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Janice Fiamengo
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Born | 1964 |
@JaniceFiamengo |
Janice Fiamengo (* 1964) is a canadian Professor, since 2009 in the Department of English at the University of Ottawa[wp].[1]
Janice Fiamengo is declared anti-feminist, defender of freedom speech and campaigner for the right to dissent.[2]
- The Woman's Page: Journalism and Rhetoric in Early Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008
- Feminism is a religion, with its myths of creation, sin and salvation, Rebell Priest on August 7, 2018
- Was Feminism Always Bad? (Even the suffrage movement had its share of man-hatred.), Media PJ on July 6, 2015
- Don't Be That Feminist!, Frontpage Mag on August 1, 2013 (Outrage greets a campaign that dares to imply that women and men can both be victims.)
Why We Need Male-Positive Histories - ICMI19 (August 17, 2019) (Size: 48:06 min.)
The demonization of young men: Campus sexual misconduct tribunals - ICMI18 (Error: Invalid time.) (Size: 44:10 min.)
How Feminism is Destroying Higher Education - ICMI16 (July 9, 2016) (Size: 45:06 min.)
We're All Terrorists Now - Regarding Men - Paul Elam, Tom Golden, Janice Fiamengo (February 3, 2021) (Size: 53:46 min.)
The Anti-Feminist Professor - The Rubin Report (October 22, 2018) (Size: 59:34 min.) (Janice Fiamengo joins Dave to discuss how the idea of the University has been destroyed, the 'crisis' in masculinity, why she calls herself an "anti-feminist," the #MeToo movement, Jordan Peterson, and more.)
Red Pill Religion: Men's Rights and Janice Fiamengo #MHRM - Max Dean Esmay (June 18, 2018) (Size: 42:56 min.)
My Chat with Janice Fiamengo, Anti-Feminist Extraordinaire - Gad Saad (May 7, 2016) (Size: 51:33 min.)
Feminists Lose Another Trial - TFF episode 85 (July 12, 2018) (Size: 16:32 min.)
Why Can't We Hate Men - TFF episode 84 (June 19, 2018) (Size: 7:44 min.)
Climate Of Fear - The Fiamengo File, Episode 38 (May 19, 2016) (Size: 13:48 min.) (In Episode 38 Professor Fiamengo discusses the climate of fear created by the culture of suspicion of male students and presumption of guilt on university campuses.)
Professors in Love - The Fiamengo File, Episode 37 (May 13, 2016) (Size: 11:42 min.) (In Episode 37 Professor Fiamengo discusses vilification of male professors who become romantically involved with a female student.)
The Gender Equity Boondoggle - The Fiamengo File, Episode 36 (May 5, 2016) (Size: 14:09 min.) (In Episode 36 Professor Fiamengo discusses the Gender Equity Boondoggle[wp] that is burning money at Universities.)
The Ghomeshi Verdict - The Fiamengo File, Episode 35 (April 28, 2016) (Size: 21:32 min.) (In Episode 35 Professor Fiamengo discusses the Ghomeshi Verdict, Critical Legal Theory and it's impact on the presumption of innocence.)
Cost of Gender Studies - The Fiamengo File, Episode 34 (April 21, 2016) (Size: 10:17 min.) (In Episode 34 Professor Fiamengo details the high cost of Women's Studies programs in Canada and suggests that this wasted money could be better spent on something useful.)
Interdisciplinarity, Another Word for Emptiness - The Fiamengo File, Episode 33 (April 14, 2016) (Size: 11:23 min.) (In Episode 33 Professor Fiamengo argues that the intent of interdisciplinarity has been so diluted in Women's Studies that it has become a hodgepodge of nonsense. A little knowledge is dangerous; even less is a trivial pursuit.)
Why I Am Not A Feminist - Janice Fiamengo and Stefan Molyneux (April 8, 2016) (Size: 53:52 Min.)
Women's Studies Is Not Scholarship - The Fiamengo File, Episode 32 (April 7, 2016) (Size: 9:18 min.) (In Episode 32 Professor Fiamengo strengthens her argument that it is time to eliminate the Women's Studies department at every university by arguing that it is advocacy not scholarship.)
Women's Studies Must Die - The Fiamengo File, Episode 31 (March 31, 2016) (Size: 15:01 min.) (In Episode 31 Professor Fiamengo makes the bold claim that it is time to eliminate the Women's Studies department at every university. Academia is a place for academics and Women's Studies is an ideological movement not a legitimate academic pursuit.)
Women In Astronomy - The Fiamengo File, Episode 30 (March 24, 2016) (Size: 17:38 min.) (In Episode 30 Professor Fiamengo discusses how feminism is creeping into the sciences with special emphasis on recent incidents in Astronomy.)
- Women in Astronomy, March 24, 2016
Feminism, A Victim Mentality Disorder - The Fiamengo File, Episode 29 (March 17, 2016) (Size: 17:50 min.) (In Episode 29 Professor Fiamengo discusses how feminists display the signs and symptoms of the mental disorder "Victim Mentality".)
- Feminism as a Victim Mentality Disorder, March 17, 2016
Persecution at KSU - The Fiamengo File, Episode 28 (March 10, 2016) (Size: 30:27 min.) (In Episode 28 Professor Fiamengo discusses the modus operandi used by feminists to silence or destroy their critics. The example of Sage Gerard, who endured years of organized persecution at the hands of faculty at Kennesaw State University in Georgia, is used as a case study.)
Feminist Terminology 5: Microaggression - The Fiamengo File, Episode 27 (March 3, 2016) (Size: 14:28 min.) (In Episode 27 Professor Fiamengo discusses the fifth of five pernicious feminist terms: Microaggression. Fiamengo also explains how feminists use the theory of microaggression, and the misandric claim that masculinity is toxic, in their strategy for power through the dehumanization of males.)
Feminist Terminology 4: Structural Violence - The Fiamengo File, Episode 26 (February 25, 2016) (Size: 9:55 min.) (In Episode 26 Professor Fiamengo discusses the fourth of five pernicious feminist terms: Structural Violence.)
The Revolutionary Stupid Movement - The Fiamengo File, Episode 25 (February 18, 2016) (Size: 12:48 min.) (In Episode 25 Professor Fiamengo discusses the absurd behavior of The Revolutionary Student Movement.)
Feminist Terminology 3: Privilege - The Fiamengo File, Episode 24 (February 11, 2016) (Size: 15:48 min.) (In Episode 24 Professor Fiamengo discusses the third of five pernicious feminist terms: Privilege)
Feminist Terminology 2: Lived Experience - The Fiamengo File, Episode 23 (February 4, 2016) (Size: 12:22 min.) (In Episode 23 Professor Fiamengo discusses the second of five pernicious feminist terms: "Lived Experience".)
Feminist Terminology 1: Gender - The Fiamengo File, Episode 22 (January 28, 2016) (Size: 15:11 min.) (In Episode 22 Professor Fiamengo discusses the first of five pernicious feminist terms: Gender) (Orwell's Doublespeack, Indoctrinated professionals: Journalism, Law, Politics, Business, Policing, Social work, Media, Civil service, Judiciary)
Female White Knights - The Fiamengo File, Episode 21 (January 21, 2016) (Size: 13:46 min.) (In this first episode of Season 2, Professor Fiamengo discusses the significance, and the importance, of the Female White Knight.) (Sandman)
Father Christmas - The Fiamengo File, Episode 20 (December 24, 2015) (Size: 10:51 min.) (Professor Fiamengo discusses Santa Claus as an archetypal father figure.)
SFU Feminists - The Fiamengo File, Episode 19 (December 17, 2015) (Size: 17:11 min.) (Professor Fiamengo discusses the feminist inability to understand and avoid logical fallacies while promoting hatred of men at Simon Fraser University (SFU).)
Because It's 2015 - The Fiamengo File, Episode 18 (December 10, 2015) (Size: 15:00 min.) (Professor Fiamengo discusses Quotas versus merit for women in politics and business.)
The Myth Of Sexual Harassment - The Fiamengo File, Episode 17 (December 3, 2015) (Size: 13:44 min.) (Professor Fiamengo discusses the absurd definitions of sexual harassment used in the feminist grievance industry.)
- The Myth of Sexual Harassment, April 12, 2016
Free Yoga, And Other Crimes - The Fiamengo File, Episode 16 (November 26, 2015) (Size: 11:31 min.) (Professor Fiamengo from the University of Ottawa, Canada, discusses the absurd "holier than thou" crusade spreading across North American university campuses.)
International Men's Day 2015 - The Fiamengo File, Episode 15 (November 19, 2015) (Size: 15:02 min.) (Professor Fiamengo from the University of Ottawa, Canada, discusses the indispensable nature of men contributions to society throughout history to this day.)
Great Men Under Siege - The Fiamengo File, Episode 14 (November 12, 2015) (Size: 14:26 min.) (Professor Fiamengo discusses the ease with which small-minded feminists can destroy the lives of great men with a trivial petty complaint. Fiamengo uses the examples of Larry Summers[wp], Timothy Hunt[wp], and Matt Taylor.)
Women In The Military - The Fiamengo File, Episode 13 (November 5, 2015) (Size: 10:07 min.) (Professor Fiamengo questions the feminist goal of egalitarianism and the practice of lowering standards for women in order to meet quotas. Fiamengo argues that a merit based society is a just society.)
Do Women Want Equality? - The Fiamengo File, Episode 12 (October 29, 2015) (Size: 13:20 min.) (Professor Fiamengo questions whether women really want equality, or just more privileges.)
The Man-Shaming Project - The Fiamengo File, Episode 11 (October 22, 2015) (Size: 14:10 min.) (Professor Fiamengo addresses the feminist obsession with shaming men, from manspreading to catcalling and insisting that all men are rapists.)
Masculinity Studies by Michael Kimmel - The Fiamengo File, Episode 10 (October 15, 2015) (Size: 9:45 min.) (Professor Fiamengo addresses Michael Kimmel's misguided Masculinity Studies program at the Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities at Stony Brook University in New York.)
Kampus Kangaroo Kourt - The Fiamengo File, Episode 9 (October 8, 2015) (Size: 12:30 min.) (Sex is dangerous for male students. An accusation from an angry female ex-partner can lead to the total destruction of his life in the Kangaroo courts set up at every university in North America. The male student has no legal rights and the word of his accuser is often enough "evidence" to find him guilty. - In Episode 9 Professor Fiamengo sends a warning to the boys mothers, many of whom are feminists.)
Feminism Wants Your Soul - The Fiamengo File, Episode 8 (October 1, 2015) (Size: 10:37 min.) (In Episode 8 Professor Fiamengo discusses the unacknowledged consequence of repeating feminist propaganda: the loss of integrity and self-respect that erodes the self, your soul. As Theodore Dalrymple noted: the purpose of propaganda is not to persuade, but to humiliate, and an emasculated man is easy to control.)
- Why I'll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege, May 2, 2014
The University of Toronto, a Feminist Campus - The Fiamengo File, Episode 7 (September 24, 2015) (Size: 12:49 min.) (Students have proclaimed the University of Toronto (U of T) to be a Feminist Campus, with the blessing and support of the university administration. Professor Janice Fiamengo from the University of Ottawa criticizes the U of T administrator's cowardice and double standards in failing to maintain objectivity and intellectual integrity by bowing to the hysteria of ideological feminists.) (Cathy Young)
The Monstrous Male Gaze - The Fiamengo File, Episode 6 (September 17, 2015) (Size: 12:06 min.) (Professor Janice Fiamengo from the University of Ottawa discusses the “male gaze” and how feminists want men to feel that they are always being watched, so that men will always be monitoring their behavior in a fashion similar to the Panopticon.)
The Safe Space Ploy - The Fiamengo File, Episode 5 (September 10, 2015) (Size: 9:11 min.) (Professor Janice Fiamengo from the University of Ottawa discusses the meaning of "Safe Spaces" on university campuses.)
The Empathy Gap - The Fiamengo File, Episode 4 (September 3, 2015) (Size: 5:56 min.) (Professor Janice Fiamengo from the University of Ottawa discusses the lack of empathy for men in western culture.)
Votes For Women - The Fiamengo File, Episode 3 (August 27, 2015) (Size: 6:10 min.) (Professor Janice Fiamengo from the University of Ottawa discusses how feminists have re-written history to exclude Male Suffrage from the public consciousness to such a degree that most people believe that all men always had the right to vote. Even university students and professors believe that men withheld womens' voting rights for thousands of years.) (Women's suffrage)
Roosh V - The Fiamengo File, Episode 2 (August 20, 2015) (Size: 6:50 min.) (Professor Janice Fiamengo from the University of Ottawa discusses how feminists use Hate Laws to suppress Freedom of Speech, and points out that Feminists cannot claim to be oppressed when major political authorities in Canada act on their behalf against those they dislike, like Roosh V.) (Return of Kings)
Why I Am Not A Feminist - The Fiamengo File, Episode 1 (August 13, 2015) (Size: 11:58 min.) (Professor Janice Fiamengo from the University of Ottawa explains why she identifies as an anti-feminist.)
What's Equality Got To Do With It, Q&A - Dr. Janice Fiamengo (Error: Invalid time.) (Size: 56:45 min.)
What's Equality Got To Do With It - Dr. Janice Fiamengo at Queen's University (Error: Invalid time.) (Size: 53:08 min.)
Academic Feminism from the Inside (Error: Invalid time.) (Size: 44:58 min.)
Dr. Janice Fiamengo on "Rape Culture" - LIVE at University of Ottawa (March 28, 2014) (Size: 50:25 min.) (Rape culture)
Institutions of Higher Indoctrination (Error: Invalid time.) (Size: 34:17 min.)[3][4]
Interview with Janice Fiamengo (January 22, 2014) (Size: 54:01 min.)
Professor Janice Fiamengo answers questions from Feminists (June 18, 2013) (Size: 16:56 min.)
"What's Wrong With Women's Studies?", Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - CAFE (March 7, 2013) (This is a 7 part lecture with a "Part 0" that contains some extras such as interviews and protesters.)
Janice FIamengo: What's Wrong With Women's Studies? (Size: 57:52 min.) (A CAFE Event)
- ↑ University of Ottawa: Janice Fiamengo
- ↑ According to the description of her Twitter account JaniceFiamengo, retrieved on May 23, 2016
- ↑ * Feminists have ruled Canadian universities for over 20 years
- Student Union banished men's groups from campus in 2012
- Professor Janice Fiamengo first spokes about feminist hegemony at the University of Toronto in 2013
- The Men's Issues Awareness Society (MIAS) invited Fiamengo to speak at Queen's University in March 2014
- Feminists tried to disband the MIAS in order to silence Fiamengo, but failed.
- Fear and hatred of male students exploded
- Over 80 professors declared support for the feminist students spreading fear of men. The professors insisted that attendees would be violently attacked by Fiamengo supporters and Men's Rights Activists (MRA)
- ↑ Queen's Faculty Incites Hatred Of Male Students, October 5, 2014
External links
- LW4SP: Janice FIamengo (Leading Women for Shared Parenting is an organization whose supporters recognize Children Need Both Parents.)
- Janice Fiamengo interview at KSUM "Men in Peril" conference, A Voice for Men on December 15, 2014
- Extremists disrupt Dr. Janice Fiamengo's lecture at University of Ottawa (Video), A Voice for Male Students on March 29, 2014
- Dean Esmay: Professor Janice Fiamengo on "Rape Culture"-Disrupted!, A Voice for Men on March 28, 2014
- Dr. Janice Fiamengo talks to AVFM, A Voice for Men on March 8, 2013
AVFM's Dan Perrins Interview With Professor Fiamengo at U of T (March 8, 2013) (Size: 3:59 min.)
- Janice Fiamengo, complete presentation, A Voice for Men on March 10, 2013
- Michael Laxer: Guess what's coming to U of T: The Men's Rights Movement, Janice Fiamengo and Paul Elam, Rabble on March 5, 2013
"Free Speech: At What Cost?", Part 1, 2 - tvo (May 13, 2014) (Size: 33:25 min. - with Janice FIamengo from 5:55 min.)