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Main PageManFatherFatherhood → Fatherlessness

From fatherlessness or growing up children without father is the case, when children loose their fathers by death, total boycott of the mother or lose an irresponsible complete withdrawal of the father. Moreover, the term can also be applied to the fact that after a separation or divorce in fact disappear many fathers from the lives of their children when a family court judge in the residence model has the usual minimal handling. The phenomenon of fatherless effected at a divorce orphan often a serious psychological injury with long-lasting consequences that frequently until far into adulthood.

The Vaterdeprivationsforschung has for several years now sufficiently advanced to a relationship between psychological and psychosomatic disorders, self-injurious behavior, relationship problems, social abnormalities up to the crime, to the power failure, to cognitive deficits and psychosexual identity problems of children, adolescents and young adults with a sustained Father Loss to accept. The protective factors that bring the child constitutionally or provided by a supportive environment, to mitigate the consequences, but the personal suffering not cancel.

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