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Main PageWoman → Misogyny
Main PageHatred → Misogyny

Misogyny (Greek (hatred of women), from μισεῖν misein (hate) and γυνή gyné (woman)) is an intellectually and literarily treated already in Ancient Greece strong aversion to women because of their sex. It is considered as a form of sexism.

Misanthropy means hatred of people or human being, misandry the hatred of men.

Fighting slogan

Hatred of women is a fighting slogan of feminists and used for "cry down" critics of feminism and anti-feminists.

In the U.S., the mainstream feminism critically confronting switched Independent Women's Forum (IWF) in various U.S. newspapers an indication of the student's views on the myths and misconceptions of the women's movement. (It even says stuff that run counter to the mainstream feminist insights may be introduced only by paid ad in the academic discussion.) The compilation of the ten errors were found in the Internet, both here and here.

The response of the women's movement to the IMF listing occurred less in the form of an argument on the factual level (the isolated attempts, it was here, failed miserably) than in comparing the political opponents with Holocaust deniers and other supporters of the extreme right . The newspapers that had printed these ads were prompted to apologize for this and to refrain in future kindly, since these ads expressed a hostile attitude towards feminism.[1]


External links

  • Rahila Gupta: Sexism and misogyny: what's the difference? (An Australian dictionary has changed its definition of misogyny to reflect the fact that it is now used to mean "entrenched prejudice against women", not just hatred of them. Six feminists tell us what the term means to them: Naomi Wolf, Julie Bindel, Nina Power, Rahila Gupta, Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett, Bidisha), The Guardian on 17 October 2012