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For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.
Germany has been a party to the war since 1126 days by supplying weapons of war. German Foreign Minster Annalena Baerbock: "We are fighting a war against Russia" (January 25, 2023) |
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Das Männermagazin | |
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Description | Weblog |
Slogan | Leutnant Dino kommentiert |
Available language(s) | German |
Launched | March 1, 2012 |
Current status | active |
More info | |
Owner | Detlef Bräunig |
URL | das-maennermagazin.com |
Das Männermagazin (German for The Men's Magazin) is a German blog, which is operated by Detlef Bräunig.
External Links
- YouTube: Detlef Bräunig - Das Männermagazin TV
- Website: das-maennermagazin.com
- About Detlef Bräunig
- Argumentativ bin ich erstklassig aufgestellt, July 31, 2015 (I'm argumentative erected notch)
- Der echte Väterwiderstand, May 15, 2015 (The real fathers resistance)
- Die redlichen Väter und die Väterwiderstandskämpfer verlieren immer, May 5, 2015 (The honest fathers and the fathers of the resistance always lose)
- Die sexuelle Nutzbarkeit einer Frau, March 2, 2015 (The sexual usability of a woman)
- Warum die redlichen Väter einpacken können, January 30, 2015 (Why the authentic fathers always lose)
- Ich klatsche alles gegen die Wand, December 22, 2014 (I clap/drive everything against the wall)
- Sandra Maischberger und ihre skurrilen Gäste, Männermagazin on December 11, 2014 (Sandra Maischberger and their bizarre guests)
Teure Trennung: Geht Scheidung ohne Rosenkrieg? - Menschen bei Maischberger[wp], ARD (Error: Invalid time.) (Size: 71:19 min.) (Expensive separation: Can a divorce also go without War of the Roses?)
- Wer um sein Recht kämpft, verliert so oder so, December 19, 2014 (Who is fighting for his right to lose anyway)
- Mein Anwalt ist Spitze und wird mir helfen, October 31, 2014 (My lawyer is top notch and will help me - His lawyer encourages him, so that he can make his fat fees charged. For a good income lawyers promise always everything.)
- Mein 5. Hochzeitstag mit einer Filipina, October 27, 2014 (My 5th wedding anniversary with a Filipina)
- Ein guter Vater kämpft um sein Kind, September 17, 2014 (A good father is fighting for his child - Or why Detlef Bräunig has not fought for his children.)
- Leutnant Dino bei Maischberger: Krieg der Frauen anstatt um Kinder, September 15, 2014 (Zechpreller[wp] = someone who leaves a restaurant without settling the bill. - Unterhaltspreller = someone who leaves the court without paying the alimony.)
Krieg um Kinder - Wenn die Familie zerbricht - Menschen bei Maischberger[wp], ARD (Error: Invalid time.) (Size: 72:25 min.) (War for children - If the family breaks)
- Warum Alfred ein Unterhaltspreller geworden ist, May 5, 2014 (Why Alfred has become a "Unterhaltspreller")
- Eine Frau hat sich komplett verrechnet, April 28, 2014 (A woman was directly offset - The destiny of a single mother)
- Warum Alleinerziehende keinen Job bekommen, March 29, 2014 (Why single mothers do not get a job - Single mothers often see the company as a great dating exchange. Most of them are looking for more or less a new man. Proceeding much more aggressive, they do not care about existing relationships and intact marriages. You put all means in order to prevent a high-earning worker.)
- Die Suizide der redlichen und anständigen Väter, die entsorgt wurden, February 26, 2014 (The suicides of honest and decent fathers that were disposed of their children by the mothers.)
- RTL findet den dreistesten Unterhaltspreller Deutschlands, September 26, 2013 (Detlef Bräunig is Germany's most brazen "Unterhaltspreller" and why could possibly pass the laughter soon him.)
Unterhaltspreller Detlef Bräunig - Explosiv-Weekend[wp], RTL (Size: 6:25 min.) (RTL is pursuing Germany's most brazen "Unterhaltspreller")
- Wohin soll man Abhauen, March 5, 2012 (Where to escape?)
Jagd auf Rabenväter - ARD exclusiv (Error: Invalid time.) (Chasing uncaring fathers)
- Cocktail-Detlef lebt "Unter Palmen in Saus und Braus" und erklärt in Thailand das deutsche Unterhaltsrecht. Knapp ein Jahr später werden seine Voraussagen von Richterin Götz bestätigt.
- Cocktail Detlef lives "under palm trees in the lap of luxury" and expains in Thailand the German alimony law. Almost a year later, his predictions will be confirmed by Judge Goetz. - A film by Rita Knobel-Ulrich