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For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.
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Stephen Baskerville
URL | stephenbaskerville.net |
Stephen Baskerville is associate professor of government at Patrick Henry College[wp] and was president of the American Coalition of Fathers and Children[wp] (2005-2007).
Stephen K. Baskerville is an American scholar of political science and is described by Paul Craig Roberts[wp] as a leading authority on divorce, child custody and the family court system.[1]
- Taken into Custody: The War Against Fatherhood, Marriage, and the Family, Cumberland House Publishing 2007, ISBN 1-58182-594-3
- Family Takeover, Touchstone, January/February 2011 (A United Nations Treaty Will Undermine Both the Family & the US Constitution)
- Divorced From Reality (Don't blame the gay lobby for the decline of marriage.), The American Conservative on November 22, 2010 (Marriage exists primarily to cement the father to the family. This fact is politically incorrect but undeniable. The breakdown of marriage produces widespread fatherlessness, not motherlessness.)
- Sexual Statism, The American Conservative on August 4, 2010 (The decline of the male economy - and of fatherhood - arises less from the empowerment of women than from the government's usurpation of the family.)
- Feminist Gulag: No Prosecution Necessary, The New American on January 7, 2010 ((Feminism))
- Married to the State: How government colonizes the family, The American Conservative on September 25, 2009 (Stateism)[2]
- Divorced From Reality, Touchstone, vol. 22, no. 1 (January-February 2009) (We're from the Government, and We're Here to End Your Marriage.)
- Same-sex marriage and polygamist cults, WorldNetDaily on June 6, 2008 (Stephen Baskerville explains significance of government 'trafficking' in kids)
- The Dangerous Rise of Sexual Politics, The Family in America, Volume 22 Number 02, 2008 (Islamic radicalism may be creating a "clash of civilizations," but sexual radicalism is undermining the social foundation of all civilization.)
- Criminalizing America's fathers?, The Washington Times on August 12, 2007
- The Real Danger of Same-Sex Marriage, The Family in America, Volume 20 Number 5/6, May/June 2006
- The Father's War: They serve their country and lose their children, The American Conservative on October 24, 2005
- Violence Against Families, The American Conservative on August 29, 2005, pp. 23-25 - PDF
- Fathers Into Felons (No-fault divorce has turned a bastion of private life into a colony of the state.), The American Conservative on May 23, 2005
- Divorce as Revolution, NewsWithViews on July 22, 2004
- Strengthening Marriage Through Divorce and Custody Reform, The Family in America, Volume 18 Number 05, May 2004
The Politics of Family Destruction[ext] - Stephen Baskerville, Crisis magazine, November 2002 (7 pages)
Quote: «Stephen Baskerville's "Taken into Custody" details for us the brutal police-state machinery which has grown up in the past forty years to encourage, enforce, and profit from it. Here is the reality behind such commonplace euphemisms as "marital breakdown" and "custody disputes": - A man comes home one day to find his house empty. On the table is a note from his wife saying she has taken the children to live with her sister or parents or boyfriend, or to a "battered women's shelter." Soon after comes a knock on the door. He is summoned to appear [at] a family court within a few hours. In a hearing that lasts a few minutes his children are legally removed from his care ... and he is ordered to stay away from them most or all of the time. He is also ordered to begin making child support payments, an order is entered to garnish his wages, and his name is placed on a federal government database for monitoring "delinquents." If he tries to see his children outside the authorized time, or fails to make the payments, he can be arrested. Without being permitted to speak, he is told the hearing is over.
- The man may be accused of domestic violence or child sexual abuse, in which case there may be no hearing at all ... but the police will simply come to the door and order him to leave his home within hours, or minutes, even if no evidence has been presented against him... The man may also be ordered to pay alimony and the fees of lawyers he has not hired and threatened with arrest if he refuses or is unable... If he refuses to hire a lawyer he will be ordered to pay his spouse's lawyer. Either way, he will pay $50,000-$150,000 and possibly much more... If he refuses to answer questions or pay he can be jailed without a trial... If he objects, he can be ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.
At his "trial," he will be interrogated about the most intimate details of his family life.
- And no answer is correct. If he works long hours, he is a careerist who neglects his children. If he cares for his children, he is failing to earn as much income for them as he might. If he disciplines his children, he is controlling or even abusive. If he does not, he is neglectful. If he does not bathe them, he is neglecting them. If he does, he may be molesting them.
All this costs him "$400-$500 an hour, and the ordeal lasts as long as the lawyers and judge wish to drive up the fees."
- Whatever the outcome of the trial, for the rest of his children's childhood they and he will live under constant surveillance and control by the court. He will be told when he can see his children, what he can do with them, where he can take them ... what religious services he may (or must) attend with them and what subjects he may discuss with them in private... He can be ordered to work certain hours and at certain jobs, the earnings from which will be confiscated... If he loses his job or is hospitalized he will be declared a felon and jailed for failure to pay child support. His home can be entered by officials of the court... His financial records will be demanded and examined by the court and his bank account will be raided... His children can be compelled to act as informers against him. He can be ordered to sell his house and turn the proceeds over to attorneys he has not hired.
Baskerville notes that the very monstrousness of the injustices being committed against fathers prevents some people from accepting that they are taking place. A common initial reaction to the horror stories is "if things are really as bad as that, wouldn't we have heard about it before now?"
There are several reasons. One, of course, is that journalists whose job it is to inform us of corruption in public life prefer to entertain us with features on "gay marriage" and movie stars' romances. But a second is that the family courts directly retaliate against parents who attempt to organize or speak out. It is a crime in many jurisdictions to criticize a family court judge; where it is not, judges can simply issue individual gag orders from the bench. Baskerville reports instances of fathers who were arrested for talking to reporters about their cases. Sheriff's deputies photograph protest demonstrations by fathers' groups. Internet sites have been shut down. Archaic laws against "defamatory libel" and "scandalizing the court" have been resurrected to prosecute critics. Court officials have been deputized to monitor fathers' criticisms of the court in the press and in their private correspondence (which they can be ordered to hand over on pain of incarceration). Meanwhile, officials are free to discuss the private lives of fathers openly in public meetings and post information about their cases on the Internet.
Family court proceedings occur behind closed doors, and most often no records are kept. In cases where they are, they have sometimes been illegally falsified by unknown persons. Judges cite "family privacy" as the rational for secrecy. But in fact, the Clerk of Courts is required to make plenty of information about "defendants" (fathers) public: Social Security numbers, unlisted telephone numbers, and more. They are prohibited, however, from divulging the name of the judge assigned to the case. Baskerville draws the obvious conclusion: The purpose of all the secrecy and censorship is not to protect family privacy but to allow the courts to invade it with impunity.»[3]
- ↑ Wikipedia: Stephen Baskerville
- ↑ Colonization of the Family, Masked Writer on March 11, 2010 (Updated on January 22, 2014) (The term Colonization of the Family aptly describes the behavior of the gangster governments of modern-day gynocracies towards individual families.)
- ↑ F. Roger Devlin: Rotating Polyandry - & its Enforcers, Part 2, Counter-Currents Publishing on July 23, 2011
External links
- Website: stephenbaskerville.net (Hounding the Divorce Industry: Stephen Baskerville's Site about the Divorce Regime, Family Court Corruption and the Criminalization of Fathers and Parents.) (The divorce regime is the most totalitarian institution ever to arise in the United States, Britain, and the other English-speaking democracies. Its operatives in the family courts and the social service agencies recognize no private sphere of life.)
- Stephen Baskervilles Weblog (Until November 13, 2009)
- Patrick Henry College: Stephen Baskerville
Marriage Does Not Exist (February 1, 2013) (Size: 2:29 min.) (The good news is that Weddings do exist. The bad news is that Weddings are a very expensive way to party. This is Stephen Baskerville, and he is a man that you should get to know.)
Open Season On Fathers (February 1, 2013) (Size: 14:49 min.) (Dr. Stephen Baskerville, Howard University. The government is engaged in a massive war on fathers. Crisis of fatherhood is almost entirely the creation of the government. It's government hoax. Fathers are the main obstacle to government's expansion of power.)
Jeffrey Nyquist Interviews Stephen Baskerville on the Divorce Industry (November 6, 2012) (Size: 31:22 min.)
2009 CPR TV Stephen Baskerville No Fault Divorce Exposed (February 10, 2009) (Size: 2:22 min.) (A short concise summary of the problems created by no-fault divorce, including a short history of how no-fault divorce spread rapidly across the country and how the public was deceived.)
"DadsDivorce.com: Stephen Baskerville Taken Into Custody", Part 1, 2, 3 (Error: Invalid time.) (Divorce Attorney Joseph Cordell JD of Cordell & Cordell PC discusses Dr. Stephen Baskerville's book "Taken Into Custody" with the author.)
"Criminalization of American Fathers & Mothers", Part 1, 2 (February 1, 2002) (Dr. Stephen Baskerville lays out the ISSUES and Problems created by Family/Divorce Court throughout the Nation, and how Children and parents are destroyed by the SYSTEM, known as "The Divorce Industry" & "Child Protective Services" in the name of "Best interest of the children".)
Hardfire FATHERS' RIGHTS / STEPHEN BASKERVILLE / JOSEPH DOBRIAN (August 14, 2007) (Size: 28:31 min.) (Stephen Baskerville, author of "Taken Into Custody: The War Against Fathers, Marriage, and the Family," talks wtih Joseph Dobrian of the Manhattan Libertarian Party about how the divorce industry destroys families and children.) (Divorce machinery)