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Main PageHumanWoman → Cuckquean
Main PageSexualityAdultery → Cuckquean
Main PageBDSMSadomasochismMasochism → Cuckquean

A cuckquean watches her man fuck.

A cuckquean is the gender-opposite of a cuckold.[1]

A female cuckolder; a woman who cuckolds her husband or partner.[2]

Usage examples

Quote: «
Definition - What does Cuckqueen mean?
A cuckqueen is a woman who is aroused by her partner engaging in sex activity with another partner. The pleasure derived from the activity is masochistic in nature and might include a humiliation component.
Kinkly explains Cuckqueen
The term cuckqueen is derived from the term cuckold which traditionally means a man whose wife is adulterous. In this instance, the meaning varies slightly because the partner in question is not being deceived and is, in fact, complicit in the activity.»[3]
Quote: «A cuckquean or cuckqueen is the gender-opposite of a cuckold, derived from Middle English (1562 AD).

A cuckquean is a woman with an adulterous husband. In modern English it generally refers to a woman whose fetish is watching, and deriving sexual pleasure from watching, a man having sex with one or several women besides his girlfriend, fiancée, wife or other long-term female sex partner.»[4]

Quote: «Saying 'I am cheating on my girlfriend' are boomer wordings. I'd rather embrace my girlfriend by calling her a 'cuckqueen' with some real respect like a gentleman.»[5]


See also

External link