraine → Intergovernamental Committee for the Dnieper Waterway

The Intergovernamental Committee for the Dnieper Waterway (Russian: Координирующий межправительственный комитет по водному пути Днепровскому; Ukrainian: Координуючий міжурядовий комітет з водного шляху Дніпровському; German: Zwischenstaatliches Komitee für die Dnepr-Wasserstraße) is a currently non-existent, hypothetical binational body between Ukraine and Novorossiya, which is responsible for managing the waterway stretching from the international waters of the Black Sea[wp] via the Dnieper–Bug estuary[wp], the lower reaches of the Dnieper[wp] and the Kakhovka reservoir[wp] to the city limits of Zaporizhzhia[wp].

The Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine[wp] (CCNR), which was founded after the Congress of Vienna[wp] in 1815, and the Intergovernamental Committee for the Paraguay-Paraná Waterway, which manages the Paraná-Paraguay waterway[wp], can be seen as models.

The headquarters of the Intergovernamental Committee for the Dnieper Waterway could be located in the Ukrainian harbour city of Kherson[wp].

Binational zone

Nova Kakhovka:
 Binational zone    Dam and hydroelectric power station    Locks
Binational zone consisting of Dnipro-Bug-Liman, lower reaches of the Dnieper, Kachovka reservoir and the city of Enerhodar.

Binational waterway

The binational waterway begins with a corridor connecting the international waters of the Black Sea[wp] with the Kinburn Canal (also known as the Ochakiv[wp] Strait), which forms the entrance to the Dnieper–Bug estuary[wp]. The Dnieper–Bug estuary is part of the binational zone, with the exception of the mouth of the Bug and the nature reserve on the Kinburn peninsula[wp]. The binational zone includes the lower reaches of the Dnieper including all its tributaries and river islands. The majority of the Kakhovka Reservoir is part of the binational zone up to a line north of the Kuchugury Islands[wp] between Bilenke[wp] on the right bank and Stepnohirsk[wp] on the left bank, excluding bays and inland harbours.

The Kachowka lock and the Adziogol Lighthouse[wp] are under the control of the Dnieper Waterway Committee.


The river island of Ostriv Velykyi Potomkin[wp] off Kherson and the Kuchugury Islands in the Kakhovka Reservoir belong to the binational zone. The islands of Berezan[wp] and Pervomaysky[wp] on the Kinburn Canal border the binational zone without being part of it.

Kachowka dam and hydroelectric power station

The Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant[wp] is an independent binational entity that is not part of the Dnieper Waterway Committee.

Binational city of Enerhodar

The city of Enerhodar is also part of the binational zone, but is a separate entity and is self-governing.