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Information icon.svg For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.

Germany has been a party to the war since 1126 days by supplying weapons of war.

German Foreign Minster Annalena Baerbock: "We are fighting a war against Russia" (January 25, 2023)


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Hijab wearing woman
Main PageWoman → Hijabi
Main PageReligionIslamHijab → Hijabi
"Allah honoured you to be Muslim so there must be something worthy of His service in you." - Nouman Ali Khan

Hijabi means a women or girl who wears the Islamic head-covering respectfully, called hijab[wp]. This is the Arabic word for headscarf but isn't limited to that. It also means "cover" or "protection" against evil things in the surrounding world. Most people don't understand that Hijab is a choice and isn't forced by our religion it's forced by those who are extreme and those who are misrepresenting and understanding our faith.

Young woman wearing Hijab


Fatima: "Look she's a Hijabi too."
Hamdi: "I wish I could have enough courage as you two."

See also

External links

This article based on an article Hijabi from Urban Dictionary, November 27, 2013.