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Janice Fiamengo

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Main PagePortal Persons → Janice Fiamengo

Janice Fiamengo.jpg
Born 1964
Twitter @JaniceFiamengo

Janice Fiamengo (* 1964) is a canadian Professor, since 2009 in the Department of English at the University of Ottawa[wp].[1]

Janice Fiamengo is declared anti-feminist, defender of freedom speech and campaigner for the right to dissent.[2]


  • The Woman's Page: Journalism and Rhetoric in Early Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008






  1. University of Ottawa: Janice Fiamengo
  2. According to the description of her Twitter account JaniceFiamengo, retrieved on May 23, 2016
  3. * Feminists have ruled Canadian universities for over 20 years
    • Student Union banished men's groups from campus in 2012
    • Professor Janice Fiamengo first spokes about feminist hegemony at the University of Toronto in 2013
    • The Men's Issues Awareness Society (MIAS) invited Fiamengo to speak at Queen's University in March 2014
    • Feminists tried to disband the MIAS in order to silence Fiamengo, but failed.
    • Fear and hatred of male students exploded
    • Over 80 professors declared support for the feminist students spreading fear of men. The professors insisted that attendees would be violently attacked by Fiamengo supporters and Men's Rights Activists (MRA)
  4. Queen's Faculty Incites Hatred Of Male Students, October 5, 2014

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