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Sigma male

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The Five Male Archetypes
The Five Male Archetypes.svg
The Social and Sexual Hierarchy
Alpha The self-assured leader of men whose swagger and aloofness makes him very successful with women.
Sigma The Lone Wolf antithesis of the Alpha. Defies placement in the social hierarcy and yet is successful with women.
Beta The worker bees of society. Women will tolerate them if they have ample resource, otherwise they are discarded.
Gamma Gammas are bitter or clueless about women. Often they can't grasp Red Pill concepts and check out of the mating game.
Omega The hopeless. Omegas are correlated with violent outbursts like shooting sprees because of their total rejection by women.
Further types
Delta The normal guy. Deltas are the great majority of men.
Lambda Those men who have quite literally no interest in conventional male-female sexual relations.
Zeta Refers to a perspective and way of being male that positions itself outside of the usual hierarchical model of masculinity based on Alpha male (top), Beta male (second) and Omega male (lowest).
Main PageManMale Archetypes → Sigma male

A popular definition of Sigma as given by Alpha game:

Quote: «The outsider who doesn’t play the social game and manage to win at it anyhow. The sigma is hated by alphas because sigmas are the only men who don't accept or at least acknowledge, however grudgingly, their social dominance. (NB: Alphas absolutely hate to be laughed at and a sigma can often enrage an alpha by doing nothing more than smiling at him.) Everyone else is vaguely confused by them. In a social situation, the sigma is the man who stops in briefly to say hello to a few friends accompanied by a Tier 1 girl that no one has ever seen before. Sigmas like women, but tend to be contemptuous of them. They are usually considered to be strange. Gammas often like to think they are sigmas, failing to understand that sigmas are not social rejects, they are at the top of the social hierarchy despite their refusal to play by its rules.

Lifetime sexual partners = 4x average+»[1]

Since these MGTOW guys are opting-out of society, then that would make them going Sigma. Now there's only those heroic qualities ascribed to the Sigma: social dominance and winning. Then who really is to say that a man is socially dominant if a particular man has opted out of the hierarchy in the first place? I say Sigma is a man who does not ascribe to society's valuation process and in the process wins. These guys are not Alphas, or Betas, Deltas. These are well-adjusted men who opted-out... they are going Sigma.[2]


  1. The socio-sexual hierarchy, Alpha game on March 5, 2011
  2. Sigma and the MGTOWs, Rise of Sigma in July 2013