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Pro-Male Collective

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Main PageManMen's movement → Pro-Male Collective
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The Pro-Male Collective (PMC) is a pro-male advocacy group founded in 2018 by Analyzing Male Slavery and Male Sentient Void who thought that the traditionalist conservative (Tradcon) leanings of the men's rights movement and MGTOW were incompatible with pro-male advocacy. The group operates mainly on YouTube[wp] and Reddit[wp].


YouTube has been an important in the growth of the pro-male collective. The origins of the pro-male collective lie in a google hangout group. The group formed because some people were sick of the tradcon lead men's rights movement, and the alt-right take over of MGTOW lead by a youtuber called Turd Flinging Monkey. Most of the members of the group dropped the MGTOW label completely after the youtuber bar bar took money for a book and never delivered.

The youtuber Analyzing Male Slavery and Male Sentient Void were the first two you tubers on the group, and recruited more people via their you-tube channel.

Around the time Google hangouts announced they were shutting their services down, the group moved over to Discord and named themselves the Pro-Male Collective. After countless hours of discussion a new pro-male ideology was formed.

More and more people have become pro-male content makers, as most of the people recruited have been attracted to the cause via pro-male YouTube channels.

The Pro-Male Collective considers YouTube a central part of their growth strategy. It is the only way to by pass the anti-male mainstream media, and the tradcon controlled men's rights movement.

Presence on YouTube

There are currently nine active members of the PMC who regularly upload videos on each of their channels.

Analyzing Male Slavery.jpg
Analyzing Male Slavery
Youtube channel
Trevor Cormier.jpg
Trevor Cormier
Youtube channel
Pro Male Vanguard.jpg
Pro Male Vanguard
Youtube channel
Pro Male Awakening.jpg
Pro Male Awakening
Youtube channel
Save The Babies From Knife rape.jpg
Save The Babies From Knife rape
Youtube channel
Pro Male Vendetta.jpg
Pro Male Vendetta
Youtube channel
Uprising At Blue Dawn.jpg
Uprising At Blue Dawn
Youtube channel
Youtube channel
Pro Male Empathy.jpg
Pro Male Empathy
Youtube channel

Some Videos

Presence on Reddit

Founded in July 2019 r/ProMaleCollective[ext] had near 2000 subscribers in June 2020. The PMC runs several other smaller subreddits dedicated for instance to monitoring misandristic hate speech from TERFs and other feminists.

Presence elsewhere

The PMC runs a blog called First in the Face of Misandry.

About Pro-Male Collective

Quote: «Most of their channels use a text-to-speech program, but some use their real voices. They have major beef with Turd Flinging Monkey and other MGTOWs they see as tradcon.

They have an origin in some of the earliest anti-feminism blogs, and the atheist/skeptic commmunity, then went into the MGTOW space, and are now in the MRA space. They are best seen as sort of a hybrid of MGTOW, MRA, and anti-traditionalism.»[1]

Quote: «Pro male collective is a rabidly anti-tradcon group of vlogger and bloggers who astroturf the comments sections of websites, among a wide range of activities. It is comprised of only about a dozen people.

They are trying to start something adjacent to the MRA and MGTOW space, as they hate both.

They have finally struck gold as far as followers, through their "r/promalecollective" subreddit.
The collective is led by AnalyzingMaleSlavery, a vlogger who does not like to be associated with incels - MisogyWiki[2]


  1. The Incel Wiki: Pro-male collective
  2. MisogyWiki: Pro male collective (Revision as of September 13, 2020)

This article based on an article Pro Male Collective (3 July 2020) from the free Encyklopedia PromaleWiki. The PromaleWiki article is published under an unknown license. In PromaleWiki is a List of Authors available those who worked on the text before being incorporated in WikiMANNia.
This article based on an article List of Pro Male Youtube Channels (13 August 2020) from the free Encyklopedia PromaleWiki. The PromaleWiki article is published under an unknown license. In PromaleWiki is a List of Authors available those who worked on the text before being incorporated in WikiMANNia.