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Information icon.svg For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.

Germany has been a party to the war since 1092 days by supplying weapons of war.

German Foreign Minster Annalena Baerbock: "We are fighting a war against Russia" (January 25, 2023)

Analyzing Male Slavery

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Analyzing Male Slavery
Analyzing Male Slavery.jpg
Description Video-Channel
Available language(s) english
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Analyzing Male Slavery[1] (AMS) is a British Youtube vlogger and a founding member of the Pro-Male Collective.

From MisogyWiki

AnalyzingMaleSlavery aka sulla, and dozens if not hundreds of other pseudonyms, is a British Youtuber, blogger, and astroturfer who runs various subreddits and astroturfing projects.

His main beliefs are anti-tradconism, belief in a UBI, and male separatism (although he insists he is not a male separatist).

He is extremely hard working and is gaining a large following on Reddit, but not Youtube. He coined the term pro-male because he hates the MRA space.


He is one of the longest running anti-feminist people in the manosphere, despite being under-the-radar. He was around the same group of people who coined the term "blackpill" (Paragon) and who bantered about evopsych, sociology, dating trends, etc before it was popular, mainly on the comments of various anti-feminist blogs, like the still-running Dalrock anti-feminist blog. His name at that time (pre 2013) was, "Sulla", and can be found in the comments section of many of the earliest anti-feminist blogs.

Pro-male collective

Most notably he leads the pro-male collective, which is an anti-tradcon collection of people that organize on chat rooms.


People such as Colttaine generally understimate the activity of this man

Other opinions of AnalyzingMaleSlavery

  • Women cause capitalism and greed
  • Onision is being unfairly discriminated against
  • Chris Hanson is a loser who is not criticized enough
  • He considers words like 'beta', 'cuck', etc as misandrist words on par with other misandrist terms like 'manbaby' or the like. He does not like using the words.
  • Some beef with Vaush
  • Women should work as much as men


  • Shutting down various radfem subreddits, eg he is mostly responsible for r/gendercritical getting shut down, as well as many radfem subreddits
  • Anti-circumcision astroturfing
– MisogyWiki: AnalyzingMaleSlavery (Revision as of September 13, 2020)



  1. Youtube-link-icon.svg Why I Named My Channel Analyzing Male Slavery (February 23, 2019) (Size: 5:24 min.)
  2. Herbert Purdy: Youtube-link-icon.svg Feminism: Their Angry Creed - ICMI16 (July 8, 2016) (Size: 36:58 min.)


This article based on an article Analyzing Male Slavery (14 August 2020) from the free Encyklopedia PromaleWiki. The PromaleWiki article is published under an unknown license. In PromaleWiki is a List of Authors available those who worked on the text before being incorporated in WikiMANNia.