Information icon.svg MediaWiki[wp] is hostile to Men, see T323956.
Information icon.svg For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.

Germany has been a party to the war since 1127 days by supplying weapons of war.

German Foreign Minster Annalena Baerbock: "We are fighting a war against Russia" (January 25, 2023)

Books (list)

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A list of usefull and readworthy books on the topics critique of feminism, critique of genderism, men's rights movement and separated fathers.

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Adams, Steven
  • (2010), Women First, Men Last. (Kindle).


Baron-Cohen, Simon[wp]
  • (2003), The Essential Difference. (London: Allen Lane).
Barrett, Louise, and Dunbar, Robin, and Lycett, John
  • (2002), Human Evolutionary Psychology. (Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave).
Baumeister, Roy F.[wp]
  • Is There Anything Good About Men? How Cultures Flourish by Exploiting Men, Oxford University Press 2010, ISBN 0-19-537410-X[1]
Bax, Ernest Belfort[wp]
  • (1913), The Fraud of Feminism. (download)
Boger, Horst Wolfgang (Hrsg.)
  • Der Staat als Super Super Nanny. liberal Verlag (PDF, 1,6 MB)
Bolz, Norbert
  • Die Helden der Familie. Fink 2006, ISBN 3-7705-4330-0 (Auszüge)
  • Diskurs über die Ungleichheit. Ein Anti-Rousseau., Fink 2009, ISBN 3-7705-4797-7 (Auszüge)
Brizendine, Louann[wp]
  • (2007), The Female Brain. (London: Bantam Press).
Browne, Anthony[wp]
  • (2006), The Retreat of Reason. Political Correctness and the Corruption of Public Debate in Modern Britain. (London: Civitas).
Buchanan, Mike
  • (2010), David and Goliatha. David Cameron - heir to Harman? (Bath: LPS publishing).
  • (2011), The Glass Ceiling Delusion. The real reasons more women don't reach senior positions., LPs Publishing 2011, ISBN 0-9566416-6-0
  • (2012), Feminism. The Ugly Truth. (Bath: LPS publishing).


Caplan, Bryan
  • Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids. Why Being a Great Parent Is Less Work and More Fun Than You Think., Basic Books 2011, ISBN 0-465-01867-X[2]
Cook, Philip W.[wp]
  • (2009), Abused Men. The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence. (USA: Praeger).
  • (2013, with Hodo, Tammy L) When Women Sexually Assault Men: The Hidden Side of Rape, Harassment, and Sexual Assault (USA: Praeger).
Cooper, Joel D.[wp]
  • (2007), Cognitive Dissonance. Fifty Years of a Classic Theory. (London: Sage Publications).
Crawford, Edith
  • (2006), Truth and Prejudice. Men's Experiences of Domestic Violence. (AuthorHouse).
Creveld, Martin van
  • Das bevorzugte Geschlecht, Gerling Akademie Verlag 2003, ISBN 3-93242-552-9
  • Men, Women, and War. Do Women Belong in the Front Line?, Cassell & Co. 2001, ISBN 0-304-35959-9
    Frauen und Krieg, Gerling Akademie Verlag 2001, ISBN 3-93242-533-2


Donovan, Jack[wp]
Doyle, Laura[wp]
  • The Surrendered Wife. A step-by-step guide to finding intimacy, passion and peace with a man., Touchstone 2001, ISBN 0-74320444-1


Farrell, Warren
  • Why Men Earn More. The Startling Truth Behind The Pay Gap And What Women Can Do About It. Amacom 2005, ISBN 0-8144-7210-9
  • The Myth of Male Power. Why Men Are The Disposable Sex. Berkley Books 1993, ISBN 0-425-18144-8
  • Why Men Are The Way They Are. The Male-Female Dynamic. Berkley Books 1988, ISBN 0-425-11094-X
Fine, Cordelia[wp]
  • Delusions of Gender. The real science behind sex difference. How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference, Icon Books Ltd 2010, ISBN 1-84831-163-X
Fitzgerald, Matthew
  • Sex-Ploytation. How women use their bodies to extort money from men., 1999, ISBN 0-9669639-0-3 Pdf-icon-extern.svg download[ext]


Geary, David C.[wp]
  • Male, Female. The Evolution of Human Sex Differences., Amer Psychological Assn, 2009, ISBN 1-4338-0682-7
Gibbon, Edward[wp]
Glubb, John Bagot[wp]
  • The Fate of Empires. Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons Ltd, 1978. ISBN 0 85158 127 7
Graglia, F. Carolyn
  • (1998), Domestic Tranquility. A Brief Against Feminism. (Spence Publishing).
Gurian, Michael[wp]
  • Boys and Girls Learn Differently! A guide for teachers and parents. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001.
Gurian, Michael & Stevens, Kathy
  • The Minds of Boys: Saving our sons from falling behind in school and life. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2005.


Hammer, Rhonda
  • Antifeminism and Family Terrorism. A Critical Feminist Perspective. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 2002, ISBN 0-7425-1050-6
Herman, Eva
  • Das Eva-Prinzip. Für eine neue Weiblichkeit. Goldmann TB 2007, ISBN 3-442-15462-6
    El principio de Eva, EDICIONES B 2008, ISBN 8-4666-3870-9
  • Das Prinzip Arche Noah. Warum wir die Familie retten müssen. Pendo 2007, ISBN 3-86612-133-4
  • Das Überlebensprinzip. Warum wir die Schöpfung nicht täuschen können. Hänssler 2008, ISBN 3-775-14884-1
  • Die Wahrheit und ihr Preis. Meinung, Macht und Medien. Kopp-Verlag 2010, ISBN 3-942016-28-1
Hitchens, Peter[wp]
  • (2009), How British Politics Lost Its Way. (London, New York: Continuum Publishing).
  • (2010), The Cameron Delusion. (London, New York: Continuum Publishing).
    (The Cameron Delusion is an updated edition of The Broken Compass.)
Hoffmann, Arne
  • Sind Frauen bessere Menschen? Plädoyer für einen selbstbewuflten Mann. Schwarzkopf&Schwarzkopf Verlag 2001, ISBN 3-89602-382-9
  • Männerbeben. Das starke Geschlecht kehrt zurück. Lichtschlag 2007, ISBN 3-939562-03-3
  • Rettet unsere Söhne. Wie den Jungs die Zukunft verbaut wird und was wir dagegen tun können. Pendo Verlag 2009, ISBN 3-86612-227-6
  • Der Fall Eva Herman. Hexenjagd in den Medien. Lichtschlag 2007, ISBN 3-939562-05-X
Hollstein, Walter
  • Was vom Manne übrig blieb. Krise und Zukunft des starken Geschlechts. Aufbau-Verlag 2008, ISBN 3-351-02659-5


Jäckel, Karin
  • Der gebrauchte Mann. Abgeliebt und abgezockt - Väter nach der Trennung. Dtv 1997/2000, ISBN 3-423-36200-6
  • Deutschland frisst seine Kinder. Familien heute: Ausgebeutet - ausgebrannt. Rowohlt 2000, ISBN 3-499-60929-0
  • Mein Kind gehört auch zu mir. Handbuch für Väter nach der Trennung. Campus Verlag 1999, ISBN 3-593-36277-5
James, Oliver[wp]
  • (1998), Britain on the Couch. Why we are unhappier than we were in the 1950s - despite being richer. A treatment for the low-serotonin society. (London: Arrow).
Jones, January[wp]
  • (2008), Thou Shalt Not Whine. The Eleventh Commandment. (Beaufort Books).


Kricheldorf, Beate
  • Verantwortung: Nein danke! Weibliche Opferhaltung als Strategie und Taktik. R.G.Fischer 1998, ISBN 3-89501-617-9
Kuby Gabriele
  • Die Gender Revolution. Relativismus in Aktion. Fe-Medienverlag 2006, ISBN 3-939684-04-X
  • Verstaatlichung der Erziehung. Auf dem Weg zum neuen Gender-Menschen. Fe-Medienverlag 2007, ISBN 3-939684-09-0


Lauser, Andrea
  • Ein guter Mann ist harte Arbeit. Eine ethnographische Studie zu philippinischen Heiratsmigrantinnen. Transcript Verlag 2004, ISBN 3-89942-218-X
Lyndon, Neil[wp]
  • (1992), No More Sex War. The Failures of Feminism. (Sinclair-Stevenson).[3]


Novoselov, Oleg


Mack, Dana
  • The Assault On Parenthood. How Our Culture Undermines the Family. Simon & Schuster 1997, ISBN 0-684-80774-2
MacDonald, Eileen
  • Shoot the Women First. The female side of terrorism. Random House 1992, ISBN 0-67941596-3
Matussek, Matthias
  • Die vaterlose Gesellschaft. Eine Polemik gegen die Abschaffung der Familie. Fischer 2006, ISBN 3-596-17139-3
Moir, Anne, and Moir, Bill
  • (1998), Why Men Don't Iron. The Real Science of Gender Studies. (London: HarperCollins).
Montagu, Ashley[wp]
  • The Natural Superiority of Women. Collier Books 1992, ISBN 0-02-035128-3
Moore, E.M.
  • (2008), A Call for In Justice. Domestic Violence Against Men. (AuthorHouse).
Morgan, Elaine[wp]
  • The Descent of Woman. NY: Bantam, 1973
  • Falling Apart. The Rise and Decline of Urban Civilization. NYC: Stein and Day, 1977 London, UK: Sphere Books
Moxon, Steve
  • (2008), The Woman Racket. (Exeter: Imprint Academic).[4]


Nathanson, Paul, and Katherine K Young
  • (2009), Sanctifying Misandry. Goddess Ideology and the Fall of Man. (Montreal / Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press).
  • (2006), Legalizing Misandry. From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination Against Men. (Montreal / Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press).
  • (2002), Spreading Misandry. The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture. (Montreal / Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press).


O'Beirne, Kate[wp]
  • (2005), Women Who Make The World Worse. (New York: Sentinel HC).
O'Pie, Swayne
  • Why Britain Hates Men. Exposing Feminism. The Men's Press 2011, ISBN 0-95682190-1[5][6]
Ofshe, Richard, and Watters, Ethan
  • (1995), Making Monsters. False Memories, Psychotherapy and Sexual Hysteria. (Andre Deutsch).


Parker, Kathleen[wp]
  • (2010), Save the Males. Why Men Matter, Why Women Should Care. (Random House).
Patai, Daphne
  • (1998), Heterophobia. Sexual Harassment and the Future of Feminism. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield).
Patai, Daphne, and Koertge, Noretta
  • (2003), Professing Feminism. (Plymouth: Lexington Books).
Pinker, Steven[wp]
  • (2003), The Blank Slate. The Modern Denial of Human Nature. (London: Penguin).
Pinker, Susan[wp]
  • (2008), The Sexual Paradox. Men, Women and the Real Gender Gap. (New York: Scribner).
Pizzey, Erin
  • (1982, with Shapiro, Jeff), Prone to Violence. (London: Hamlyn Publishers).
  • (1983), Scream Quietly or the Neighbours Will Hear (London: Penguin).
  • (2011), This Way to the Revolution. A Memoir. (London: Peter Owen Publishers).


Richardson, Samuel[wp]
  • Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded[wp], 1740
Das Werk, in dem sich ein tugendhaftes Dienstmädchen gegen die derben und brutalen Belästigungen ihres Herrn zur Wehr setzen muss, seinen sittlich verkommenen Herrn schließlich bekehrt, und sich dann von ihm heiraten lässt, wurde sofort ein großer Erfolg. Der Roman begründete nicht nur das Genre des empfindsamen Romans, zu dessen bekanntesten deutschen Beispielen Goethes Werther[wp] gehört, sondern war auch eines der wegweisenden Werke in der Geschichte des Romans, da hier erstmals durchgängig eine subjektive Stimme den allwissenden Erzähler verdrängte.


Men on Strike (2013)
Sax, Leonard[wp]
  • Boys Adrift. The Five Factors Driving the Growing Epidemic of Unmotivated Boys and Underachieving Young Men., Basic Books 2007. Note also review by Steven Svoboda[7]
  • Why Gender Matters. What Parents and Teachers Need To Know About The Emerging Science Of Sex Differences., Three Rivers Press 2006, ISBN 0-7679-1625-5
Schlafly, Phyllis
  • (2003), Feminist Fantasies. (Spence Publishing).
  • (2011 with Venker, Suzanne), The Flipside of Feminism. What Conservative Women Know, And Men Can't Say. (Washington: WND Books).
Sexton, Patricia Cayo
  • The Feminized Male. NY: Random House, 1969.
Smith, Helen
  • Men on Strike. Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream - and Why It Matters., Encounter Books 2013, ISBN 1-59403675-6
Snowdon, Christopher[wp]
  • (2010), The Spirit Level Delusion. Fact-checking the Left's new theory of everything. (London: Democracy Institute).
Sommers, Christina Hoff
  • (1994), Who Stole Feminism? How Women Have Betrayed Women. (New York: Simon & Schuster).
  • (2001), The War Against Boys. How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men., Paperback, Simon & Schuster, ISBN 0-68484957-7
  • (2013), The War Against Boys. How Misguided Policies are Harming Our Young Men., Hardcover, Simon & Schuster, ISBN 1-45164418-3


Tiger, Lionel[wp]
  • The Decline of Males. Golden Books 1999, ISBN 0-312-26311-2, St Martin's Press, 2nd edition 1999, ISBN 1-58238-014-7



Venker, Suzanne
  • (2013), How to Choose a Husband. And Make Peace with Marriage. (Washington: WND Books)
  • (2013), The War on Men. (Kindle)
  • (2011, with Schlafly, Phyllis), The Flipside of Feminism - What Conservative Women Know, And Men Can't Say. (Washington: WND Books), ISBN 1-935071-27-0 [8][9][10]
Vilar, Esther
  • The Manipulated Man. Pinter & Martin, ISBN 0-9530964-2-4
    • (2008), The Manipulated Man (Germany: C Bertelsman Verlag) - this is the third edition of a remarkable book first published in 1971.
  • The Polygamous Sex. A man's right to the other woman. W. H. Allen, ISBN 0-491-01737-5
  • Das Ende der Dressur. Modell für eine neue Männlichkeit. Droemer Knaur 1977, ISBN 3-426-04590-7
  • Die Fünf-Stunden-Gesellschaft. Argumente für eine Utopie. Ullstein 1985, ISBN 3-548-34067-9
  • Die 25-Stunden-Woche. Arbeit und Freizeit in einem Europa der Zukunft. Econ 1990, ISBN 3-61223068-9
  • Der dressierte Mann - Das polygame Geschlecht - Das Ende der Dressur Dtv 1987, ISBN 3-423-30072-8, Dtv 2000, ISBN 3-423-36134-4


Wadham, Lucy[wp]
  • (2009), The Secret Life of France. (London: Faber & Faber).
Weldon, Fay[wp]
  • (2006), What Makes Women Happy (London: HarperCollins).
Weissman, Myrna, and Paykel, E.S.
  • (1974), Depressed Woman. Study of Social Relationships. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press).


Zubaty, Rich
  • (2001), What Men Know That Women Don't. How to Love Women Without Losing Your Soul. ( Publishing)
  • (1994), Surviving the Feminization of America. How to Keep Women From Ruining Your Life. (Zubaty Publishing).


  • The Negro Family. The Case for National Action. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office 196x. (Note, this is the famous "Moynihan Report" and a discussion on the Spearhead summarizes how Feminism gave the US the opposite of what the report recommended: The Spearhead: From White Supremacy to Female Supremacy)
  • Pdf-icon-extern.svg The Principles of Social Competence[ext] - Manhood Academy, Version 1.1.4. (36.4 MB, 292 pages)
    • Pdf-icon-extern.svg Principles 101 - Feminism, Manhood and You[ext] - Manhood Academy, Version 1.0.1. (1.7 MB, 143 pages)

External links


  1. Roy F. Baumeister: Is There Anything Good About Men?, American Psychological Association, Invited Address, 2007
  2. Youtube-link-icon.svg Do Parents Matter? Q&A with Bryan Caplan, Author of Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids -
  3. Neil Lyndon - No More Sex War, The Antifeminist on May 28, 2010
  4. The Woman Racket, Steve Moxon Blog on December 17, 2007
  5.; Fighting Feminism: The international edition of Swayne O'Pie's book has just been published, May 26, 2012
  6. The book is available in a Kindle edition, and outside the UK in a paperback edition, with the title Exposing Feminism. The Thirty Years' War Against Men. (2012).
  8. MANNdat-Forum: Buchempfehlung: Flipside of Feminism, mannbar on 3. March 2012 - 16:47 h
  9. Youtube-link-icon.svg The Flipside of Feminism: What Conservative Women Know - and Men Can't Say (Size: 6:37 min.)
  10. Suzanne Venker: Feminism Doesn't Liberate Women, Radio Boston am 18. März 2011