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For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.
Germany has been a party to the war since 1127 days by supplying weapons of war. German Foreign Minster Annalena Baerbock: "We are fighting a war against Russia" (January 25, 2023) |
Helper industry

Helper industry (depending on context, divorce industry, social industry[1], welfare industry) denotes the industry sector of the helper. Including both commercial as well as religious organizations (charities, counseling centers , women's shelters , child protection associations), which is employed professionals (social workers, lawyers, sociologists, educators, therapists) and the underlying Offices (Migration Officer, Disability Officer, Women's Officer, Commissioner for Integration, family courts, crisis intervention, understood asylum consultants, advisors woman, bankruptcy consultants, protectors woman, child protectors, animal rights activists).
Quote: «The question of why the family law remains exceptionally resistant to reform is not so difficult to answer. You simply ask who it benefits. The system keeps on the payroll a public authority, helpers and especially lawyers apparatus, which has no example. Die Frage, warum das Familienrecht so außergewöhnlich reformresistent bleibt, ist so schwer nicht zu beantworten. Man stelle einfach die Frage, wem es nutzt. Das System hält einen Behörden-, Helfer- und vor allem Juristenapparat in Lohn und Brot, der seinesgleichen sucht.»[2]
Quote: «A for-profit parasitic helpers industry earned with the child's well-being a fortune. Eine profitorientierte parasitäre Helferindustrie verdient sich am Kindeswohl eine goldene Nase.»[3]
Quote: «In Germany there are more lawyers than right-wing extremists and terrorists. Children are rather a victim of a family court victim than a right or islamic terrorist attack. In Deutschland gibt es mehr Juristen als Rechtsextreme und Terroristen. Kinder fallen eher einem Familiengericht zum Opfer, als einem rechten oder islamischen Terroranschlag.» - Walter Albrecht[4]
In comparison to other sectors of the economy assistants industry has a high reputation, is because as a good person who helps poor, needy, hungry, sick, abused or oppressed people. Actually "Help" (by itself) a positive thing. But the good and right tilts into questionable if from the family, neighborhood or spontaneous help a professional, ideological or paid help is. Then the "needy" is for "customers" and the "help" to "gainful employment", the job and income of many backs.
Most helping professions emerged only in the 20th Century, they have become professionalized tedious and are underprivileged part. Alone in the sector of the charitable organizations[wp] (Freie Wohlfahrtspflege) exist about 80,000 institutions (kindergartens, boarding schools, youth centers, hospitals, homes for the disabled, welfare centers, counseling centers, facilities for the elderly) with about almost one million full-time employees. In contrast, Germany occupied key industries, automotive engineering, in 1995, just 650,000 people. The largest carrier association Caritas[wp], working 507,000 employees, more than VW or Mercedes.[5]
Victims production
To keep the industry moving helpers, of course, requires ever new victims. So there are solid economic reasons, can be seen everywhere victim and therefore provide "victim maker" constantly for replenishment. As part of the women's movement, a well-developed infrastructure has developed (women's shelters, counseling centers, women's representative). Child and animal protection groups have developed even more "business". Even migrants were "discovered" by the helper industry as a group of victims. This development was mainly driven by the feminist dichotomy[wp] of the good woman (= victim), and the evil man (= perpetrator). Everywhere is working with dichotomous assignments: The good child - the poor adults who tormented creature - the nagging person who culturally enriching foreigners - the racist German, the disadvantaged migrants - the preferred locals. The list goes on and on.
Concern officer / "affected officers"
In the entourage of helpers industry are "affected officers" from all parties, the media coverage of their victims, do-gooders of all kinds and purple poodle. The helper industry is in the comfortable situation that they are considered "politically correct" and both from a victim lobbying (example: Hartz4 party DIE LINKEN, women's representative and women's rights officer) as well as a helper lobbying (charitable organizations, social organizations, women's shelters) are politically based.
Migration industry
Nowhere else the helper industry is so with migrants employed as in the German capital, Berlin[wp]. Under the heading "Integration as a Service" writes Henryk M. Broder[wp]:
Quote: «In the course of our work on "Germany safari" have Hamed Abdel-Samad and I look around us in Berlin "problem neighborhoods". We spoke with neighborhood and district managers, with members of "councils" and speakers of initiatives. We even participated in a "women's breakfast" part, which was organized by a group of migrants with the district office. We learned "neighborhood runner" to know who were responsible for the collection of garbage in their neighborhoods, which was thrown by the inhabitants of the windows on the street.
And all were of the opinion: It will do a lot, but not nearly enough for the integration of migrants. It would be much, much more done. You must provide courses and recreational activities, but especially should the integration helpers to the "customer" to come, instead of waiting until it came to the integration helpers.
What we experienced in problem-neighborhoods, was a thriving industrial migration, which their customers andi duck, as it does each service operation. The ever had to design new "projects" to justify their own existence. In the best days of the Berlin Treberhilfe up to 300 social workers were working for about 3,000 homeless. That is, ten homeless served a social worker with employment and income.
As similar works, the "migration industry" You do not know who is there for whom:.. Migration assistant for migrants or vice versa, the question one must ask whether the "caring" is not the integration is detrimental because their properties disenfranchised. Migrants are not the problem, but a machine that takes care of them until each initiative is stunted.Im Zuge der Arbeiten für unsere "Deutschland-Safari"[wp] haben Hamed Abdel-Samad[wp] und ich uns auch in Berliner "Problem-Kiezen" umgesehen. Wir sprachen mit Kiez- und Quartiersmanagern, mit Angehörigen von "Beiräten" und Sprechern von Initiativen. Wir nahmen sogar an einem "Frauenfrühstück" teil, das von einer Migrantinnengruppe mit Hilfe des Bezirksamtes veranstaltet wurde. Wir lernten "Kiezläufer" kennen, die in ihren Kiezen für das Einsammeln des Mülls zuständig waren, der von den Einwohnern aus den Fenstern auf die Straße geworfen wurde.
Und alle waren der Meinung: Es werde schon viel, aber bei Weitem nicht genug für die Integration der Migranten getan. Es müsse noch viel, viel mehr getan werden. Man müsse Kurse und Freizeitaktivitäten anbieten, vor allem aber müssten die Integrationshelfer zu den "Kunden" kommen, statt abzuwarten, bis diese zu den Integrationshelfern kämen.
Was wir in den Problem-Kiezen erlebten, war eine florierende Migrationsindustrie, die sich ihren Kunden andiente, wie es jeder Dienstleistungsbetrieb tut. Die ständig neue "Projekte" konzipieren musste, um ihre eigene Existenz zu rechtfertigen. In den besten Tagen der Berliner Treberhilfe waren bis zu 300 Sozialarbeiter für etwa 3000 Obdachlose tätig. Das heißt, zehn Obdachlose versorgten einen Sozialarbeiter mit Arbeit und Einkommen.
So ähnlich funktioniert auch die "Migrationsindustrie". Man weiß nicht mehr, wer für wen da ist: die Migrationshelfer für die Migranten oder umgekehrt. Man muss sich die Frage stellen, ob die "Fürsorge" nicht der Integration abträglich ist, weil sie ihre Objekte entmündigt. Nicht die Migranten sind das Problem, sondern ein Apparat, der sich um sie kümmert, bis jede Eigeninitiative verkümmert ist.» - Henryk M. Broder[wp][6]
The victim in his social context
Victims play a significant role in public life, especially victims of violence and abuse. They are used to give others moral consolidation and orientation. Therefore, it is ideological motivated to portray women as victims of men, because so guilt inducing and thus political demand can be enforced. Synonym is therefore also a victim industry spoken.
The victims makers are not going to stop, because there are enough people who like to take on the role of victim. This in turn is because the victim status in this country is not an unattractive life concept. Those affected will be included in a circle of people who have supposedly suffered a similar fate. You will receive an identity that they relieve you of any responsibility, and makes them largely invulnerable saves compassion.
The do-gooders are also not going to stop, because there are also plenty of people who like to take on the role of helper. Women in particular often give as a career preference to "wanting to help". This and the political pressure to bring women into paid work, the helpers industry brings additional growth under pressure. Own income in connection with social work ensures women high social prestige.
People with a pained ego can take advantage of the concerns of the do-gooders and the helper industry. The principle of "power by helping" is a possible way to gain attention, approval and recognition. The real individual goals must be disguised cleverly as possible, the victim's power plays for a perfect camouflage.[7]
The helper and his victim
The victim is primarily the object of his helpers . On the other hand, legitimized the "victim" to "helper" and gives him status and income. Helpers and victims are so each other in a symbiotic relationship:
- A victim is the victim status that offers him many advantages, and the support provided by the helper, only reluctantly back on.
- The helper in turn gives the victim does not like free again, which gives him his job and steady income.
If a citizen once cared for by a helper, so it is not so rare that it opens up the victim / discriminated / disadvantaged more offers from the market under his helper helper activity. So the helper acquired additional orders for the industrial workers. The number of alleged victims, discriminated and disadvantaged in this way takes about an epidemic, so that the helper industry could grow into a major industry.
The helper industry job machine
If you Wikipedia may believe, is the Caritas[wp] with around 507,000 employees, the largest private employer in Germany. So many connected to the "Help" jobs are saved, a consistently high population of needy and carers is essential. Therefore, it is in the interest of industrial workers that constantly found new customers and target groups to be developed. Many social pedagogues, social workers and lawyers would be no new "cases" employment and without income. Lawyers earn for advice and representation in court all sorts of fees and charges. The shelters backs up any "femal victim" funding for the continued operation of the equipment and for the safety of the working conditions of the employees working there. Similarly, the jungle of the children's aid societies, allegedly by the child's well-being and provide for the legitimacy of their do-gooders ever take activity denunciation by a neighbor to the occasion, a family to take away their children unfairly.
The myth of woman as victim is a great job machine and secures thousands of jobs in the so-called helper industry. The social workers of Caritas and Diakonia keep their jobs only if enough women are victims to look after, who contribute as client money.
- "Caregivers create the need for care by inventing deficits. The welfare state does not support those in need, but rather social workers." [8]
Logically, even in church counseling efforts hardly made to work with marital problems for a reconciliation of the partners, because that would be counterproductive from the perspective of separation and divorce profiteers.
Quote: «Single parents are big business - at least for thebenefactor industry of churches, trade unions, employers, or "free" enterprise.»[9]
Also, party functionaries and political benefit of their political commitment to the poor, disadvantaged and oppressed women. They have a network of women's affairs, that's to be described as legendary, and given the political mandate to ensure the disadvantages of women rather than repealed. And if the woman is a foreigner, then the zeal is twice as large, and if the husband is German, then the poor creature is indeed three times oppressed and to protect them from the evil Germans. And so the victim status of women is jealously guarded and defended in many ways, because after all, nobody wants to lose the cash cow that feeds him.
Men learn, however, that for them in an emergency, no one is responsible and no one seriously interested in their problems. The rule is that women are served free in their subjective well-being, especially if they are mothers. Fathers be referred for consideration of their situation (expensive) lawyers and courts.
Business model
The divorce industry deserves well to the family destruction. A business model for it is by Rainer Schnittka presented the example of Berlin.[10]
Another example of Hagenow:
- A contact boycotting mother and a contact seeking father. Two lawyers, judge Michael Dallmann, Jugendamtmitarbeiter (children's service worker) Ulrich Görn, Verfahrensbeistand (legal adviser) Silke Mensch, Umgangspfleger (children's contact advisor) Franz Daetz and a six year old child. The conclusion of the article is symptomatic of the German family law: "End is open."[11] This means in plain text: contact (of the child with his father) may be sabotaged cheerfully from the mother until either the father or the child "finally" give up and the case then as can be "done" die in the files. But until then six luminaries of the helpfer industry workers makes a good money out of the dispute.[12]
Commited to the self interest
Thousands of professionals (lawyers, Jugendamtmitarbeiter (children's service worker), evaluator/appraiser/valuer, Verfahrensbeistand (legal adviser), family court judge, psychotherapist, family counselor, family therapist, Umgangbegleiter (children's contact advisor)) makes a good money in Germany out of thee quarrel and divorce of other people (men and women) quarrel, divorce - and continue to fighting.
The participation of a part of the professionals involved in the parents' conflict, namely the lawyers is not only unnecessary, but even the usually both child's well-being and parental well-being harmful. All other professionals have a positive order whatsoever in the rule and are bound directly or indirectly to the child's well-being. Not so with the lawyers, they have contradictory as to represent the interests of their clients whatsoever (mother or father). The lawyers bring besides the parents even the largest potential for escalation in the separation process. The job of the lawyer is not conflict resolution, but one-sided representation of parties. And also the order of the mandate of the law is not conflict resolution, but victory for himself and defeat the opponents method.
In family conflict, there is no solution but a systemic view, which considers only the interests of one side. The lawyer is therefore an inhibitor solution per se, but one of the acts with state blessing and sometimes even tax-funded. (Legal aid)
In the other involved professionals can once assume that their use might be useful. Now it is so, that also have professional working end their own economic interests. This is just one thing completely normal. Who operates as a psychologist in private practice, has to pay the rent, has office expenses and a salary to the man, after all, get well, also a children's home has to generate its own expense, a foster family needed the care allowance to cover the not inconsiderable expense. But this does harbor the danger that there is little interest to participate in the resolution of conflicts. So it can happen that a children's home progress reports writes about a captured child is warned in the front, that the child in his family of origin can back again, even though the relationships in the family of origin may have improved by now.
The foster parents may consider the biological parents than their threat because they can threaten them the child and also a significant source of income.[13]
Lobbing in politics
Walter Wüllenweber describes in his book Die Asozialen. Wie Ober- und Unterschicht unser Land ruinieren und wer davon profitiert ("The anti-socials. How upper and lower layer ruin our country and who benefits from it"), that not the needs of children are crucial, but the needs of growth-oriented care industry, the reluctant will bear their customers. The policy makes no attempt to eliminate these obvious difficulties, because more than 30 % of the current MPs and former MPs have many items or functions in the care industry. Against this lobby to get to not. Wüllenweber shows a loss at the end of his book, because he can show no way out. The policy will continue to focus on distribution of alms instead of creating life opportunities if the company does not force them to do so.[14]
Family replacement
Quote: «Family relationships are pressed into discourses schemes and subjected to the political freedom of maneuver, the family itself is evaporated to a mere scavenger community in which all eat from the same fridge. Familienbeziehungen werden in Diskursen in Schemata gepresst und der politischen Handlungshoheit unterworfen, die Familie selbst wird zu einer bloßen Fressgemeinschaft eingedampft, in der alle aus demselben Kuehlschrank essen.»[15]
Only for women
It is striking that there is everywhere a preponderance of counseling services for women, but very often not a single special offer for men. Here men are just like women need counseling. An analysis of advice booklets is the concentration of a mother-oriented consulting scene on the needs of women and thus the sexist and discriminatory treatment of women. This pattern can be found nationwide.
Financed by taxes
Federal policy, the course was set that any help from public funds for women was lavishly financed. This allowed that a woman occupied scene institutionalized, which established in benefices, specific topics and was able to determine public opinion, one-sided, biased and focused solely on their target group women. So sexist and discriminatory is argued and traded financed by tax money.
Quote: «All professional agents who dealt with women's issues whine always in the service of their own professional existence. Alle professionell mit Frauenthemen befassten Agentinnen jammern immer auch im Dienste der eigenen beruflichen Existenz.» - Susanne Gaschke[16]
The largest private employer, Caritas and Diakonie, employ about 1 Million employees and a turnover of euro 44-45 billion. Alone in the Social Court Speyer was increased after the reform Hartz4 from 6 to 19 chambers that are still congested and there are waiting periods of two years.[17]
Quote: «The carrier recommends that the family requested that the youth office approved, deserves the support, otherwise the coming children away. Der Träger empfiehlt, die Familie beantragt, das Jugendamt genehmigt, der Träger verdient; sonst kommen die Kinder weg.»[18][19]
- ↑ Vera Lengsfeld[wp]: Die Sozialindustrie frisst unsere Zukunft, Die Freie Welt am 11. Dezember 2012
- ↑ TrennungsFAQ-Forum: P on 16. April 2011 - 22:16 h
- ↑ TrennungsFAQ-Forum: Ibykus on 25. August 2011 - 16:50 h
- ↑ WGvdL-Forum (Archiv 2): Walter Albrecht on 27. Dezember 2011 - 14:40 h
- ↑ Wolfgang Schmidbauer[wp]: Helfersyndrom reloaded, published in: Psychologie heute, February 2009
- ↑ Hauptstadt der Probleme. Abrechnung in neun Akten., Die Welt am 9. Mai 2012
- ↑ Macht durch Hilfe - das weibliche Prinzip, FemDisk on 4 December 2007 (broken)
- ↑ Norbert Bolz: Diskurs über die Ungleichheit. Ein Anti-Rousseau., Fink 2009, ISBN 3-77054797-7, p 17 (Extract)
- ↑ Alleinerziehende: Die Hätschelkinder der Nation, FAZ on January 24, 2010
- "Alleinerziehende sind ein großes Geschäft - zumindest für die Wohltäterindustrie von Kirchen, Gewerkschaften, Arbeitgebern oder "freien" Unternehmen."
- ↑ Rainer Schnittka: Geschäftsidee: Anleitung zur "Alleinerziehung" für Berlin, September 8, 2010
- ↑ Eheaus: Sechsjähriger vor dem Richter, Norddeutsche Neueste Nachrichten on February 17, 2012
- ↑ TrennungsFAQ-Forum: NNN: Sechsjähriger vor dem Richter, P on February 17, 2012 - 10:31 h
- ↑ Väternotruf: Scheidungsindustrie
- ↑ Vera Lengsfeld[wp]: Die Sozialindustrie frisst unsere Zukunft, Die Freie Welt am 11. Dezember 2012
- ↑ WGvdL-Forum (Archiv 2): Maesi on 26. Mai 2007 - 19:41 h
- ↑ Susanne Gaschke: "Die Emanzipationsfalle. Erfolgreich, einsam, kinderlos.", Bertelsmann 2005, ISBN 3-570-00821-5, S. 9
- ↑
"Entweder Broder - Die Deutschland-Safari", Teil 5: Guck mal, wie sich Armut lohnt", Part 1, 2
- ↑ Väter für Gerechtigkeit: Das Geschäft mit dem Kindeswohl, 22. Januar 2013
- ↑ Andrea Jacob: Das Geschäft mit dem Kindeswohl, Sozialenergie am 20. Januar 2013
See also
External links
- "Diese Frauen sind nicht naiv", Eine Soziologin sieht nicht alle Prostituierten als Opfer, NZZ am 27. Juli 2009
- DFuiZ: Die HelferInnenindustrie
Die Scheidungsindustrie und ihre Komplizen
- Erfahrungsbericht Familienhilfe: Hilflose Helfer - Wenn Politik den Missstand verwaltet, Der Tagesspiegel am 22. August 2011
- Heinz Buschkowsky: "Die Träger bewilligen sich das Geld selbst", Der Tagesspiegel am 22. August 2011
- Kindeswohlhandel: Deutsche Jugendämter: Nur wer viel ausgibt, bekommt auch viel! ("Die Träger bewilligen sich das Geld selbst")
- Kosten für Familienhilfe in Hamburg laufen aus dem Ruder, Hamburger Abendblatt am 27. Juni 2011
- Eine Auswahl der schweizerischen Helferindustrie und Familienzerstörer findet sich hier
- Schulsozialarbeit - Der totale Durchgriff des Staates auf die Familien, Kritische Wissenschaft - critical science am 9. August 2013