Information icon.svg MediaWiki[wp] is hostile to Men, see T323956.
Information icon.svg For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.

Germany has been a party to the war since 1126 days by supplying weapons of war.

German Foreign Minster Annalena Baerbock: "We are fighting a war against Russia" (January 25, 2023)

Women's violence

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Main PageViolence → Women's violence
Main PageWoman → Women's violence
When she gets angry she hits me. She knows I won't hit her back.[1]

Women's violence is one of the great taboos of our society. In sharp contrast to this is the scandal of male violence. This results in a gigantic developed helper industry, provides the woman to "protect" and the man to treat. The violence lie characterizes a Manichean world view[wp], its dualistic pattern of good and evil today in the battle of the sexes manifest. This drives a deep distrust between the sexes, what disastrous effect on family formation. The violence lie omits the one hand, the proportion of women in domestic violence, on the other hand describes the family as a highly dangerous place.

This will reversed what has traditionally been considered valid:

  1. The man is no longer a protector of home and family, but as their instigator. Alice Schwarzer defamed her husband even as a "rapist No. 1" of the woman.[2] This setting then consistently led to marital rape law. Thus, a radical social change was completed. The extramarital sexuality loses its social ostracism and criminality, while the marital sexuality was criminalized. What a dramatic reversal of values!
  2. The family is no longer a protected haven of child rearing, but as a potentially dangerous place for women and children. Considering the fact that the constitution in article 6, paragraph 1 provides marriage and family under the special protection of the state, these operations are to be regarded as unconstitutional. Because the stigma of the family as a dangerous place compels the state to intervene in the institution of the family, rather than, as required by the Constitution to protect against such interventions.

The study "Violence against men in Germany" in 2006 for the first time the federal government is concerned with the violence of affected men.[3] More than the meaning of a token event is not wrest this study. Worldwide already exist 282 investigations, 218 empirical studies and 64 reviews and / or analyzes, which demonstrate that women in social relationships as violent against the partners are at least as men to their female partners.[4] However, studies can not do anything against the Violence Protection Act and the network of women's affairs, counseling centers and women's shelters that have been set in place against men and against the family concept.

Quote: «At the latest by the active denial female violence actions of mainstream feminism as it is itself the perpetrator become.» - Burkhard Oelemann[5]

Studies of the Catholic University of Eichstätt in Bavaria[6] have shown that 84% of men interviewed have made ​​the experience of violence by their partners, 27% ​​even live in a heavily violent relationship loaded. In 13% of cases, the men experienced physical violence by women.


  1. Sussex Police,
  2. "Der Vergewaltiger Nr. 1 ist der eigene Mann. [...] Je besser eine Frau einen Mann kennt, umso gefährlicher ist er." (p. 81), aus: "Der große Unterschied", ISBN 3-462-02934-7
  3. BMFSFJ: Studie "Gewalt gegen Männer", 22 January 2006 Pdf-icon-intern.svg Studie "Gewalt gegen Männer"
  4. Literaturliste zur Gewalt von Frauen gegen ihren Partner
  5. Burkhard Oelemann: "Die Lynchaufrufe sind ein logisches Produkt jahrzehntelanger Dämonisierung", Cuncti - Lebbar on 9 April 2012
  6. Pdf-icon-extern.svg Magazin der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt "Gewalt von Frauen gegen Männer"[ext] - AGORA, 25. Jahrgang / Ausgabe 1 - 2009 (pp. 29)

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