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International Conference on Men's Issues

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Available language(s) english
Launched 2014
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Created by AVfM/J4MB

The International Conference on Men's Issues (ICMI) are a series of conferences organised by the American A Voice for Men, the British Justice for Men and Boys, and the Honey Badger Brigade and held around the English-speaking world. The 2020 conference was cancelled due to the COVID 19 crisis. A conference in India is planned for 2021.

  1. International Conference on Men's Issues (Detroit), June 26-28, 2014
  2. International Conference on Men's Issues (London), July 8-10, 2016
  3. International Conference on Men's Issues (Gold Coast City), June 9-11, 2017
  4. International Conference on Men's Issues (London), July 20-22, 2018
  5. International Conference on Men's Issues (Chicago), August 16-18, 2019


Masters of Ceremony

  • Karen Straughan
    Karen, also known under the nom de plume, Girl Writes What, is a writer, videographer and mother, widely recognized as one of the most prominent female voices in the men's rights movement. She is also one of the founding members of the Honey Badger Brigade, a popular online anti-feminist radio program.

Keynote speaker


Masters of Ceremony

  • Mike Buchanan
    Mike was the founder of the British political party Justice for Men and Boys in 2013, and continues to lead it. It remains the only party in the English-speaking world campaigning for the human rights of men and boys on many fronts. He's the author of 10 books including one on the institution of marriage, 'The Fraud of the Rings' (2009), and 'Feminism: The Ugly Truth' (2012).

Keynote speaker

Special appearance by:

  • Cassie Jaye
    Cassie is the director of The Red Pill Movie, the award-winning documentary that has highlighted a variety of issues faced by men and boys, challenging mainstream assumptions about sex and power. The Red Pill will be shown at the event, followed by a Q & A with Cassie and several of the movie's cast members.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg ICMI18 - Cassie Jaye, Interview (Size: 21:48 min.)

Other speakers, in surname alphabetical order:


Quote: «One thing I do want to repeat from my coverage of the last time the event was held is that the task of speaking out for the rights of men and boys is a thankless and dangerous one. As one of the conference speakers put it 'There are no Brownie points to be had in talking about male disadvantage. There is no moral cachet in doing so. You will meet only with condemnation. Quite possibly accusations of misogyny'. Every person speaking - and many of those attending - was taking an amount of risk, personal, social or professional by being there (...).

(...) The audience and speakers were ethnically diverse, and included LGBT people and disabled individuals. I made an effort to speak to as many women as I could and several had the same story - they had eventually found the men's movement because their professions were affected by feminist policy and dominance to an extent that it was stopping them from doing their jobs properly - this from women in fields such as psychology, journalism and the public sector. I was only able to attend on the Saturday (the conference ran Friday 20-Sunday 22 July) but each day was opened or introduced by a female speaker and a strong theme that emerged across the talks was the role that women can play in getting society to pay attention to the ways men are left behind and also in calling out ideological assumptions that facilitate this.

(...) The schedule also included a screening of "American Circumcision"[ext], a 2017 documentary about the modern circumcision debate. Highly compelling, it takes a look at the 'Intactivist' movement - and how it has been led for many years by women such as Marilyn Milos, who has campaigned against the practice since witnessing the procedure as a nurse in the 1980s. The fact that boys are not protected from genital interference in countries such as the US and UK really is one of the most shocking arguments against the theory that society is driven by male privilege; it's something the other side of the argument can only scoff at, rather than confront. Even so there was an air of optimism on the issue - when Steven Svoboda (Executive Director of the organisation Attorneys for the Rights of the Child) spoke he seemed clear that it's only a matter of time before equal rights are achieved on this issue.

Another important highlight from the first day of the conference seems to have been Professor Eric Anderson - introduced as an American academic who has become the UK's most prolific and most-cited masculinities scholar. His speech saw him make an ideological shift, and argue for the necessity of examining men’s issues outside of the feminist lens. This may not sound particularly dramatic, but it’s something that the academic wing of the feminist movement will go to any lengths to prevent. Most attendees agreed that while some of his ideas may have been slightly at odds with the opinions of many present it was important and valuable to welcome perspectives on how men can be helped that are an end in themselves rather than existing to push political ideologies. That new voices like his are emerging and finding a community of academics and activists to support them is a sign of the importance of conferences like this one.» - Elena Rider[2]


Masters of Ceremony

  • Paul Elam
    Paul is the founder and publisher of A Voice for Men, largely considered the online flagship of the men's human rights movement. He is the CEO of AVfM Education, LLC, the organization that founded the International Conference on Men's Issues.
  • Mike Buchanan
    Mike was the founder of the British political party Justice for Men & Boys in 2013, and continues to lead it. It remains the only party in the English-speaking world campaigning for the human rights of men and boys on many fronts. He's the author of 10 books including one on the institution of marriage, 'The Fraud of the Rings' (2009), and 'Feminism: The Ugly Truth' (2012).
  • Robert Brockway
    Robert is concerned for the welfare of men and boys in modern society. In particular he is concerned about the falling educational achievements of boys over the last few decades, and the manner in which male victims are marginalised and ignored by society. He advocates for men's rights for the next generation of men and women. Robert holds the position of Managing Editor at A Voice for Men.

Keynote speaker

  • Bettina Arndt
    Bettina trained as a clinical psychologist before becoming well known as one of Australia's first sex therapists. She then became a respected social commentator focussing mainly on gender issues and was invited onto government advisory committees including many on family law. Bettina's day job is currently online dating coaching but she's still campaigning for the cultural dialogue in Australia to include proper focus on men's issues.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI17 - Bettina Arndt, Keynote Address (Size: 73:27 min.)

Special appearance by:

  • Cassie Jaye
    Cassie is the director of The Red Pill Movie, the award-winning documentary that has highlighted a variety of issues faced by men and boys, challenging mainstream assumptions about sex and power. The Red Pill will be shown at the event, followed by a Q & A with Cassie and several of the movie's cast members.

Other speakers, in surname alphabetical order:

  • Marc Angelucci
    Marc is a Los Angeles attorney who teaches Family Law has taken on high profile cases involving paternity fraud and discrimination against male victims of domestic violence. He has a J.D. from U.C.L.A. School of Law and a B.A. in Philisophy from U.C. Berkeley. He is an Honoree of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Wall of Tolerance for his non-profit work in mental health and homeless advocacy. He is Vice President of the National Coalition for Men and founded NCFM's Los Angeles chapter.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI17 - Marc Angelucci, Freeing Men Through Activism (Size: 52:22 min.)
  • Ken Arenson
    Ken is a professor of law at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia. His legal research has been published in the Journal of Law, and he has written on the "pernicious effects of political correctness in the criminal laws of Victoria," challenging the effects of modern political correctness on due process in Australian jurisprudence.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI17 - Ken Arenson, The Demise of Equality Before the Law (Size: 41:54 min.)
  • Greg Canning, M.D.
    Greg is a medical doctor specializing in skin cancers who has a keen interest in the unique medical challenges faced by men and boys. He has written frequently on men's issues for an assortment of Australian publications. Greg is also formerly the Australian News Director for A Voice for Men international affiliates.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI17 - Greg Canning, The Gender Health Gap (Size: 41:29 min.)
  • Miranda Devine
    Miranda is an Australian columnist and writer noted for her conservative stance on a range of social and political issues. Her column, formerly printed twice weekly in Fairfax Media newspapers The Sydney Morning Herald and The Sun-Herald, now appears in the News Limited newspapers.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI17 - Miranda Devine, Feminism's Final Salvo (Size: 45:34 min.)
  • Anil Kumar
    Anil is the founder and director of Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF), an organization dedicated to advocacy for reform of Indian Marriage Law (498A) and a host of other issues faced by men and boys in India and worldwide. Anil is the Indian News Director for international affiliates and a regular speaker at the ICMI series.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI17 - Anil Kumar, Helping Male Victims of DV and False Allegations (Size: 42:59 min.)
  • Mark Latham
    Mark is a former Australian politician who was the leader of the Australian Labor Party[wp] and Leader of the Opposition from December 2003 to January 2005. He led the party at the 2004 federal election. He now hosts Outsiders, an Australian television news and commentary program broadcast weekly on Sky News Australia.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI17 - Mark Latham, The Myth of White Male Privilege (Size: 42:57 min.)
  • Karen Straughan
    Karen, also known under the nom de plume, Girl Writes What, is a writer, videographer and mother, widely recognized as one of the most prominent female voices in the men's rights movement. She is also one of the founding members of the Honey Badger Brigade, a popular online anti-feminist radio program.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI17 - Karen Straughan, Evolutionary Realities (Size: 40:36 min.)
  • Augusto Zimmermann
    Augusto is a senior lecturer and director of postgraduate research at Murdoch University, Perth. He is also a Commissioner with the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia; a Vice-President of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy (ASLP); President of the Western Australian Legal Theory Association (WALTA); and Editor of the Western Australian Jurist law journal.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI17 - Augusto Zimmermann, The Abuse of Domestic Violence Orders in Australia (Size: 46:10 min.)


Quote: «Misogynistic, racist, homophobic. The men's rights movement is often dismissed by the mainstream media as nothing more than a hate group - an assortment of angry chauvinists intent on forcing women into a life of servitude at the hands of men. I attended the annual International Conference on Men's Issues, which was held on the Gold Coast over the long weekend, and tellingly, the mainstream narrative couldn't be further from the truth.» - Tom Pirrone[3]


Keynote speaker

  • Erin Pizzey, Domestic violence campaigner - 'Intergenerational Family Violence v. The Big Lie.'
    In 1971, Erin founded the very first battered women's shelter in the world, in Chiswick, London. She had no idea what would be coming her way for her troubles, including death threats, bomb threats, and multiple incidents of stalking. In her book Prone to Violence (1982) she showed how misguided we are in dealing with Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). She has been refuting lies about IPV for 40+ years, and runs
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI16 - Erin Pizzey (Size: 38:06 min.)

Other speakers, in surname alphabetical order:

  • Paul Apreda - Families Need Fathers (Both Parents Matter) Cymru - 'The State's War on Fathers'
    Paul is the National Manager of the charity FNF Both Parents Matter Cymru. The charity provides practical and emotional support to parents with child contact problems in Wales, and undertakes research on issues impacting on men.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI16 - Paul Apreda, The State's War on Fathers (Size: 19:36 min.)
  • Janet Bloomfield - 'How Feminism Infantilizes Women'
    Janet is a Canadian anti-feminist writer and blogger. She was one of the first female anti-feminist bloggers, using the pseudonym JudgyBitch. She was one of the original contributors to Women Against Feminism. She has explained why feminism is the major ideology standing in the way of legal equality between men and women.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI16 - Janet Bloomfield (Size: 41:15 min.)
  • Mike Buchanan Party leader, Justice for Men & Boys (and the women who love them) - 'The Political War on Men and Boys'
    Mike is a British anti-feminist author and men's human rights advocate. His latest book is Feminism: The Ugly Truth. He launched J4MB in 2013. It remains the only political party in the English-speaking world campaigning for the human rights of men and boys on many fronts. He also runs Campaign for Merit in Business.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI16 - Mike Buchanan (Size: 41:09 min.)
  • Martin Daubney - 'Pornography and the demonisation of young men'
    Martin is an award-winning magazine Editor and newspaper journalist of 20 years' experience. He also writes regular in-depth men's issues features for The Sunday Times, and is a seasoned broadcaster for Sky News, ITV, BBC & Channel 5. In 2013 he presented Channel 4's Porn On The Brain, which has since been aired in seven countries. From 2002-2010 he edited iconic lad's mag loaded, until fatherhood dragged him into the real world.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI16 - (Size: min.)
  • Philip Davies MP - 'The Justice Gender Gap'
    Philip has been the Conservative MP for Shipley since 2005. He's a highly regarded advocate for men's rights, the only such MP in the House of Commons. Examples of his work include revealing the substantial gender differences in prison sentencing, in 2012 - video here. On International Men's Day[wp] (2015) he introduced the first parliamentary debate on men's issues - video here.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI16 - Philip Davies MP (Size: 44:49 min.)
  • Paul Elam, Founder and publisher, A Voice for Men - 'Gynocentrism: the Root of Feminism'
    Paul is an American, and the most well-known men's human rights advocate in the world. A former mental health professional, he launched A Voice for Men (AVfM) in 2009, and An Ear for Men in 2015. AVfM has long been the most-visited and most influential website in the world advocating for men's human rights.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI16 - Paul Elam (Size: 47:43 min.)
  • Martin Evison Professor, Northumbria University Centre for Forensic Science - 'Ideology as a threat to due process and the presumption of innocence'
    Martin is an expert in forensic human identification, and has contributed to a variety of criminal and humanitarian investigations. He has published research on the pattern of fatalities in forensic anthropology cases, whether due to homicide, suicide or other causes, and also researched and given evidence on facial image comparison from CCTV.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI16 - Martin Evison (Size: 44:22 min.)
  • Janice Fiamengo, Professor, Department of English, Ottawa University - 'How Feminism is Destroying Higher Education'
    Janice is a strident Canadian supporter of free speech, and an advocate for gender fairness. She is producing a series of anti-feminist videos called The Fiamengo File.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI16 - Janice Fiamengo (Size: 45:06 min.)
  • Sage Gerard, Collegiate Activism Director, AVfM Operations LLC - 'How to Bring Men's Rights to Campus'
    Sage is an internationally-recognized advocate for men's rights student organizations, and an authoritative contact for students trying to resist hostile universities. He founded Zen Men to counteract gender ideology in education systems.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI16 - Sage Gerard (Size: 42:16 min.)
  • Guttorm Grundt - 'Discrimination of men and fathers in Norway, and MannsForum's strategy and actions for gender equality in practice.'
    Guttorm has been engaged in gender equality for men for 30 years, both as telephone support for distressed men, co-founder of Resource Centre for men (Reform), and now board member of the organisation Men's Forum in Norway; He is also a father and grandfather.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI16 - Guttorm Grundt (Size: 39:52 min.)
  • Kathy Gyngell - 'Feminism and Family Dysfunction: A Disaster for Men, Women and Children.'
    Kathy is co-editor of The Conservative Woman. She researched and wrote the Addictions reports for the Conservative Party's Social Justice Policy Review publications Breakdown Britain (2006) and Breakthrough Britain (2007). She published further critiques of drug policy, The Phoney War on Drugs (2009) and Breaking the Habit (2011) with The Centre for Policy Studies where she has been a research fellow since 2007. She writes frequently for The Daily Mail and has written for The Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph, The Times and the Evening Standard.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI16 - (Size: min.)
  • Tim Hammond - 'Exploring the Aftermath of Male Circumcision: Findings from the 2012 Global Survey of Infant Circumcision'
    Tim is an American independent researcher and human rights advocate. He has conducted two surveys into the long-term adverse effects of infant circumcision (Male Genital Mutilation) on men's health.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI16 - Tim Hammond (Size: 44:01 min.)
  • Anil Kumar - Save Indian Family Foundation - 'Organizational Models that made the difference: Success stories in India'
    Anil was the founder of India's first ever men's community centres, in New Delhi and Bangalore. He has testified twice in front of Parliamentary inquiries, seeking to protect innocent men and women from the impact of false allegations against men. His community centre website is SIFF's NGO (charitable trust) website is
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI16 - Anil Kumar (Size: 39:02 min.)
  • Josh O'Brien - 'Where are all the young MRAs?'
    Josh is a 19-year-old British politics and sociology student, who has been making videos on men's issues and feminism for a number of years. He's been featured on A Voice for Men, Inside-Man, Fabulous Magazine, J4MB and the BBC among others, and seeks to become an expert on men's issues in years to come.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI16 - Josh O'Brien (Size: 45:45 min.)
  • Mark Pearson - 'Facing my Waterloo'
    Mark is an award-winning contemporary artist, trained at the Royal College of Art. He recently became the focus of an international news story, when he was falsely accused of sexually assaulting an actress when walking past her in Waterloo Station. He advocates an end to the institutional misandry in the Crown Prosecution Service.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI16 - Mark Pearson (Size: 39:12 min.)
  • Herbert Purdy - 'Feminism: Their Angry Creed'
    Herbert is a British author, commentator, and blogger on feminism and its effect on society. He stands implacably opposed to all it represents, and believes it is time people woke up to its danger.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI16 - Herbert Purdy (Size: 36:58 min.)
  • Karen Straughan - 'Toxic Femininity'
    Karen (GirlWritesWhat) is a Canadian anti-feminist who has been writing and video blogging on gender issues since 2010. Her widely-admired videos have raised the consciousness about gender issues and feminism of huge numbers of people, and she has been described as the #1 Recruiting Sergeant for the Men's Human Rights Movement.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI16 - Karen Straughan (Size: 45:17 min.)
  • Lucian Valsan European News Director, AVFM Operations, LLC - 'The Status of Men in Continental Europe: Ideology, Legislation, and Activism'
    Lucian is a Romanian libertarian-conservative, polyglot, and staunch non-feminist. He runs the YouTube channel Freedom Alternative.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI16 - Lucian Valsan (Size: 42:21 min.)
  • Thomas Walter - 'Men's Rights in Germany - Issues, Activities, Challenges'
    Thomas is an executive committee member of MANNdat e.V., Germany. MANNdat is an independent, unaligned NGO founded by concerned men, which campaigns for the civil rights of boys and men, and exposes and helps overcome discriminations against them. It's the leading political organisation in the German MHR landscape.
    Youtube-link-icon.svg #ICMI16 - Thomas Walter (Size: 43:02 min.)
  • Milo Yiannopoulos - 'How to Beat Feminists in Debates'
    Milo is a British journalist and entrepreneur. He founded The Kernel, an online tabloid magazine about technology, which he sold to Daily Dot Media in 2014. He was involved in the Gamergate controversy, criticizing the politicization of video game culture. He is an Associate Editor for, a United States-based news and opinion website.

A number of well-known individuals will be attending the conference, but not giving speeches. They include:

  • Carl Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad)
  • Belinda Brown, contributor to The Conservative Woman
  • William Collins
  • Alex Crosbie (6oodfella)
  • 5hadowfax
  • Peter Lloyd, journalist, author of Stand by Your Manhood: A Game-Changer for Modern Men
  • Swayne O'Pie, author of Why Britain Hates Men: Exposing Feminism
  • David Sherratt (Spinosaurus Kin)
  • Mike Stephenson (Dr Randomercam)
  • Hannah Wallen, American Honey Badger



  • Venue: Detroit
International Conference on Men's Issues (2014)

Keynote speaker

  • Dr. Warren Farrell, author of seven books on men's and women's issues, came to prominence in the 1970s as one of the leading male thinkers of our times. Warren originally championed the cause of feminism, serving on the New York City Board of the National Organization of Women (NOW). However, when NOW took anti-male and anti-father positions he began advocacy for boys, men and fathers. He is now recognized as one of the most important figures in the modern men's movement.
  • Erin Pizzey, author of five books, including the seminal Prone to Violence, is credited with starting the modern women's refuge movement in Cheswick, England in 1971. Erin is a steadfast human rights advocate who has lectured internationally on the subject of intimate partner violence. She is also an Editor-at-Large and domestic violence policy advisor for A Voice for Men.
  • Robert Franklin, Esq, is an attorney at law and the former Executive Editor of the Houston Law Review. Franklin writes commentary on our family law system and other related men's issues. He is a journalist for the National Parents Organization (formerly Fathers and Families) a shared parenting and family law reform advocacy group. Franklin is also a periodic contributor to A Voice for Men.
  • Barbara Kay is a columnist for Canada's National Post. She has written on a variety of issues affecting men and boys and has been particularly critical of both cultural misandry and the treatment of men and boys by the modern feminist movement. Kay is a lecturer who has spoken on National Television and at talks regarding her views on the rise of feminism to the detriment of men.
  • Karen Straughan is an internationally recognized writer, lecturer and videographer. As a mother of young sons, Straughan became concerned about the effects of cultural misandry and began writing and blogging on the subject. She also self-produces video commentary on the men's issues and has amassed 50,000 followers of her work. Straughan is an activist and a member of Men's Rights Edmonton and is a contributing editor of A Voice for Men.
  • Carnell Smith is a nationally recognized expert in paternity fraud. He is the Board President Executive Director of the National Family Justice Association. He is the executive director of the United States Citizens Against Paternity Fraud. He makes radio and TV appearances (CBS Early Show, ABC World News, Abrams Report), on America's paternity fraud crisis and has been frequently quoted in major newspapers (USA Today, Washington Times, Orlando Sentinel, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, Philadelphia Inquirer, Star Tribune).
  • Paul Elam is the founder and publisher of A Voice for Men. Formerly a mental health professional, Elam became concerned about the treatment of men and boys, both in mental health settings and the culture at large. He is also the founder of A Voice for Men radio, a network of internet based radio programs dealing with problems that affect men and boys. He is an outspoken advocate against false allegations and takes a leadership role in A Voice for Men's advocacy for men who are falsely accused or convicted without due process.
  • Senator Anne Cools is a member of the Canadian Senate. She became the first Black Canadian to be appointed to Canada's upper house. She is currently the longest-serving member of the Senate. Cools served on the Senate/House of Commons Special Joint Committee on Child Custody and Access, which in December, 1998 issued its report, For the Sake of the Children. A principal recommendation of this report was that, following a relationship breakdown, shared parenting should be presumed to be in the best interests of the child.
  • Dr. Tara Palmatier, PsyD, is a clinical psychologist who specializes in assisting men who have become entangled in relationships with abusive, high-conflict personalities, many of whom are suffering harassment and persecution through the misuse of the family court system. Also known as "Dr. T," she maintains a website for men seeking to escape abusive relationships and is a regular contributor to A Voice for Men.
  • Tom Golden, LCSW is a psychotherapist with a focus on men's issues. He is the author of Swallowed by a Snake, The Gift of the Masculine Side of Healing, and The Way Men Heal. Tom is the former vice chairman of the Maryland Commission for Men's Health. His website, addresses the cultural bias that exists as it impacts boys and men.
  • Stefan Molyneux is the host of Freedomain Radio, the largest philosophy show in the world. Stefan spent 15 years as a software developer, manager and entrepreneur. Now a full-time parent and philosopher, Stefan speaks regularly at conferences all over the globe. His speeches cover subjects including politics, philosophy, science, economics, relationships, parenting and how to achieve real freedom in your life. With more than 2,700 podcasts, 10 books and 65 million downloads, Stefan has spread philosophy to listeners throughout the world.
  • Mike Buchanan is a British men's human rights advocate, writer and publisher. He leads the political party Justice for Men & Boys (and the women who love them) and runs three campaigns: Fighting Feminism, the Campaign for Merit in Business and the Alternative Sexism Project.
  • Fred Jones is a father, a publisher, a speaker and an attorney helping men, women, and leaders to discover their worth, value their voice, and share their story.
  • Terrence Popp is the founder of Second Class Citizen, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that works with and surveys combat veterans and others involved in the family court system. He also does comedy work at Redonkulas. He is an alienated father.
  • Your master of ceremonies for the event will be Attila Vinczer, who will give an opening address and introduce all keynote speakers as each one takes the audience through an important address on 12 different areas of modern life that impact the lives of men and boys.



  1. ICMI18 - the best ICMI yet, icmi18 on July 23, 2018
  2. Elena Rider: the International Conference on Men's Issues - London 2018, The BackBencher on July 28, 2018
  3. Tom Pirrone: The men's rights brigade break the media gag, The Spectator on June 13, 2017

External links