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Earl Silverman

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Earl Silverman
Earl Silverman.jpg
Lived July 4, 1948-April 26, 2013
Occupation activist

Earl Silverman (1948-2013) was the founder of Men’s Alternative Safe House[w4m] (MASH) in Calgary, believed to be the only men's domestic violence shelter in Canada at the time.[1] In 2013, Silverman took his own life shortly after his efforts to keep MASH funded failed and he was forced to close its doors due to lack of funding.

Earl Silverman in his Shelter's Office (2013)

Earl Silverman was victim of domestic violence and committed suicide by hang himself on 26 april 2013.[2] At locking for help, he didn't find anything but ignorance.

Earl Silverman's Gravestone[3]

Earl Silverman came to Calgary, from Montreal by way of Miami, FL and Vancouver, B.C. in 1978. Earl's most notable accomplishment was his formation and development of the socially innovative "Family of Men" support society in 1999.[4]

Quote: «When I went into the community looking for some support services, I couldn't find any. There were a lot for women, and the only programs for men were for anger management. As a victim, I was re-victimized by having these services telling me that I wasn't a victim, but I was a perpetrator - Earl Silverman[5]

Earl Silverman says:

"In Canada, they're stuck with a Marxist gender model and that’s never going to change", explaining that the current system defines "male and female relationships where men are the bourgeois group with the power and women as the proletariat with no power." [5]

Earl Silverman's will directed that the funds from his estate should be dispersed so as to create an educational scholarship for male victims of female perpetrated domestic violence. Courts in Alberta directed that the funds should be dispersed to the Mount Royal University Foundation for this purpose.


  1. Jen Gerson: Privately run shelter for male victims of domestic abuse forced to close its doors due to lack of funding, National Post on March 20, 2013 (Teaser: While awareness of domestic abuse has led to hundreds of shelters and myriad resources for women, few if any can be accessed by male victims.)
  2. Remembering Earl Silverman, Founder of Men's Alternative Safe House, RADAR (Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting) on April 28, 2013
  3. Jewish Memorial Chapel Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  4. Earl Silverman - Obituary, Calgary Herald from May 9/10, 2013
  5. 5.0 5.1 Jen Gerson: Privately run shelter for male victims of domestic abuse forced to close its doors due to lack of funding, National Post on March 20, 2013

External links

This article based initially on an article Earl Silverman (July 1, 2013) from the free Encyklopedia Wiki4Men. The Wiki4Men article is published under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). In Wiki4Men is a List of Authors available those who worked on the text before being incorporated in WikiMANNia.