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Nose ring

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Main PagePiercingNose piercing → Nose ring
Main PageSocietyJewellery → Nose ring
Ball Closure Ring as nose ring

A nose ring is a ring passing through the nasal septum[wp] wall, which is used for various reasons.



A nose ring is used to maintain control of this bull being exhibited at a livestock show.

Bei Bullen werden gelegentlich Messingringe in die Nasenscheidewand eingesetzt, um sie besser bändigen zu können. Die Nase ist eine sehr empfindliche Stelle am Körper. Der Ring ist eine so genannte "Zwangs­maßnahme", die eingesetzt wird, wenn das Vieh beginnt, sich zu wehren.

A spiked ring which prevents suckling.

Bei Kälbern wird ein so genannter Saugstopp-Nasenring verwendet, um dem Kalb den Zugang zur Milch zu verwehren. Dies macht es einfacher das Kalb von der Mutter zu trennen. Noch häufiger wird der Saugstopper angewendet, um Färsen in der Gruppen­haltung davon abzuhalten, andere Färsen zu besaugen.

Tame bear

This practice is customary with tame bears[wp]. The bear is chained to the nose ring. The ring also serves as a fixture for a line to which the bear is guided.


Educational games

A nose ring gives new leadership qualities!

A nose ring is a ring placed through a piercing in the septum in the nose[wp].

In a BDSM scenatio, it may be used as a fixing point for a chain or leash, so that a captive can be restrained or led about. Alternatively, it may be twisted or weights may be hung from it to cause pain, though care is essential to avoid damaging the septum.[1]

Alternative to marriage

Getting a firm relationship through marriage is like trying to nail a pudding to the wall. Other times require different approaches. An ankler would be exaggerated and too clumsy. In the normal case, it should be sufficient to attach the chain to the collar, to foot or bracelets. The chain on the nose ring is probably the most effective and elegant method.
International Symbol for Marriage


  1. Wipipedia: Nose ring

External links