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Black pill

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The Black Pill refers to nihilism[wp] and hopelessness in the face of feminism and misandry, or continuing personal incel[kw].[1]

OmegaVirginRevolt[ext] succinctly summarizes the Black Pill view: "There is no personal solution to systemic problems, and feminism/women is a systemic problem."[2]

The manosphere generally rejects the black pill in favor of the red pill.

The blackpill is a collection of uncomfortable truths about romance and dating. It has a large body of scientific evidence stemming from evolutionary biology and sociology.

Meaning of the "Blackpill" on Modern Forums

The way Blackpill is used by and braincels is slightly different from its original definition, in that it explains the idea that women are being picky without referencing the original definition's talk about societal hardship/prosperity. However, the word is still sometimes used as a general expression of fatalism. Also, like the previous definition, it's usage by and braincels is typically centered in evolutionary psychology and sociology. The term 'blackpill' as it's used on on those forums attempts to explain romantic partnership as stemming from 3 interrelated factors:

  1. Physical attractiveness
  2. Wealth
  3. Social Status

Five central themes about looks can emerge from this thesis:

1. Looks are necessary to the formation of physical or romantic desire

Women place a minimum threshold of attractiveness on potential mates.[3] Women also lie about the degree of importance of physical attractiveness.[4] One could begin to bargain that while looks matter, other factors matter too. One's full attractiveness could be seen as a composite score of their attractive features. Sadly, Looks were the only factor to predict interest in speed dating.[5] Attractiveness and masculinity also predicts a woman's chance of orgasm.[6] Looks are highly heritable as well.[7] There is an idea that looks only play a role in short team partnerships, while features such as personality matter more in a Long-Term Relationships. This is not the case.[8]

2. Looks are not distributed evenly among men

Looks, unlike features like height, are not distributed normally among the male population. One could imagine that that looks would be distributed in a naively simple way. Most are average. Some are attractive or ugly. Very few or grotesque or beautiful. The reality is that male looks are distributed according to a pareto distribution. 80% of men were rated below average.[9] Some put this at an even more lopsided ratio of 95-5.[10] Because of this, a large portion of men fight over a small portion of women.[11] The bottom 80% of men are fighting over the bottom 22% of women and the top 78% of women are fighting over the top 20% of men. If likes can be likened to money, then a small portion of men own a large portion of the tinder economy. The GINI coefficient (A measurement of inequality normally used to measure wealth inequality) Places the Tinder GINI coefficient at 0.58. This means that Tinder is more unequal than 95% of countries today.[12]

3. Looks are not subjective

Physical attractiveness is in someway innate and widely agreed upon. Infants prefer attractive faces over nonattractive ones.[13] Young children also make value judgements based on facial features. [14] Attractive features are widely agree'd upon.[15] The ratings given for an individual are never too far apart.[16] Even among widely different cultures, universal standards for beauty exist.[17] Women overwhelmingly prefer tall men to short men.[18]

4. The Dualistic Mating Strategy

One particular UCLA study states that, "a great deal of the evidence indicates two overlapping suites of psychological adaptations in women: those for securing long-term, cooperative social partnerships for rearing children and those for pursuing a dual-mating strategy in which women secure a social partner and engage in selective sexual affairs to gain access to good genes for offspring".[19]

Women are placed into a difficult situation because of the inherent catch-22 to human mating. She must select good genes to pass onto her kids. But a suitor who possesses quality genes may have many female suitors, and would be unlikely to commit resources to her, even if he selects one to marry eventually. There is a benefit to acquiring the good genes from a genetically superior male, and then fooling another male who is more likely to provide to raise these children. In this situation, she gets the best of both worlds, the genes from the good man and the parental investment from a more loyal male. As a result, Women prefer masculine men during ovulation.[20] Fertile women are more likely to choose a masculine man.[21] If a man is in a relationship, he is perceived to be more attractive.[22] Even when a less attractive male invests considerably into a partnership, the inclination to cheat to acquire better genes exists.[23]

Main article: Strategic pluralism

5. Hypergamy

Hypergamy is the natural inclination for women to "trade up" in terms of looks, money, and/or status. In a social environment which seeks to free human sexuality from cultural influence[wp], women become more hypergamous than men because they are naturally sexual selectors. Today, sexuality is very liberated, and women are extremely hypergamous, moreso than men, to the point of causing increasingly rampant inceldom among the male population.

Main article: Hypergamy


Each one of the five central themes plays a part in deriving Incel Vocabulary. Looks being necessary, unevenly distributed, and objective provides two familiar categories: the Incel and Chad. The social role of looks is also reflected in the use of the label Stacy to denote a better-looking female. However, there is more space left for disagreement over what constitutes a 'Stacy.'

It is often suggested that the blackpill means that "it's over" for incels with a certain physical and social status - that is, that they have next to no chance of 'ascending' or attaining sexual and overall fulfillment. The 'blackpill' also forms a basis for the occasional semi-humorous spin-off that depicts a depressing human tendency, for instance the 'dogpill.'

Original Definition

The blackpill philosophy about society was first proposed by a blog commenter named Paragon on the Dalrock anti-feminist blog in 2011 and later adopted by OmegaVirginRevolt's blog. In his comment, Paragon defines the blackpill to mean (paraphrased) 'there's no personal solution to systemic dating problems for men and only societal hardship (such as mass poverty) can solve men's systemic dating issues'. In other words, some blackpillers don't believe that a sexual marxist, wealthy welfare state is possible. Paragon, having dating difficulties in Canada, moved from Canada to the Phillipines, a less prosperous country than Canada, and married there. Not all incels or incel boards promote or believe in the original blackpill definition.

In paragons words, the blackpill was:[24]

Quote: «to reconcile that there are no personal solutions to systemic problems - which can only resolve over evolutionary time.

And any solution will very much entail steep trade-offs, in that males can’t have their cake and eat it too - a prosperous population of deferred ecological pressures(like we currently enjoy), without an expectation that this prosperity will increase the mating latitude of females(dramatically perturbing the breeding population, to the point of near evolutionary instability).

One will always follow the other, as male consensus on these matters is practically impossible in terms of inter-sexual competition(as opposed to the broad accord females enjoy through an abundant wealth of sexual opportunities, courtesy of their reproductively limiting function).»Paragon


Black pillers may feel that the most alluring aspects of the black pill, is that it gives people who are prone to gullibility an ideological basis whereby they could reject the barrage of "self-improvement" advice that is ubiquitous in media, advertising and in day-today platitudes. As such, it serves as a shield for people who may otherwise have faced financial or emotional exploitation.

The blackpill is corroborated by Bateman's Principle[tiw] which suggests that hypergamy is innate not just for human females, but among females mammals and other vertebrates as a whole.[25]


  1. The black pill and white pill[webarchive], Ramzpaul in April 2016
  2. Why the black pill, Freedom From The Gynocracy on January 1, 2012
  25. The Incel Wiki: Blackpill

External link

This article based on an article Black pill (26 June 2017) from the free Encyklopedia Kings Wiki. The Kings Wiki article is published under Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0). In Kings Wiki is a List of Authors available those who worked on the text before being incorporated in WikiMANNia.
This article based on an article Blackpill (May 3, 2019) from the free Encyklopedia The Incel Wiki. The The Incel Wiki article is published under an unknown license. In The Incel Wiki is a List of Authors available those who worked on the text before being incorporated in WikiMANNia.