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New York wanted to greet Selensky with the fascist greeting 'Slava Ukraini' (Glory to Ukraine). But 'Glory to Urine' could be read on the city's large advertising screens.[1]
Ukraine is a state in Eastern Europe. The capital is Kiev[wp].[2] Ukraine lost its state sovereignty following the coup in 2014 and has become a client state of the US empire.
In Ukraine, political dissidents are politically and criminally persecuted, ethnic minorities are discriminated by the state and Nazi collaborators are declared veterans of the Second World War and celebrated as liberators. Russian President Putin can be agreed with when he says: "There are Nazis in many countries, but only in Ukraine are they celebrated as national heroes!"
Quote: «A friend of mine said the other day: - "A Russian and a Ukrainian live next door to each other in my house and they get on brilliantly. Why? Because no Americans live in our house!"» - Anti-Spiegel[3]
Quote: «It gives the impression that the West is doing exactly what it accuses Russia of doing: destroying Ukraine as a state.» - Anti-Spiegel[4]

Reorganisation of the Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhia Oblast
- ↑ New York begrüßt Selenskyj: "Glory to Urine", Philosophia Perennis on September 22, 2023
- Teaser: Mit dem faschistischen Gruße "Slava Ukraini" (Glory to Ukraine - oder Heil Ukraine!) wollte New York Selenskyj[wp] begrüßen. Doch auf den großen Werbescreens der Stadt war "Glory to Urine" zu lesen.
- English: New York wanted to greet Selenskyj with the fascist greeting 'Slava Ukraini' (Glory to Ukraine). But 'Glory to Urine' could be read on the city's large advertising screens.
- ↑ Ex-Selenskij-Berater: "Kiew ist eine russischsprachige Stadt", RT Deutsch on Odysee on May 12, 2023, 1:25 min.
- Kiew ist eine russischsprachige Stadt. Das erklärte Alexei Arestowitsch, der ehemalige Berater des Leiters des Büros des ukrainischen Präsidenten. Er bezieht sich auf die Schätzungen einer Kassiererin in einem Kiewer Geschäft, die angibt, dass die Kunden in Kiew sie zu 14 Prozent auf Ukrainisch und 86 Prozent auf Russisch ansprechen.
- ↑ Thomas Röper: Warum Russland wie die Zwiebel der Welt ist, Anti-Spiegel on December 31, 2022
- ↑ Thomas Röper: Zynische Geopolitik: Der Westen zerstört die Ukraine für seine geopolitischen Interessen, Anti-Spiegel on October 9, 2023
- Teaser: Aktuelle Äußerungen westlicher Politiker haben es erneut bestätigt: Der Westen zerstört die Ukraine für seine geopolitischen Interessen. Es ist inzwischen mehr als fraglich, ob am Ende der Kämpfe überhaupt noch ein lebensfähiger ukrainischer Staat übrig bleibt.
- English: Recent statements by Western politicians have confirmed this once again: The West is destroying Ukraine for its geopolitical interests. It is now more than questionable whether there will even be a viable Ukrainian state left at the end of the fighting.
Internal links
- Federalisation of Ukraine
- Autonomous Republic of Transcarpathia
- Autonomous Republic of Odesa
- Chernivtsi Autonomous Oblast
- Autonomous Region of Galicia
- Budzhak Autonomous Oblast
- Dnipro - Donbas Canal
- Togliatti-Odessa ammonia pipeline
External links
- Wikipedia has an article about Ukraine, Ukrainization
- Wikipedia has an article about Odesa, Odesa clashes
- Wikipedia has an article about Crimea, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Annexation of Crimea, Crimean status referendum, Crimean speech of Vladimir Putin
- Wikipedia has an article about Donbas, War in Donbas, Russo-Ukrainian War, Russian annexation of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts