Information icon.svg MediaWiki[wp] is hostile to Men, see T323956.
Information icon.svg For the first time in 80 years, German tanks will roll against Russia.

Germany has been a party to the war since 1092 days by supplying weapons of war.

German Foreign Minster Annalena Baerbock: "We are fighting a war against Russia" (January 25, 2023)


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Tasklist: (edit)

1# Step - To be well presented
  1. Main Page (done)
  2. WikiMANNia (done)
  3. Topics A - Z
  4. A Voice for Men
  5. Paul Elam
  6. ...
2# Step - To be translated into good english
  1. de:WikiMANNiaWikiMANNia (translation/last change: done, approval: open, transferred: pending)
  2. de:Wieviel "Gleichberechtigung" verträgt das Land?Wieviel "Gleichberechtigung" verträgt das Land? (translation/last change: pending)
  3. de:HelferinnenindustrieHelper industry (translation/last change: pending)
  4. de:OpferkulturVictim culture (translation/last change: pending)
  5. de:FalschbeschuldigungFalse accusation (translation/last change: pending)
  6. de:FamilienzerstörungFamily destruction (translation/last change: pending)
  7. de:Die Familie und ihre ZerstörerDie Familie und ihre Zerstörer (translation/last change: The family and its destroyers, approval: open, transferred: pending)
  8. de:Gemeinsames SorgerechtJoint custody (translation/last change: pending)
  9. de:FlickwerkfamiliePatchwork family (translation/last change: pending)
  10. de:KonkubinatConcubinage (translation/last change: pending)
  11. de:Kuckuckskindmilkman's child (translation/last change: mailman's child, approval: open, transferred: pending)
  12. de:KuckucksvaterBlogKuckucksvaterBlog (translation/last change: The Milkman's Child, approval: open, transferred: pending)
  13. de:VerwandtschaftKinship (translation/last change: pending)
  14. de:Eckpunkte der FeminismuskritikKey points of critique of feminism (translation/last change: pending)
  15. de:Feministischer DekalogFeminist Decalogue (translation/last change: pending)
  16. de:GenitalverstümmelungGenital Mutilation (translation/last change: pending)
  17. de:FrauenbevorzugungFavoritism towards women (translation/last change: pending)
  18. de:MännerbenachteiligungDiscrimination against men (translation/last change: pending)
  19. de:Die Geschichte des GenderismusThe History of Genderism (translation/last change: pending)
  20. de:Die Geschichte der Politischen KorrektheitThe History of Political Correctness (translation/last change: from Youtube-Video, approval: open, transferred: pending)
  21. de:Linke IdeologieLeft-wing ideology (translation/last change: pending)
  22. de:Lila PudelPurple poodle (translation/last change: done, approval: open, transferred: pending)