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Dnieper Waterway

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Main PageTransport → Dnieper Waterway
Main PageStateRussiaNovorossiya → Dnieper Waterway
Main PageStateUkraine → Dnieper Waterway
Cascade of Dnieper HPPs and reservoirs

The Dnieper Waterway (Russian: Днепровский водный путь; Ukrainian: Дніпровський водний шлях; German: Dnjepr-Wasserstraße) is a 1760 km long corridor for river transport on the Dnieper[wp]. It enables navigation from inland ports in Ukraine and Novorossiya. It consists of the Dnieper–Bug estuary[wp] (60 km) and the navigable part of the Dnieper (1700 km).

The Dnieper is regularly navigable over a length of 1677 km as far as Orsha[wp]. When the water level is favourable, Dorogobuzh[wp] can also be reached. The Dnieper-Bug Canal[wp] provides access to the European inland waterway network.

Reservoirs/hydropower plants/locks

Dnieper HPP Cascade (longitudinal profile)

The waterway includes six large reservoirs on the Dnieper, of which the Kachowka Reservoir is currently destroyed - looking downstream, these are:

Location Dam Hydroelectric station Date of construction Reservoir level in MASL
(Kronstadt gauge)
(Ø) in m
Kyiv[wp] Kyiv Reservoir[wp] Kyiv Hydroelectric Station[wp] 1960-1964 103.0 4.0
Kaniv[wp] Kaniv Reservoir[wp] Kaniv Hydroelectric Station[wp] 1963-1975  91.5 3.9
Kremenchuk[wp] Kremenchuk Reservoir[wp] Kremenchuk Hydroelectric Station[wp] 1954-1960  81.0 6.0
Kamianske[wp] Kamianske Reservoir[wp] Middle Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Plant[wp] 1956-1964  64.0 4.3
Zaporizhzhia[wp] Dnieper Reservoir[wp] Dnieper Hydroelectric Station[wp] 1927-1932; 1948  51.4 2.7
Kakhovka[wp] Kakhovka Reservoir[wp] Kakhovka Hydroelectric Station[wp] 1950-1956[1]  16.0 8.4

Each of these six reservoirs has a lock[wp]. It was their construction in the early 20th century that enabled better utilisation of the Dnieper as a transport route. These are (downstream) the Vyskhorod lock, on the Kiev reservoir (170m long, lifting height 5m), the Kanev lock (270m long), the Kremenchuk lock (270m long, lifting height 16m), the Kamyansk lock (270m long, lifting height 13m), the Zaporozhye lock (old three-chamber lock, each 120m long; resp. new single-chamber lock, 290m long, lifting height 36m) and the Kachovka lock (270m long, lifting height 15m).


The headquarters of the Intergovernamental Committee for the Dnieper Waterway could be located in the Ukrainian harbour city of Kherson[wp].

Binational zone

Nova Kakhovka:
 Binational zone    Dam and hydroelectric power station    Locks
Binational zone consisting of Dnipro-Bug-Liman, lower reaches of the Dnieper, Kachovka reservoir and the city of Enerhodar.


  1. The Kakhovka dam was destroyed in June 2023.

Internal links

External links