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Main PageWoman → Hypergamy
Hypergamy - Sexual freedom versus Reglated sexuality.

Hypergamy (colloquially referred to as "marrying up") is the act or practice of seeking a spouse of higher looks, socioeconomic, caste or status than oneself.[1][2]

The term is often used more specifically in reference to a perceived tendency among human cultures for females to seek or be encouraged to pursue male suitors that are higher status than themselves, which often manifests itself as being attracted to men who are comparatively older, wealthier or otherwise more privileged than themselves.[3]

Quote: «Hypergamy

Every woman's innate urge (and willingness) to sleep with a male of higher status than the one she's currently settling for - virtually guaranteeing that her boyfriend or husband is never her first choice.» - MGTOW Glossary[4]


  1. Collins English Dictionary: hypergamy
  2. Merriam Webster: hypergamy
  3. Pdf-icon-intern.svg Education and Hypergamy in Marriage Markets - Elaina Rose, March 2004 (Pages)
  4. MGTOW: Glossary

See also

External links