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MediaWiki[wp] is hostile to Men, see T323956. |
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For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.
Germany has been a party to the war since 1126 days by supplying weapons of war. German Foreign Minster Annalena Baerbock: "We are fighting a war against Russia" (January 25, 2023) |
The kinship describes the social relationships within a family.
A family relationship can be established in three ways:
- by ancestry[wp]:
parent-child, grandparent-grandchild, uncle/aunt-nephew/niece - by marriage, see also intermarriage/relationship by marriage/alliance[wp]:
husband/wife, brother/sister, parents-in-law/children-in-law - by adoption:
Adoptive parent-adopted child, half-siblings
The exception is the parenting with an adopted child (adoption), which is not biologically, but legally and factually equivalent to the biological child. In general relationship is a matter of ancestry (birth of offspring) and marriage.
So relationship usually arises through offsprings (sexual reproduction[wp]) and by marriage. It is this second way of making relationship is nowadays neglected or underestimated.[1]
Marriage versus partnership
Just making the marriage and (same-sex) partnership legal equal is based on a mistake, because it ignored the fact that only through marriage a kinship is established, while a cohabiting (partnership) does not.
Whether it is an equal or opposite-sex partnership does not matter, as the diagram illustrates:
Marriage / cohabitation | heterosexual | gay | |
Marriage community (Family) |
Base: | Kinship [2] | ? [3] |
Goal: | Offspring, inheritance, livelihood | ||
Duration: | Lifetime [4] | ||
End: | After termination of the marriage community is entitled to compensation (alimony) | ||
Divorce: official annulment of marriage before a court[5] | |||
Right: | Protection by law | ||
Significant other (Concubinage) |
Base: | Dual relationship of man and woman | Relationship of two gay or lesbian |
Goal: | Self-realization, sex | Self-realization, sex | |
Duration: | indefinitely (as long as it's good) | indefinitely (as long as it's good) | |
End: | Upon the expiration of love removes the basis for business | Upon the expiration of love removes the basis for business | |
"to break up": an informal act by which the relationship is terminated unilaterally[6][7] | "to break up": an informal act by which the relationship is terminated unilaterally[6][7] | ||
Right: | not justiciable, not protectable[8] | not justiciable, not protectable[8] |
Kinship in the patchwork family
In der oftmals als "modernes Familienmodell" gepriesenen patchwork family sind folgende verwandtschaftlichen Fragen zu klären:
- Wie ist es mit Vaterschaft und Vater-Kind-Beziehung bestellt, wenn eine Mutter den biologischen Kindesvater vor der Geburt verlässt, einen Mann heiratet, der zum Kind eine Vater-Kind-Beziehung aufbaut, diesen Ehemann aber wiederum verlässt und mit dem Kind zu einem weiteren Lebensabschnittspartner zieht. Welcher Mann hat dann rechtlich das Sorgerecht? Welcher Mann muss unterhaltsrechtlich für das Kind aufkommen? Oder kann die Frau ein ganzes Rudel an Zahleseln versammeln? Und wie sieht die Angelegenheit aus der Sicht des Kindes aus? Hat es nun einen Vater oder gar drei oder etwa gar keinen?!??
Je mehr Kinder von verschiedenen Männern eine Frau hat, je häufiger der "Lebensabschnittspartner" gewechselt wird, desto komplizierter und unentwirrbarer wird das Lebensmodell, das dabei entsteht. Tendentiell lässt sich wohl sagen, dass mit jedem Partnerwechsel die Verbindlichkeit nachlässt, weil die Verantwortlichkeiten immer schwieriger zu klären sind. Das wird letztlich dazu führen, dass ein Familienrichter die Verantwortlichkeiten festlegt, was staatliche Willkür im privat-sozialen Bereich bedeutet.[1]
Eine staatliche Definition und richterliche Feststellung von Verwandtschaft wäre das Ergebnis. Mit genealogy[wp] hätte das dann aber nichts mehr zu tun, sondern nur noch mit Willkür.[9]
Relationships for relatives
Relationship | Collective name | Male | Female |
My producers | parents | father | mother |
My descendants | children | son | daugther |
Seed of my offspring | grandchildren | grandson | granddaugther |
Parents of my producers | grandparents | grandfather | grandmother |
Parents of my spouse | parents-in-law | father-in-law | mother-in-law |
Other children of my parents | siblings | brother | sister |
Children of my siblings | nephew | niece | |
Children of the siblings of my parents | cousins | cousin | cousin |
Children of the siblings of my spouse | cousins-in-law | ||
Siblings of my parents | uncle | aunt | |
Siblings of my grandparents | great uncle | great aunt | |
Siblings of my spouse | siblings-in-law | brother-in-law | sister-in-law |
Spouses of my children | children-in-law | son-in-law | daugther-in-law |
Spouses of my siblings | husband of the sister | wife of the brother | |
Spouses of siblings of my spouse | husband of the sister-in-law | wife of the brother-in-law |
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 DFuiZ: Die Verwandtschaft
- ↑ The marriage is a familial connection attached between the two original families of the bride and groom (intermarriage). Since this creates a complex network of relationships, this should not be careless and selfish terminated by either party..
- ↑ Doesn't exist! What can it be?
A community based on love and sex, it can be concluded that neither life nor the intermarriage of two families of origin is sought. - ↑ Christian: "Bis der Tod euch scheidet." - "So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate." (Matthew 19.6, Mark 10.8-9) - "To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife." (1 Corinthians 7:10-11) - "For the Lord God of Israel says That He hates divorce." (Malachi 2:16) - "Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery." (Luke 16:18, Matthew 5:31-32)
Islam: "And if they decide upon divorce, then surely, Allah is All- Hearing, All-Knowing." (Sura 2, 227) - "Among lawful things, divorce is most hated by Allah." (Hadith: Abu Dawud)
Secular: Since the marriage relationship is long term - relationships[wp] were established between two families - the divorce should be the exception. - ↑ The divorce of a marriage should be opposed "breaking up" for not done unilaterally in a concubinage, but by the conviction of both families of origin be that the continuation of the marriage unacceptable (for extreme violence) or impossible (spouses and families of origin are hopelessly divided) or otherwise is agreement on the abolition of the intermarriage was made.
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 The "breaking up" can be summarized in a "Hey, it's over now, you can go".
Women often go pretty kinky ways to end relationships: take the so-called "time-outs" deny themselves sexually, find a new friend or even equal to a whole new circle of friends ... just as if they leave clues that the "unloved" is to collect and partners as possible to lure him on the right track. This has the purpose of allowing the unpleasant truth itself must be pronounced not, but "comfortable" may be waiting for the partner alone sometime it happens that he is no longer loved. - ↑ 7.0 7.1 ElitePartner.de: Fünf Sätze beim Schlussmachen und was sie bedeuten (Five sets when breaking up and what they mean)
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Love is just as justiciable friendship, sex is not enforceable. In this respect at a concubinage, the protective effect of the Item 6 para 1 Basic Law do not apply. The demand for equality of homosexual unions with marriage are therefore systematically pursue purpose because nonsense or to devalue the institution marriage to concubinage and rob as the protection of Article 6, Section 1 of the German Grundgesetz demands.
- ↑ Willkür (Recht): Eine Rechtsanwendung ohne sachlichen Grund.
Willkür stand bis in das 18. Jahrhundert, noch ohne abwertenden Sinn, sogar teils lobend, für Handlungen und Entscheidungen nach freier Wahl und Gutdünken bzw. den selbstverantworteten Gestaltungsraum von Fürsten.
Diese Willkür lebt gerade wieder auf in Gestalt des "Fürstentums" EUdSSR.