Information icon.svg MediaWiki[wp] is hostile to Men, see T323956.
Information icon.svg For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.

Germany has been a party to the war since 1060 days by supplying weapons of war.

German Foreign Minster Annalena Baerbock: "We are fighting a war against Russia" (January 25, 2023)

Michael Klein

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Born 1965
Occupation scientifican
Twitter @sciencefiles

Michael Klein (born 1965) is an educational researcher and operates the blog since April 2011 Kritische Wissenschaft - critical science.

Michael Klein studied economics, political science and science education at the University of Mannheim worked (specializing as a court reporter), as a journalist, then from 2002 as a scientific advisor (scientific consultant). In 2007 he emigrated to England.

Quote: «Kritische Wissenschaft - critical science is a blog that the idea of science is required. Science is to set rates on the reality, representing a gain of knowledge and can fail due to the reality. Science is therefore aimed at the constant questioning and criticizing supposedly fixed knowledge and thus can only be operated from a liberal setting out. No one has a better understanding of this self to the point as Karl Raimund Popper[wp]

Together with Arne Hoffmann he has written an open letter to Jimmy Wales[wp], founder of Wikipedia in which he laments alarming conditions in the German Wikipedia and calls for their redress.[1]


  • Pdf-icon-extern.svg Bringing Boys Back In. Soziale Ungleichheit zwischen den Geschlechtern im Bildungssystem zu ungunsten von Jungen am Beispiel der Sekundarschulabschlüsse.[ext] - Heike Diefenbach/Michael Klein, Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, Jahrgang 48 - Heft 6; November/December 2002 (p. 938-958)


  • "The men's movement is complicit because the current state feminism shaped civic life in his own way, regulated and restricted." [2]
    • "Die Männerbewegung macht sich mitschuldig daran, dass der derzeitige Staatsfeminismus das bürgerliche Leben nach seiner Fasson gestaltet, reguliert und einschränkt." [3]
  • "The verifiability of statements is the only way to get science from ideology to distinguish and beliefs of all kinds - here is the boundary. Who exceeds it leaves the realm of science." [4]
    • "Die Prüfbarkeit von Aussagen ist der einzige Weg, um Wissenschaft von Ideologie und Glaubenslehren aller Art zu unterscheiden - hier verläuft die Grenze. Wer sie überschreitet, verlässt den Bereich der Wissenschaft." [5]
  • "Since transfer payments are generated mostly by men and alimony mainly by men to be applied, this attribution of the relevant payments to income is from women an innovative reallocation that would be described in other contexts as a forgery." [6]
    • "Da Transferleistungen mehrheitlich von Männern erwirtschaftet werden und Unterhaltszahlungen im Wesentlichen von Männern aufgebracht werden, ist diese Zurechnung der entsprechenden Zahlungen zum Einkommen von Frauen eine innovative Umwidmung, die man in anderen Zusammenhängen als Fälschung bezeichnen würde." [7]
  • "I keep a map in right or left Männerrechtler absolutely absurd. Either one is in favor of men's rights, then it makes no difference whether you believe you left or right or you will not enter men's rights. (...) The only success , to bring these assignments will be to that of the "other part" of the men's movement feels marginalized and closing processes take place, the "left" and "right" distance themselves from each other and each have their own "legitimacy logic" will develop look. And if the men's movement does not fit with their goals, which can then either refer to the "left" or "right", if he is to delegitimize the objectives of the men's movement." [8]
    • "Ich halte eine Zuordnung in rechte oder linke Männerrechtler für absolut widersinnig. Entweder man tritt für Männerrechte ein und dann macht es keinen Unterschied ob man sich für rechts oder links hält oder man tritt nicht für Männerrechte ein. (...) Der einzige Erfolg, den diese Zuordnungen bringen, wird darin bestehen, dass sich der jeweils "andere Teil" der Männerbewegung ausgegrenzt fühlt und Schließungsprozesse stattfinden, die die "linken" und die "rechten" sich voneinander abgrenzen und eine jeweils eigene "Legitimationslogik" entwickeln sehen wird. Und wem die Männerbewegung mit ihren Zielen nicht passt, der kann dann wahlweise auf die "Linken" oder die "Rechten" verweisen, wenn er die Ziele der Männerbewegung delegitimieren will." [9]


External links

  • FaceBook: [1], [2]
  • Flattr: [3]
  • Website:
  • Campaign for Merit in Business: Michael Klein
    • Pdf-icon-extern.svg Michael Klein's response to the House of Lords 'Call for Evidence'[ext] - Michael Klein, July 2012
    • Pdf-icon-extern.svg The Dictatorship of EU Political Commissioners - State communism here we come[ext] - Michael Klein, July 2012
  • Pdf-icon-extern.svg Faking Public Opinion: How Viviane Reding Abuses Opinion Polls for Her Own Purpose[ext] - Michael Klein, May 2012
  • Pdf-icon-extern.svg "Bringing Boys Back In". Soziale Ungleichheit zwischen den Geschlechtern im Bildungssystem zu ungunsten von Jungen am Beispiel der Sekundarschulabschlüsse.[ext] - Heike Diefenbach & Michael Klein, Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 48(6) 2002 (p. 938-958)
  • Michael Klein: Part-time CEO, 28. April 2011 (Women favour more traditional role models than men. Especially women working part-time prefer part-time work or no work at all: "In effect, the adult female population divides into two fairly equal sectors. The first group of women are committed to careers in the labour market and therefore invest in training and qualifications, and generally achieve higher grade occupations and higher paid jobs, which they pursue full-time for the most part. The second group of women give priority to the marriage career, do not invest in what economists term 'human capital', transfer quickly and permanently to part-time work as soon as a breadwinner husband permits it, choose undemanding jobs 'with no worries or responsibilities' when they do work, and are hence found concentrated in lower grade and lower paid jobs which offer convenient working hours with which they are perfectly happy" (Hakim, 1995, p. 434). - Child care does not prevent women from participating in the labour force, rather child care is the result of a decision taken by women in order to either resort to part-time work or to abandon work altogether. - Hakim, Catherine (1995). Five Feminist Myths about Women's Employment. British Journal of Sociology 46(3): pp. 429-455)