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BDSM Collar and Chain.jpg
Woman wearing a collar with attached chain
B&D, B/D, or BD Bondage and discipline
D&s, D/s, or Ds Dominance and submission
S&M, S/M, or SM Sadism and masochism
Top/​Dominant partner who performs or controls the activity
Bottom/​Sub­missive partner who receives or is controlled
Switch switches between roles
Main PageSexualityBDSMDomination and submission → Humiliation

Erotic humiliation is consensual[wp] psychological humiliation[wp] in order to produce erotic excitement or sexual arousal[wp].

In BDSM, humiliation is one psychological technique a top may use on a bottom. It is generally considered edgeplay[wipi] because it touches strong emotional buttons.

The word humiliation comes from a Latin root meaning earth. To humiliate someone is to bring him or her down low to the ground.

Humiliation is a highly subjective issue, and depends greatly on context. Although there are many examples of humiliation as a technique, success in training all depends upon the slave and what they find personally to be most degrading. While in a dominant-submissive scene[wp] or relationship, the submissive takes a subordinate role and may be called "slave", "boy", "dog" or something similar. The submissive may also make displays of subservience[wipi], such as lighting cigarettes, walking a pace behind the dominant, only speaking when spoken to, etc.

Humiliation play can involve physical and/or verbal methods. Some seek to be demeaned by acting a role, while others enjoy to be 'tonguelashed' and to be constantly told of their low status, and even be made to repeat this back to the humiliator. One example may be as simple as having a slave call their Master "Sir" or "Master." For some, this in and of itself is utterly humiliating, while other slaves may find that is not humiliating whatsoever. On the flip side, having a slave wear a collar and perform submissive acts in public or within the confines of a scene with other people may seem humiliating to some, but normal and natural to others.

However, a dominant may take care over insulting the submissive. Terms like "fat", "ugly", "stupid" or "worthless" could be considered abuse if this is not part of the understanding the top and bottom have negotiated[wipi] for their role play scene.

Depending on the roles and persons involved, terms like "slut", "tart", "bitch" and "whore" may or may not be considered humiliation. For some people, such names are a way of achieving ego reduction, entering bottom space, or getting over sexual inhibitions.

A classic technique to put a submissive into bottom space is to combine humiliation with pleasurable physical sensation, including sexual stimulation. Someone who is already inclined to be subby can often be put into a very submissive mental state by simultaneously turning that person on physically while humiliating them.

Sexual roleplaying may or may not involve humiliation. For example, one bottom who plays the part of a dog may enjoy being mock-forced into it and the top will emphasize the lowness of the bottom's status as an animal. Another dog-player would rather play the role of the dog without any element of humiliation.

One such form of sexual roleplaying is objectification, where the bottom is cast in the role of an object.

It is also widely accepted that there are individuals who seek humiliation as a form of emotional release, thus, doing things like eating out of a dog dish, being forced to always kneel, displaying oneself or being forced to cross dress, are just methods a Master can use to bring their slave that much wanted emotional release.

Humiliation may be reinforced by being in public or in front of other people. This may include being made to go out in very scanty or revealing clothing or cross-dressed.


Extreme humiliation is called degradation. It can involve a wide range of activities, such as human toilet play[wipi]. The boundary between degradation and humiliation is unclear. It has been suggested that degradation can have a more long-lasting negative affect on a victim's mind than humiliation, and so it is often beyond people's limits of what is acceptable.

Humiliation in punishment

See Spanking Art Wiki: Humiliation - Section "Humiliation in punishment"

Humiliation in BDSM or spanking

See Spanking Art Wiki: Humiliation - Section "Humiliation in BDSM or spanking"

See also

  • Collar and lead play[wipi]
  • Erotic sexual denial[wipi]
  • Eye contact restriction[wipi]
  • Forced exhibitionism[wipi]
  • Fairy exhibitionism[wipi]
  • Forced feminisation[wipi]
  • Intimate examination[wipi]
  • Kennel play[wipi]
  • Outdoor bondage[wipi]
  • Pinaforing[wipi]
  • Shower torment[wipi]
  • Skirt up[wipi]
  • Speedo bondage[wipi]
  • Snake play[wipi]
  • Toilet use control[wipi]
  • Vanilla audience[wipi]
  • Verbal humiliation[wipi]
  • Bottom space[saw]
  • Ego reduction[saw]
  • Forced nudity[saw]

External links

This article based on an article Humiliation (18 May 2014) from the free Encyklopedia Wipipedia. The Wipipedia article is published under GNU-License for free Documentation. In Wipipedia is a List of Authors available those who worked on the text before being incorporated in WikiMANNia.
This article based on an article Humiliation (2 June 2018) from the free Encyklopedia Spanking Art Wiki. The Spanking Art Wiki article is published under GNU-License for free Documentation. In Spanking Art Wiki is a List of Authors available those who worked on the text before being incorporated in WikiMANNia.