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Branch swinging

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Main PageWomanMarriageMate choice behavior → Branch swinging

Branch swinging or vine swinging is when women let go of a relationship with one man after getting a firm grip on the next. Attractive women are rarely single, and tend to go directly from one man to the next because they have new guys lined up already. While they're with any given guy, they may be constantly watching for better options. Once the upgrade has been secured, the current man is disposable.

Given many women's openness to branch swing, they may use the boyfriend objection[kw] (or husband objection) more as a shit test than as a way of definitively shutting down any prospect of a guy's getting her to leave her current guy for him.

darkjohanson suggests that after a breakup, "Remember that she is on the next one already"; "Much like monkeys, women never swing from a branch without holding onto another one."[1]

Branch swinging is female hypergamy put into action through the utilization of instinctually and evolutionarily inbuilt proclivity towards strategic pluralism. In practise, this means that the branchswinger will seek out a male either for his ability to provide resources, or his ability to inseminate her with "higher-quality" genes.[2]

Branch swinging is female hypergamy put into action. The term refers to the notion that a hypergamous women will always make sure she has hold of the next "branch" (i.e. male relationship prospect) before she exits her current relationship and enters a new one (monkey-branches) with the more desirable man. The term is used to imply that women are inherently disloyal, and will exit their relationships when they have a good prospect of initiating a new one with a man with a higher SMV than their current partner, or a man she overwise perceives as more desirable.[3]


  1. darkjohanson (12 August 2014). "8 Essential Steps For When You Get Dumped". Return of Kings.
  2. The Incel Wiki: Branchswinging (May 7, 2019)
  3. The Incel Wiki: Branchswinging (October 22, 2019)

See also

External link

This article based on an article Branch swinging (November 4, 2016) from the free Encyklopedia Kings Wiki. The Kings Wiki article is published under Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0). In Kings Wiki is a List of Authors available those who worked on the text before being incorporated in WikiMANNia.
This article based on an article Branchswinging (October 22, 2019) from the free Encyklopedia The Incel Wiki. The The Incel Wiki article is published under an unknown license. In The Incel Wiki is a List of Authors available those who worked on the text before being incorporated in WikiMANNia.