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Briffault's Law

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Main PageWomanMarriageMate choice behavior → Briffault's Law

Briffault's Law states that:

Quote: «The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place.»[1]


Dean Esmay
"One day we're going to have to do an article taking on the 'Briffault's Law' pseudoscience, along with certain other bits of pseudoscience and woozles that keep floating around, like the long-debunked myth that there's an 80%-40% difference in reproduction for women vs. men, the notion that we're a tournament mating species, and a whole bunch else that's rubbish.
Still, in this context, Briffault's 'law' is certainly an interesting shorthand of what an all-too-common form of abusive relationship looks like, and Ayam is doing an amazing job of skewering the whole gynocentric lie that 'women in other parts of the world are oppressed and treated like dogs'."[2]
"Giggling. While Briffault's Law is no such thing, it's an interesting observation, more of a heuristic than a law. And it's not mentioned in academic literature much at all, beyond Briffault's own work.
As for the number of men reproducing, here's a great discussion of the data that is out there.[3] Here's an article on Baumeister's work and its implications.[4]"[5]


  1. Robert Briffault (1960). The Mothers (Abridged ed.). Macmillan. p. 49
  2. Dean Esmay
  3. NancyLebovitz: Differential reproduction for men and women, LessWrong am 2. April 2013
  4. John Tierney: Is There Anything Good About Men? And Other Tricky Questions, The New York Times am 20. August 2007
  5. Guest

See also

External links