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Women for Men
Women for Men | |
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Suzanne Venker has written extensively about politics, parenting, and the influence of feminism on American society for more than a decade. She is the author of three books - How to Choose a Husband and Make Peace With Marriage (February 2013), The Flipside of Feminism (2011), and 7 Myths of Working Mothers (2004) - and one Kindle single: The War on Men (February 2013). She is a regular guest on The John Gibson Radio Show and a frequent contributor to Fox News.
Suzanne's work has been published in the New York Post, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Parents.com, Human Events, and others. She has appeared on The View, Fox & Friends, FOX, ABCNews.com, CNN, C-Span, and Canadian and Australian news outlets - as well as hundreds of radio shows throughout the country.
This Midwest-born, East Coast-educated writer is no stranger to controversy. Her first book, 7 Myths of Working Mothers, argues that young children and demanding careers are incompatible; The Flipside of Feminism is an explosive account of the damage left in the wake of the feminist movement; and her eBook original, The War on Men, is a concise, authoritative look at the myth of gender equality.
Suzanne's most recent book, How to Choose a Husband (And Make Peace with Marriage), takes a hard look at the sexual revolution and encourages women to reject the cultural script they've been sold about love, sex, men and marriage and adopt a whole new attitude toward men and marriage.
Suzanne lives in St. Louis, MO, with her husband and their two children. Her website is www.suzannevenker.com.
Dr. Helen Smith is a forensic psychologist and a distinguished writer who has written for a variety of publications, including The L.A. Times, The Christian Science Monitor and The Cleveland Plain Dealer. Her book, The Scarred Heart: Understanding and Identifying Kids Who Kill, was released in 2000. She's also the writer and executive producer of Six, a documentary about the murder of a family in Tennessee by teens from Kentucky.
Dr. Helen's most recent book, Men on Strike, analyzes America's anti-male culture and makes suggestions for how to resurrect respect for masculinity and the role males play in society. She writes about politics, men's issues, violence, psychology and much more at http://pjmedia.com/drhelen/.
Helen and her husband live in Knoxville, TN.
Dr. Warren Farrell has been chosen by the Financial Times as one of the world's top 100 thought leaders, and by the Center for World Spirituality (in 2011) as one of the world's spiritual leaders. His books are published in over 50 countries, and in 15 languages. They include two award-winning international best-sellers, Why Men Are The Way They Are plus The Myth of Male Power.
Dr. Farrell is currently the Chair of the Commission to Create a White House Council on Boys to Men and is co-authoring Boys to Men with John Gray, author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. Warren Farrell's books contribute to 12 disciplines. A book on couples communication, Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say, was a selection of the Book-of-the-Month Club. His Father and Child Reunion has inspired many dads to be more involved with their children and helped others win custody. And Why Men Earn More: The Startling Truth Behind the Pay Gap-and What Women Can Do About It was chosen by U.S. News and World Report in 2006 as one of the top four books on careers.
Warren has taught at the university level in five disciplines and appeared on more than 1,000 TV and radio shows, from Oprah to Larry King Live. He has been featured repeatedly in Forbes, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal.
Warren has two daughters, Alex and Erin. He is married to Liz Dowling, and they live in Mill Valley, California.
Christina Hoff Sommers is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, DC. Before joining AEI, she was a professor of philosophy at Clark University where she specialized in moral theory. Her academic articles have appeared in publications such as The Journal of Philosophy and The New England Journal of Medicine. She has also written for The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The New Republic, The Weekly Standard, and The Atlantic.
Sommers is editor of Vice and Virtue in Everyday Life, a leading college ethics textbook, and the author of the bestselling books Who Stole Feminism? and The War Against Boys - the latter was a New York Times "Notable Book of the Year" in 2000 and was re-released in 2013. Her most recent books include One Nation Under Therapy and Freedom Feminism.
Sommers has appeared on numerous television programs, including Nightline, 60 Minutes, the Oprah Winfrey Show and twice on Comedy Central's The Daily Show. She has lectured and taken part in debates on more than one hundred college campuses.
Christina has two adult sons. She and her husband live in Chevy Chase, Maryland.
Michael Gurian is the New York Times bestselling author of twenty-five books published in twenty-one languages. The Gurian Institute, which he co-founded, conducts research internationally, launches pilot programs and trains professionals. Michael has pioneered efforts to bring neurobiology and brain research into homes, schools, corporations, and public policy.
A number of his books have sparked national debate, including The Wonder of Girls, The Wonder of Boys, Boys and Girls Learn Differently!, The Minds of Boys and Leadership and the Sexes. Michael's work has been featured in various media, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, Newsweek, Time, People, Reader's Digest, the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Parenting, Good Housekeeping, Redbook, and on the Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, PBS and National Public Radio. His website is www.michaelgurian.com.
Erin Pizzey is an English family care activist and a best-selling novelist. She became internationally famous for having started one of the first women's refuges (called women's shelters in the U.S.) in the modern world, Chiswick Women's Aid, in 1971, the organisation known today as Refuge. Pizzey has been the subject of death threats and boycotts because of her statement that most domestic violence is reciprocal, and that women are equally as capable of violence as men.
Erin is still actively working to help victims of domestic violence. In March 2007, Erin opened first Arab refuge for victims of domestic violence in Bahrain. In 2009 Erin said she has "never been a feminist, because, having experienced my mother's violence, I always knew that women can be as vicious and irresponsible as men."
Lionel Tiger (www.lioneltiger.com) is the author of The Decline of Males and Men in Groups. He's also the Charles Darwin Professor of Anthropology at Rutgers University. His title reflects his pioneering role in introducing biosocial data into the social sciences.
Since the mid-1960's, Tiger has been deeply involved in bridging the gap between the natural and social sciences. As a teacher and writer of books and articles, which have been widely published and translated, and as co-Research Director of the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, Tiger has been an influential figure in broadening our knowledge about why we do what we do.
A graduate of McGill University, the London School of Economics at the University of London, England, Lionel Tiger is a consultant to the U.S. Department of Defense on the future of biotechnology. He lives in New York City.
Stephen Baskerville is Associate Professor of Government at Patrick Henry College and Research Fellow at the Howard Center for Family, Religion, and Society, the Independent Institute, and the Inter-American Institute. He holds a Ph.D. from the London School of Economics and has taught political science and international affairs at Howard University, Palacky University in the Czech Republic, and most recently as a visiting Fulbright scholar at the Russian National University for the Humanities.
Stephen is widely recognized as "the leading authority" (in the words of columnist Paul Craig Roberts) on the politics of divorce, custody, and family courts. He began as a scholar of political theory but, more recently, has turned his full attention to the politics of the family in global perspective with his most recent book, Taken Into Custody: The War against Fathers, Marriage, and the Family. His writings on family and fatherhood issues have appeared in leading national and international publications, both popular and scholarly, and he has appeared on many national radio and television programs-including The O'Reilly Factor, Hardball, The Dennis Prager Show, The Michael Medved Show, CNN, Court TV with Fred Graham and Katherine Crier, Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg, and others.
Jill Egizii is the President of the Parental Alienation Awareness Organization USA, whose mission is to educate and create awareness regarding parental alienation. She is also an Alderman in the city of Leland Grove, Illinois. Speaker of the House Michael Madigan appointed Jill to the Illinois Family Law Study Committee to revamp Illinois divorce laws.
Jill hosts a radio and television show titled Family Matters with her co-host Judge Michele Lowrance on www.syndicatednews.net. She sits on the board of The Weitzman Center in Chicago, Leading Women for Shared Parenting and is on the advisory committee of The International Support Network for Alienated Families.
Jill has been on the United Cerebral Palsy Board and Executive Committee for 20 years and is a strong voice for children and adults with disabilities. She is the author of the novel The Look of Love, which deals with parental alienation and divorce. Jill also co-authored the workbook Parental Alienation 911 with Judge Michele Lowrance. She has been qualified to testify as an expert in parental alienation.
Jill has appeared on Dr. Phil and The View.
Dr. Mark J. Perry is a professor of economics and finance in the School of Management at the Flint campus of the University of Michigan. He holds two graduate degrees in economics (M.A. and Ph.D.) from George Mason University in Washington, D.C. In addition, Mark holds an MBA degree in finance from the Curtis L. Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota. Since 1997, he has been a member of the Board of Scholars for the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, a research and public policy institute in Michigan.
Mark is currently a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and a frequent contributor at SeekingAlpha.com. He also maintains his own blog, Carpe Diem.
Karen Woodall is a family counselor who has worked with children and their families since 1991 and is focused on making sure relationship services are delivered in ways that are beneficial to both men and women. Karen delivers training and workshops for the Family Separation Clinic in London. She has also co-authored the book Putting Children First: A Handbook for Separated Parents with her husband, Nick Woodall.
Karen is very honed in on true gender equality - as opposed to the feminist variety. She has written for Oxfam on Gender Analysis, and her call for a United Equalities Movement gets to the heart of WFM's mission. "I consider feminism to be a deeply problematic, politically driven approach to supporting children and families, and I want it to stop. I work alongside my husband and other colleagues, and we have stopped delivering our services in a feminist paradigm. As a result, our practice around families has become safer, inclusive of the needs of men and women, as well as boys and girls. It allows them to be exactly who they are instead of forcing them to conform to my view of how they should be in the world. This is how I am being the change that I want to see."
Dr. Shawn Smith is a licensed psychologist in Denver, CO. His upcoming book, The Woman's Guide to How Men Think (February 2014) is a fantastic primer for women to help them navigate their romantic relationships by emphasizing men's needs and desires. "We view ourselves in terms of how useful we are," writes Smith. "This means we need someone to serve, and guess what: that's you. To a large degree, we view women in terms of how we can make their lives better. The women in our lives give us a point of reference for our effectiveness. Working for your affection and approval is in our bones."
Shawn's approach to gender relations is not rooted in the "women good/men bad" meme, which makes his expertise invaluable. When it comes to relationships, Shawn treats both sexes fairly and doesn't cave to politically correct, (aka harmful) ideas about gender relations. You can learn more about Shawn at ironshrink.com.
Mike McCormick is the executive director of ACFC, an organization dedicated to the creation of a family law system, legislative system, and public awareness which promotes equal rights for ALL parties affected by divorce, and the breakup of a family or establishment of paternity. Mike acted as the primary spokesman for ACFC during the Elian Gonzalez situation. He has been interviewed extensively by the media regarding shared parenting.
Mike has also authored shared parenting bills and initiatives that have been introduced in several states. He provides legislative testimony and has presented at multiple public policy and professional association gatherings. His commentary has been carried in numerous national publications.
Alicia Dorsey is advocate and producer of "Red Hen Exploring Our Conditions," a longitudinal documentary following issues and concerns in our communities, documented with video, emails, audio and black and white photography. The goal is to build a platform to discuss controversial topics so that we all have a voice and learn to build understanding for one another.
The focus of "Red Hen Exploring Our Conditions" is promoting community responsibility, civic duty, development of human nature from birth to passing and to establish a Common Ground Mentality. Providing for her family and community as a cosmetologist, Alicia E. Dorsey became an advocate as a parent advocating for quality education for her family and community.
External links
- Website: womenformen.org