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MediaWiki[wp] is hostile to Men, see T323956. |
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For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.
Germany has been a party to the war since 1123 days by supplying weapons of war. German Foreign Minster Annalena Baerbock: "We are fighting a war against Russia" (January 25, 2023) |
Woman is ...
Women Will Do Anything for an Alpha - Including Having Sex with Other Women
A sexual jungle has been unleashed[ext] on America and Europe by feminism. A new study gives us another example of what it's like to live in this jungle: the alpha male gets a harem and women are willing to have sex with each other to keep him satisfied. Beta males and those lower on the totem poll don't fare so well when this is the situation. As pointed out before here at TNMM, this causes society to de-civilize. The new study which is dissected in this article compliments another study published last year which also found that women are either bisexual or gay but never straight. This confirms selection pressure on women in the history of the human species to get along with, and even sexually pleasure other women in the harem of Alpha males. The University of Essex found:
The media responded by writing headlines slanting the story towards the gay agenda, headlines such as: Women 'all bi or gay'. This shows us those who control the narrative in the West want the sexual market to skew even farther away from any sort of common sense. What these studies actually reveal are facts about women which have historically led to cultural enforcement of monogamy and restrictions on the wild, base natures of women, in order to build up society instead of tearing it down. After all, what man wants to work hard if there is no cultural or sexual incentive for him to do so? Most men are minimalists by nature and can get by without the McMansion, luxury sedan, and other wasteful consumerism women cherish.
Exposing the Agenda While the left-leaning newspaper The Sun used the studies of male and female sexuality to push the LGBT bacon cheeseburger agenda, the truth of the matter is it reveals politically incorrect, harsh facts about women we in the manosphere discuss all the time. From the article:
In short, women are hypergamous and would rather screw a Machiavellian, narcissistic, psychopathic bad boy[ext] who gets what he wants, even if that means being part of his harem and, what the hell I'll even have threesomes or orgies with other women to make him happy. Meanwhile, Johnny 9-to-5, who may be a really, really nice guy, good provider, and potentially good father gets no action other than that provided by Rosy Palm.
Women want to screw and attach themselves to a winner. As Anglo American culture has completely released constraints on female sexuality, crushed Beta males under its heel with an oppressive government that enslaves them with child support and alimony payments (after all, the sweet little lady couldn't help it that she tripped and fell on another man's Johnson) and prevents them from seeking any sexual gratification thanks to Puritanical laws on prostitution[ext], men subjected to this cultural insanity are disenfranchised sexually. Since the sexual market is the granddaddy of all human markets, droves of men have no reason to participate when female sexuality is monopolized by a small minority of men. Learning Game[ext] is a solution to the problem of incel these men are subjected to, however it will ultimately lead to an "arms race" among those in the know. The men who know Game, over time, will have to work harder and harder for less and less return.
Women's Sexual Orientation Looser than Men's Men show much lower tendencies to stray into homosexuality than women do. Women are, after all, much more susceptible to persuasion and control than men are. Women continue to skew more and more bisexual since the sexual revolution of the 1960s.
Using pupil dilation tests, which reveal if a subject is sexually aroused by imagery, men and women were subjected to a series of erotic photography. The findings showed men are generally not sexually aroused by other men, however women were aroused by both men and women. Of course, since women can never be blamed for anything in Anglo America, perfect angels that they are, the article bent over backward trying to lay the blame on men. As is typical, the fact women choose sex partners and it is men who are chosen is completely forgotten.
It would be more accurate to say: Because of female hypergamy[kw] and refusal to settle for anything less than a man who gives them bragging rights to their female friends, women's instincts have led them to deal with, and happily accept the experience of top Alpha men they are attracted to having more than one partner. Women will persecute a beta male for the same infidelity. Nature is not kind to the nice guy. Indeed, along with other wonderfully controversial facts, the book Sperm Wars by Robin Baker[wp] lends credence to the concept that women have adapted to have fluid sexual orientation.
It is not hard to see how this tendency in women led to the mythical Sodom and Gomorrah, which was later destroyed by God. Societies that do not practice restraint and allow women to orbit Alpha males while neglecting all other males do not stay civilized long. Regardless of your religious beliefs, the story is a telling summation of the societal cost of unleashing primitive instincts on society rather than trying to constrain them. The instincts lead to temporary sexual satisfaction, but will ultimately negate the long-term fulfillment a family will bring.
Adapt or Die This study reveals one of the most in your face realities about the sexual and psychological nature of women yet. Imagine, women evolving to be bisexual in nature only because in the feral history of the human species, before civilization tried to harness these primitive sexual forces, only so they could please the top male who subjugated and dominated all the other males in society. After all, dominance hierarchies are the norm in our species. Winner take all, including all the puss. The choices left for the man who does not wish to become a genetic dead end are either to go to the dark side and develop Dark Triad traits of Machiavellianism[wp], narcissism[wp], and psychopathy[wp], or become a master at Game, or leave for a more traditional culture in which hypergamy and an ability to resource provision will be of benefit. Adapt to the de-civilizing society you are in or die - genetically, anyway. That, or clean house politically, purging the leaders that did this to you. |
– The New Modern Man[1] |
The Rationalization Hamster: 10 Ways It Affects Women and Society
Bad, bad, bad, bad boys...you make me feel so goooood![ext] Gloria Estefan[wp] made a hit song about them back in 1985. While today this song has little more than kitsch value, 30 years later we are seeing the destructive effects of women being allowed to indulge their bad boy loving instincts. The song is also representative of a time when Anglo culture started to shift towards total degeneracy. No matter your level of experience in the mating game, you probably have noticed women fall in love with the type of man who is the exact opposite of what they say they want. For the Red Pill man, there is perhaps no better definition of the rationalization hamster phenomenon than this one from Urban Dictionary.
In other words, women rationalize terrible choices they make based on what they feel. The primitive limbic system inside all of us which drives emotion dominates their decision making, rather than the logical (and oh so boring!) cerebrum. Men can make stupid choices, too when driven by emotion but women are virtually powerless against the hamster hidden inside the limbic brain. You can see The Rationalization Hamster outlined in a The New Modern Man infographic here.[ext] Here are 10 ways female hamster rationalizations are affecting society and an explanation of how the hamster rationalizes each terrible outcome.
10. Criminals end up with more sexual partners than nice guys. The hamster loves bad boys because of the feels they give women. It runs quickly on the wheel churning out poorly reasoned rationalizations. An endorphin rush of emotion accompanies each thought of a romantic tryst with a criminal in the female mind. Consequently, criminals have a higher number of children than the rest of the population. Bad boys average around 3.0 offspring in their lifetimes, while in America the average for whites is 1.75 children, well below the 2.1 needed avoid demographic disappearance. A finding published in a study of human evolution and behavior reveals:
So, statistics once again confirm the old adage of Alpha fux, beta bux in the mating game. Perhaps this is why women's instinctual behavior has traditionally been considered evil in the world's religious documents. These instincts literally lead to criminals outbreeding civilized nice boys. If you want a society in which the majority of children are sired by criminals, by all means continue to denigrate patriarchy and live under the Law of the Jungle.[ext] 9. The state has replaced the role of the Beta male in society. The hamster views this as every female's right to screw bad boys and have children with exciting men who aren't BORING contributors to society. Big Daddy Government will clean up the devastation wrought by her poor choices in Anglo America, and use Beta male tax money to pay for the children a bad boy fathers with her. After all, as Hillary Clinton puts it, It Takes a Village, not a family. Feminism has resulted in a nation in which women have monopoly on all legal rights but few, if any responsibilities. For example: A woman has an affair on her Beta provider, initiates divorce (4 out of 5 divorces are initiated or caused by women) then is awarded cash and prizes in the form of the house, child support, and alimony by a family court system that is biased against men. Or, option B, she has children with a destitute bad boy and gets abandoned but the government tit is waiting to be suckled; it picks up the tab with social programs. Either way, women can't lose, which in tandem with emotion-driven, bad boy loving decision making renders good men worthless to them. 8. Increasing numbers of sexless omega males are going on shooting rampages. The hamster says 4 out of 5 men are just not good enough. The rest of us live with the consequences of sexually disenfranchising millions of men, like sexless men simmering in the background of society until they eventually blow their top. A few examples: Eliot Rodger[wp] killed 7 and injured 14 when he went on a rampage in Isla Vista, CA. Rodger was an incel (involuntarily celibate) omega male who claimed he went on the shootings because of his frustration over not being able to find a girlfriend and his hatred of women. James Holmes[wp] of the infamous Aurora, CO theater shooting[wp] and Seung-Hui Cho[wp] were also sexless incel men. Seung Hui-Cho couldn't even get an escort to do him. While this in no way justifies their violence, it is a byproduct of a male-hating culture and the sexual disenfranchisement of an increasing number of men. Men who do everything society tells them to do often end up sexless and alone. However, proving the insanity of the Rationalization Hamster, once omega males have committed a heinous crime and become media celebrities women then chase after them, reinforcing Fact 10: Criminals end up with more sexual partners than nice guys. Just look at James Holmes' prison cell and all the fan letters and photos from hot chicks he now receives.
7. Decreasing civility in society. The hamster does not care about civility, it only wants excitement. Decreasing civility is easy to see in American society, and it is a direct result of instincts that reward bad boys with lots of sex and punish good men with incel. Whether it be degenerate pop stars relentlessly rubbing their GrrlPower in men's faces or women increasingly covering themselves in tattoos or slutting it up every weekend at the club until they're 65 years old, the effects of de-civilizing feminism can be seen everywhere. Some interesting statistics:
This really should come as no surprise as no society in history has abandoned monogamy and restrictions on female sexuality and remained cohesive. 6. The appearance of the Pareto Principle or the 80/20 rule in the sexual market. The hamster would rather be part of the harem of an Alpha than the one and only of 9-to-5 Johnny. Well known in the business world, the Pareto Principle also applies to today's sexual market in which generally speaking 20% of top men dominate 80% of the attention and sex from women. One study revealed almost no single women have gone without sex in the past six months, while nearly half of single men reported having no sex in the last six months. Helen Smith, PhD demonstrated this phenomenon with her own survey in her book Men on Strike. Alphas and Sigmas monopolize the majority of female sexuality:
The missing 13% from Smith's survey can likely be attributed to the very top echelon of Betas, or incomplete statistics. So, as with many things in life the sexual market is totally unfair. Adapt, or go without. The hamster does not rationalize reason in the female brain, it is driven by pure emotion. 5. Women will do anything to keep an Alpha male around, no matter how degenerate he is. The hamster says, oh but it's not his fault, or (even better) he's going to change once my maternal instincts show him the error of his ways. There is a scientific process at work in the recent 50 Shades of Grey phenomenon. A powerful jerk manipulates and controls women, then has violent, denigrating sex with them. How do women respond to his depravity, albeit importantly, the depravity of a wealthy, powerful man? Scores of them foam at the vag lips all the way to the bookstore and turn 50 Shades of Grey into a pop culture phenomenon. If trailer park Johnny performed the sexual escapades in this book he would likely end up in prison, but women turn a blind eye to abuse when men have money, power, or better yet, both. Explaining why women do this all comes down to this statement from the American Psychological Association.
Women view manipulative, controlling, and often violent men as dominant men with superior genes. Elite Daily further illustrates this concept:
There is no negotiating female desire. This desire will lead them to hamster rationalize even the worst treatment by men, even abuse as we will see in a moment. 4. Women will sacrifice a lifetime of commitment from a Beta male for a random fling with an Alpha. The hamster says the Alpha interloper made me feel like you haven't made me feel in a long time! How many times have we seen women destroy marriages, which represented a lifetime of financial and sexual commitment from her Beta provider - tossed aside for a fling? Personally, I lost count of how many times this happened to friends of mine. This behavior is genetically coded into females, and indeed in nature the male is disposable in most species. The female black widow spider even consumes the male (eats him) when the mating act is finished. Sperm is everywhere in nature, and eggs are precious and few. The human species attempted to balance the scales a little and give males a role in society by enacting cultural policies of monogamy and punishing infidelity (especially female infidelity). The West now wants to have it both ways, male commitment[kw] without any reward. All our present-day problems stem from this issue. 3. During ovulation, a woman is more likely to conceive with from a random fling with a bad boy than her regular Beta partner. The hamster says well, just this one time doesn't count. Oh, he shot a load in you? Well that doesn't count either. In the real world, scientific tests of what type of men women find attractive have shown women prefer more masculine traits, and features which make men look dangerous especially when they are most fertile. They also prefer darker, meaner personality traits when they are ovulating. Brain scans of women have also confirmed areas of the brain dealing with risk assessment light up when women are presented with men who have a threatening appearance. Consequently, she tingles with desire when she sees a bad boy and later he tingles when he reaches orgasm with her. 2. Women are biologically wired to lust after violent men. The hamster says just because he beat up his other girlfriend doesn't mean he will beat me up. Or, this time will really be the last time he gives me a black eye. This explains why women not only put up with, but often pursue relationships with abusive men. It explains why criminals like Charles Manson[wp] have groupies and orgies while the guy who studies hard and "does the right thing" often ends up jerking it alone in his bedroom. It also explains the Chris Brown[wp]/Rihanna[wp] fiasco. Legacy media "journalist" Diane Sawyer bent over backwards to kiss Rihanna's behind after she got beat up (remember, in Anglo-America women are ALWAYS the victim, even if they make terrible choices). Rihanna sobbed:
What did Rihanna do after being set off in a nightgown with a bloody face? Go right back to the man that did that to her years later:
Feels are to women what the Law of Gravity is to the rest of the Universe. 1. A dominant man gets more puss than a go-along, get-along nice guy. The hamster says yeah that nice guy is cute but this badass really turns me on. This concept relates to the Five Types of Men in the Social-Sexual Hierarchy.[ext] Some guys have all the luck, while others beg for table scraps. Estimates of how many sex partners each type can expect roughly break down like this:
So what is the average number of sexual partners? The University of Michigan found an average of 31 partners for men and 9 for women. Men are likely to overestimate the number, and hamster rationalizing women (not surprisingly) are likely to underestimate the number of sexual partners they have had. As has been said before, Alphas and Sigmas cannot walk outside without falling into puss. Up next is the reason why women find them so desirable...and it reveals more uncomfortable truth.
The Badass Wins the Day Once again, we prove nature comes down to the heartless business of nature saving those heredities that work, and rejecting those that don't, as stated by astrophysicist Carl Sagan[wp]. What heredities work? In short, having or being able to approximate these traits will make you irresistible to females: Being in love with yourself, being manipulative, and being an uncaring, aloof, unsympathetic jerk will make you go far in life with women. This may not conform to our preferences, but our preferences don't count in the real world. Only the truth. That is what taking the Red Pill is all about. Survival is everything in nature, and to the female, the roughest, toughest, baddest boy has genes that will survive nature's cruelest tests (and her own shit tests). Manipulating these urges using The 10 Laws of the Mating Game[ext] is the end result of feminism in a radically altered sexual market. If more civilized behavior is desired, the society must go back to traditions which were set up in the Bronze Age and have endured over 2,000 years for a reason. The hamster won't like it, but the alternative is to literally live like animals. |
– The New Modern Man[3] |
# American women have unreasonable standards.
– Return of Kings[4] |
- ↑ Women Will Do Anything for an Alpha - Including Having Sex with Other Women, The New Modern Man on May 18, 2016
- ↑ Urban Dictionary: rationalization hamster
- ↑ The Rationalization Hamster: 10 Ways It Affects Women and Society, The New Modern Man on May 9, 2016
- ↑ Return of Kings: 10 Reasons Why Foreign Women Are Better Than American Women
See also
External links
- Wikipedia has an article about Woman
What Is A Woman? The Bible Has the Answer - Exodus: Episode 11 - Jordan B. Peterson (September 25, 2023) (Size: 124:52 min.)
- Tips For Men Communicating With Women Online, Discerning Specialist on January 6, 2019
5 BIG Secrets Single Women Hide From Men - Dan Bacon (January 22, 2020) (Size: 30:12 min.)
We interviewed girls on SEX, DATING and BDSM - (The Surprising Truth!) - The Natural Lifestyles (March 20, 2019) (Size: 57:33 min.)
- The Nice Guy Forum: Foreign Women Are Better!
- Return of Kings: Why Foreign Women Are Better Than Western Women (All women are born the same. But proving that nurture is of utmost importance in the nature vs. nurture debate, foreign women are better options for sane men for...)
Western Women - Jordan Peterson (May 4, 2017) (Size: 13:13 min.) (Jordan Peterson discusses the lives of women in the western world with relation to genetics, social structures, the political spectrum, and personality traits.)
Beta Females - Sandman (March 19, 2017) (Size: 10:13 min.)
Traditional Women - MGTOW - Sandman (November 24, 2016) (Size: 10:40 min.)
Religious Women - MGTOW - Sandman (November 20, 2016) (Size: 10:38 min.)
Alpha Females - Sandman (September 28, 2016) (Size: 10:25 min.)
"Why Women Destroy Nations / Civilizations - and other Uncomfortable Truths", Part 1, 2 - Black Pigeon Speaks (Error: Invalid time.)
- The Feminine Mistake, Château Heartiste on January 25, 2016
- The Project To Feminize Western Men And Masculinize Western Women, Château Heartiste on February 20, 2014 (Feminization)
- The Masculinization Of The Western White Female, Château Heartiste on February June 15, 2009
Exposing How Women Manipulate Men - Diana Davison (January 24, 2015) (Size: 33:31 min.)
- Why women leave men they love - What every man needs to know, Justice Schanfarber on January 23, 2015
Mentally ill women are "normal" - Diana Davison (November 8, 2014) (Size: 15:20 min.)
- Five Minutes Of Alpha Syndrome, Château Heartiste on October 18, 2014 ("5-Minutes-Of-Alpha-Beats-5-Years-Of-Beta" or variations thereof))
- Karen Cross: I left the love of my life because I thought I could do better. Now I'm childless and alone at 42, Daily Mail on January 16, 2013
- 3 Reasons Why Women Fail to Attract Men, The Feminine Woman on June 6, 2011, updated on December 11, 2015
- The Spearhead: The American Wife, 5 March 2011
- 10 Reasons You Can't Communicate with a Narcissistic or Borderline Woman, A Shrink for Men on September 17, 2009