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Information icon.svg For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.

Germany has been a party to the war since 1127 days by supplying weapons of war.

German Foreign Minster Annalena Baerbock: "We are fighting a war against Russia" (January 25, 2023)

Collar (Gor)

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Ko-lar (Collar)

The collar is an important symbol of Gorean slavery; the brand (usually the Kef or Dina) symbolizes general slave status, while the collar proclaims ownership by a particular Master or Mistress. Many different types of collars can be worn in different circumstances or cultures, but the type most commonly worn by kajirae in the northern hemisphere city-states is a thin cylindrical metal locking collar (which usually fits closely enough to leave only the width of a finger or two in space between the inside of the collar and the neck), with the lock worn at the back of the neck and often a ring affixed in front (convenient for leashing a kajira or restraining her with chains or bindings). Collars worn by slaves under a long-term ownership or who go out in public generally have an emblem or inscription which identifies the slave's owner, and thus indicates whom the slave should be returned to if lost, stolen, or runaway. (By contrast, in a closed environment such as a slaver's establishment, a collar can sometimes be just a plain narrow bar of iron bent around the neck.) A collar is sometimes inscribed with the name of the slave who wears it, but this is not always feasible, since slaves have no permanent names, but are only given names for the convenience of their owners (who can change them or remove them at will). Occasionally a slave is named by her collar - that is, if a collar of the correct size happens to be available for a kajira to wear, and this collar has previously been inscribed with a name, then the kajira might be given that name simply to match the collar.[1]
