Information icon.svg MediaWiki[wp] is hostile to Men, see T323956.
Information icon.svg For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.

Germany has been a party to the war since 1084 days by supplying weapons of war.

German Foreign Minster Annalena Baerbock: "We are fighting a war against Russia" (January 25, 2023)

Dean Esmay

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Main PagePortal Persons → Dean Esmay

Dean Esmay.jpg
Born July 15, 1966
Occupation Technician
Patreon RedPillReligion
Twitter @deanesmay

Dean Esmay (* 1966) is an american freelance writer and general geek. He was managing editor of A Voice for Men for years until July 2015. He has been blogging on his blog Red Pill Religion since October 2016.

Dean Esmay co-hosts AVfM Radio's Revelations with Erin Pizzey on domestic violence, and Tales from the Infrared on geek culture. He encourages people to look at issues through the lens of compassion for men who deserve it, and respect for women who deserve it. He is the author of the critically-acclaimed novel Methuselah's Daughter.[1]

Quote: «My name is Dean Esmay, and I am a secular social critic. I am also a former Atheist, and what I call a "Little-o" orthodox Christian.» - Red Pill Religion[2]
Quote: «Have resigned from A Voice for Men. Wish everybody there the best.» - On Twitter[3]
Quote: «On my resignation from A Voice for Men

I should have realized I couldn't just tweet that I'd resigned and not have people ask questions. So let's hope this answers them: Unless there is some serious issue of life and limb that requires grand drama, it's never a good idea to air philosophical and personal conflicts publicly.

I have quit A Voice for Men because it was time to move on. That is all. I am on speaking terms with everybody. I am taking some time off, looking after my long-neglected health, and relaxing with family and friends. That will include my online friends. I will also continue to be a shit-stirrer, but now, as a civilian. At least until I find my next home. :-)» - On TwitLonger[4]

Quote: «All good things eventually must come to an end and, sadly, Dean has decided to resign from AVfM staff in order to look after his health and also take his activism in a different direction from that of AVfM when he is ready to.

Our parting was amicable and we have nothing but admiration for what Dean has achieved in the past (and what doubtless he will continue to achieve) and gratitude for the years of thankless, hard work he put in to make AVfM what it is today.» - David King[5]

Quote: «Dean, I am so glad you and Paul are taking care of your health, but it is hard to imagine two people more effectively penetrating the cultural shrug given boys and men than the two of you. Thank you for your infinite dedication.» - Warren Farrell[6]
Quote: «Dean, you're a legend. Thanks for all you've done, and for the advice you've given me on occasion. You've inspired so many with your hard work, dedication, and fresh insights. I wish you every success in sorting out your health, and I look forward to hearing about your activities in future.» - Mike Buchanan[7]

Quote: «Isn't it amazing how people keep using the phrase "true feminist" in order to just dismiss all feminist misdeeds, all feminist lies?

"Well, they weren't real feminists." Fuck you. Yes they were.»[8]

Quote: «Dean Esmay is a husband, a father, and a Men's Human Rights Activist. A pioneer in the early blogosphere, his blog "Dean's World" opened in early 2002 as a followup to an opinion site he started in the late 1990s called "Dangerous Thoughts." Dean's World was at one time ranked by several sources as one of the best and most influential weblogs in the world, although he put the blog into semi-retirement due to personal reasons some years ago. Contributors to that blog at one time included noted Father's Rights activist Glenn Sacks and domestic violence advocate Trudy Schuett.

A writer, a journalist, and an all-around geek, Dean has written for IDG Publications, New Riders, Pajamas Media, Resource Central, Syndicomm, Blogcritics, and other publications over the last 25 years. A general geek, his interests also include video games, music, serious Science Fiction, and critical analysis of film, television, and digital media in general. He has been known to dabble on and off for years in the dark art of political punditry, and has worked on more than one political campaign for candidates in more than one political party.

He is a fan of science, particularly information technology and the social sciences such as political science and economics, and maintains an interest in comparative religion as well. He is also the co-author of "Methuselah's Daughter", a work of speculative fiction that was critically-acclaimed, award nominated, and a commercial flop.

In what little spare time Dean has, he enjoys video games, cartoons, and British television and movies even though he's never even been to the UK. And no, he's not cutting his hair or shaving his beard off, so you can stop asking. Also, don't tell anybody, but he's a Roman Catholic, although he freely admits to not being a very good one.

As a child and a young man, he was subjected to years of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. He refuses to let this define him or use it as a tool to bash others with, but it's given him an intense passion for helping those who need help, and an intense loathing of those who work hard to marginalize at least half the world's victims of these horrors, and a complete loathing for people who use their victim status as a club against others and use lurid "trigger warnings" to cheapen vitally important discussions. As a recovering alcoholic, he also has immense sympathy for anyone who's still struggling in the misery and insanity of addiction.

Having written, debated, and done real-world work to help men and boys struggling from abusive relationships and/or family court abuse, with a particular focus on the area of domestic violence and sexual abuse of children, Dean came to the conclusion in 2012 that 40 years of men's advocates being nice and polite and conciliatory when it comes to men's issues had been ineffective, and embraced the AVfM "Fuck Their Shit Up"[9] philosophy: we're going to get loud, we're going to get rude, and we're not going to debate with idiots and liars who can't deal with facts or reality: we're going to get our message heard and start working to protect boys and men from a cold, uncaring, misandrist society, and we're going to do it by any means necessary, to quote one of his personal heroes, Malcolm X[wp].

He still blogs semi-regularly at Dean's World ([ext]) as well as at The Moderate Voice ([ext]), usually about issues other than men's issues, although he makes sure to get Red Pill content out to a wider audience whenever he gets a chance. He also semi-regularly updates his YouTube channel.

Born in El Paso, Texas in 1966, he has lived in many parts of the United States including Chicago Illinois, Indianapolis Indiana, and Shreveport Louisiana. He currently resides in Michigan. He is a part-time IT consultant and full-time Men's Human Rights activist.»[10]




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